29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer
When I graduated from university in 2020, my classmates still zipped the entire project and dated it with “final”, “final(2)”, and “final-forrealnow”. This is extra sad, because they did this in a class, where we were taught version control. Out of the 50-something people in my lab for that class, maybe like 3 people outside of me didn’t express hatred for it
I had a really sad eye-opener at university, in my third year. We had a lecture where they tried to explain what version control is, and the entire 300-something person class just said fuck it. These people honestly think that copying code to USB sticks and gDrive is easier than learning 4 commands, and a git frontend
This has worked great for me
At least from my experience, with a proper blacklist it shuts down a ton more stuff. Not just pure ads, but a ton of tracking and websites/apps phoning home too. You can configure it to be as strict or lenient as you’d like, basically. For me it’s nice, because I can just apply it to the entire network, and I don’t have to worry about trying to explain how this works to my family
I have a RaspberryPi with a Plex container sitting upstairs. Works like a charm