29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I have a RaspberryPi with a Plex container sitting upstairs. Works like a charm

At launch, I’ve upgraded my system to a 3900x, and even today, it fulfills my cpu needs. This thing is incredible

When I graduated from university in 2020, my classmates still zipped the entire project and dated it with “final”, “final(2)”, and “final-forrealnow”. This is extra sad, because they did this in a class, where we were taught version control. Out of the 50-something people in my lab for that class, maybe like 3 people outside of me didn’t express hatred for it

I have mine through namecheap too, although the name server is from cloudflare now. The only issue i’ve had was some shitty forums preventing registrations from anything that wasn’t @gmail.com

There’s a little more to it, but that’s how i run it, and my experience has been considerably better, than with the docker AIO. That being said, i’m worried about the potential security implications of this running on my home network. I don’t know enough of this yet to make an educated statement

I have mine on Namecheap, but i’ve moved the nameserver to Cloudflare. Been using them for a while, can’t complain at all. Am also paying for their email service on the same domain

We’re in the same boat. Hope it all works out for you. You got this

Having clear and healthy boundaries is incredibly important here. Otherwise you’re doing multiples of extra work for the same money. If they want more from you, they should also expect to pay more for you

The moment i’m told that i’m responsible for the success of the company as a whole, i’m asking to be promoted to CEO. I’m doing my job, as hired for. No more, no less

I had a really sad eye-opener at university, in my third year. We had a lecture where they tried to explain what version control is, and the entire 300-something person class just said fuck it. These people honestly think that copying code to USB sticks and gDrive is easier than learning 4 commands, and a git frontend

Not entirely unexpected. If you don’t know what you’re doing, a GUI will only accelerate the path between you and the wrong result, because these tend to abstract things too much at times

This reminds me a lot of Gitkraken. Vast majority of the time git cli is enough, but for that rare situation when an operation is too complex, the gui was very convenient. Shame they nickel and dime you on everything now

Same here. Got a Namecheap domain, that I’ve eventually migrated to a Cloudflare nameserver. Updates are ran by ddclient on the server itself

ArchlinuxARM, however it does not matter, given that everything I actually run, runs within Docker

I’m running this on a Pi 3b+, however the performance leaves more to be desired, when using Jellyfin. With Plex, this is not an issue at all. Smooth sailing, assuming you’ll not be watching bluray rips of gigantic file size

I could close my eyes to all of those, but the issue that pisses me off the most is that often enough Portainer just forgets which stacks it has ownership over, forcing you to delete the whole stack, dig up the old compose from its files, and create it again

There aren’t really any reasons to avoid it. There are certainly reasons to choose an alternative product, namely the complete unavailability of 4B and 5 boards. My biggest issue so far is that the alternatives offer features that I don’t want, or have a price that’s way too high for a SBC

The PHP I’ve once used is probably not even remotely close to the PHP people use today. The issue is, once you lose the trust and confidence, it’s hard to gain it back. All the people who consistently shit on PHP have also probably not tried it in a very considerable amount of time

It doesn’t matter what your host os is, if you’re using docker. Choose whichever one you like more

That was precisely the reason. I prefer strongly typed languages languages, so it just felt gross to write that

2, but I’m incredibly embarrassed to say that I’ve had to do 9 before

All my music rips go into the Lidarr indexer, and it handles the rest. Playback handled by Plex

I tried it very briefly, when it still brand new, because the regular client didn’t support replaygain. Found the UI/UX quite complicated, because of the super minified controls. Has anything changed in terms of that?

My entire media library is sitting on a NAS, fed to me through a Plex instance in docker. Works great

They updated to a version that included a patch for that exploit, however it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, because they’re still on 22.x, support for which has already been terminated

Not only that, but with JS you by definition have no code obfuscation. Minifying it just saves some bandwidth

Production errors at their finest

Debugging Typescript without proper tools, in a nutshell. The original file might have 72 lines, but the transpiled JS file it’s debugging is like 3 times that many

Namecheap has been good to me for a decade now, and I don’t really have complaints at all

I have a Syncthing container copying my entire DCIM folder on the phone. It’s jank, but it works fast, and I have copies of stuff on my other devices by extension

At least from my experience, with a proper blacklist it shuts down a ton more stuff. Not just pure ads, but a ton of tracking and websites/apps phoning home too. You can configure it to be as strict or lenient as you’d like, basically. For me it’s nice, because I can just apply it to the entire network, and I don’t have to worry about trying to explain how this works to my family

I totally get that tbh. The app keeps giving me notifications for recommendations of shit from services I never even connected. I use this exclusively for my local media

I’ve used both for an extensive amount of time, and found Plex to be superior in basically every way. It’s both nicer to use, and the library is a bit easier to manage. Not to mention all the back-end things you might want to use if you’re heavy into video usage