he/him, queer trans menace, opinionated leftist

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Is “suck my dick capitalist techbros” food enough?

I’m no tech guy, but in my understanding, AI is just a tool, that in our capitalist nightmare of a world only amplifies opression and profit oriented practices over people and the planet but it’s nowhere near being sentient or actually thinking

I give little to no shit about collaborators’ feelings. They want to make things good for themselves and throw everyone else under the bus. Their politics have no place in our collective liberation

I also feel similar to many other commenting folks: that if you have avoided the “hahaha look at me, i don’t like things, that makes me so intellectually superior to you normies who enjoy anything” tone this could have been a good discussion. Also, we have tropes beacuse us humans share a couple of things in common, that we want to express and connect with. It’s the human that shines through these tropes, and at the end of the day, they’re tools that could be used well or poorly, but narration has tropes, just like wood is made of trees

Meta is not our friend and i’m concerned about how easily some people let in the ad-pushing, hate speech-enabling, data-harvesting supervillian

Under capitalism, i fear automationing will mean people losing their jobs only have worse, often dangerous opinions, that machines could do, meanwhile entertainment and the like will be flooded by even shittier quality AI made crap. I can only pray it will mean everyone’s basic needs being covered, but that requires a huge shift