Doctor xNo

Check out cVn! Where you can watch user-sourced pre-listed synchronized youtube videos while earning some XNO (Nano) for it, or queue your own youtube video of choice to the list for some crypto-dust, all while chatting in a chatroom with the rest of the viewing community.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 04, 2023


I actually spent time on ripping the ‘you wouldn’t steal…’ video from the first DVD that I had with it on it, just for the sheer irony. 😅

I just use * as a local dns entry in my own server with local addresses using and itself going to my gateway/routerpage. 😅

I’ve always used Veracrypt since I discovered its existence.

Nice inconspicuous encrypted loop-files you can mount manually when needed (or automount at boot, but that already makes them a lot less safe) and backup to any cloud safely, as without the password they are useless.

Yeah, as said in another comment too: That’s very likely VLC’s post-processing. It doesn’t look bad on your Kodi, VLC just enhances it as it plays while Kodi actually just shows you the real quality. 😅

I use Kodi too as part of a whole automation setup (so I can use it like a free Netflix that only adds anything I watch while I only need to add filters once per series) and I have gotten used to it now as it doesn’t bother me anymore, but in the beginning I do remember noticing it more too, thus having to make that hard choice for the ease of automation over post-processing. 😅

Kodi is worth it on my Android box, though, as VLC’s magic doesn’t seem to be so effective on Android(TV)… 😜

“I see a wooden sculpture of the state of California…”

Walks into wall

I suppose this is not the place to post memes about it right now… 😅

You shouldn’t… You should also not be on the internet with that temper against strangers with different opinions…

You do know it’s full of those, right?

Either way, I did not advocate for any such a thing. I’m only saying that the way to deal with a problem is by taking on the cause, not the results… Results will keep coming if the cause remains.

Go stick your effort into getting rid of CSAM’s creation. That way there’s no more children harmed instead of you just making yourself feel better cause you attacked someone on the internet that wouldn’t hurt anyone, but you just preassumed did cause he thinks differently on the subject. I’m not even a CSAM interested person. I hate children getting hurt as much as the next guy. I just wish we worked on a solution instead of bandaids.

And I’m just not taking part in the bandaid part. 🤷‍♂️

This comment could answer your previous… 😅 You’re not even being consistent in your attacks that have no base.

I certainly did not advocate to enable child abuse anywhere. I just advocated against going after the wrong people and outing frustrations on the ones that didn’t do it. Just like you are proving to do now with me… 🤷‍♂️

Why are you so offensively upset on a comment that did not say what you put into it as retaliation. Literally changing my point to be able to attack me with it. 😅

Like I said. Keep your anger for people actually doing wrong, not on the ones that merely think differently than the exact way you do.

Also if somebody films a murder, do we punish everybody that wants to see the video? No.

Then why are we punishing people that just watch it while not solving anything on those making them? 🤷‍♂️

Logic is a thing people apparently give up for authority. Not me though. Someone that wants to watch CSAM is not your business, just like it isn’t if they watch murder, space stuff of baby cats… (And no, I don’t think they are the same. Taking that from this would just be not wanting to think logic to make another inconsistent counter-attack, so please, don’t.)

The harm with CSAM is already done and you’re taking it out on the wrong persons with help of even worse people, wasting time on targets for what they might do instead of using it on people who actually did/do the bad things creating them.

Good job… Meanwhile I’ll continue to focus on people that actually did something wrong…

I agree, yet privacy is still more important than people watching media they didn’t make. I advocate any and all people making those should be our target, not senselessly give up rights so we can punish those that didn’t hurt anyone. And I just don’t believe in the current legal system and allowing people that unpunished do attrocities to deal with other people doing them does not form an ok with me. 🤷‍♂️

You are literally going to idiots that don’t solve the problem and are proven to do similar bad things themselves, who are using offense towards the people so attention diverts away from them, and you are arguing to ‘me’ that I don’t want to do the same stupidity…? 🤷‍♂️

Go take a better look at your own actions, dude…

I understand this policy of needing to report them to official authorities is a new thing they now added out of fear of losing their grip of control on social media when people swarm to private instances.

My standards however will always remain on “No government has any business in private stuff.” Just like everybody follows default trafficlaws on private parkings, but in reality they are just rules of the owner and unless you do damage the police can’t do anything for driving wrongly on them. Same goes inside a store. Government has no say in how internals are handled and will only be allowed to note damage and allow the owner to press charges, if they so chose. I’m just drawing that basic right further to everything, including any privately setup software.

I kinda also feel that if I have to go and involve government authorities, it takes away a large basic reason to even go private. I’m not paying servercosts to still having to deal with government [insert bad word here]…

Governments can suck it and I’ll just deal with my own issues. There is absolutely no way in hell I’m going to voluntarily contact any government [insert different bad word here] for things I am doing in private. They can go stand on their heads for all I care…

NB: This is in no way an attack towards you or what you commented, voting it up even cause you were very helpful and I do agree in general it’s best to give the legals and leave it up to people to choose to follow that or not, I just needed to get this frustration about government control in private setups off my chest… 😅

I use Zerotier-One for the vpn part, also real easy to setup as an alternative.

You could use Nano (or Vim) over SSH, or set up a Samba-share from the server and mount it in your local OS somewhere.

Yeah, I have a 4G CGNAT router, so I’m not only constantly hopping IP’s, I’m even sharing outside IPs with others simultaneously. I rarely see other torrents than mine, though it does happen. I honestly also had the bad content flag once for a file I certainly wouldn’t download. 😅

Just a fun FYI: If you want to know what can be seen torrenting from your current IP, visit

It wil show you anything publicly trackable and occasionally assign tags according to your habits. You can also check anybody else’s IP you know of too, and look at what your IP-neighbors have on their name,…

Tags I’ve seen assigned are mostly ‘Porn’ if you torrent at least 1 known xxx and I even encountered a highlighted differently-colored tag twice in neigboring IP’s that clearly state it’s questionable content of subjects that did not go through the accepted minimum amount of birthdays yet.

Always an interesting tool to check when connected to a friend’s wifi or a public shared one… 😅

I find it weird how “Hey, I want you to listen/watch to what I made.” transformed into “Hey, you can only listen/watch if you paid for it.”

Guess I won’t then…

I dunno, my torrents are never corrupted or missing either abd download full speed for free. I see everything I want minutes after it airs, with FileBot sutomatically sorting everything for free all I need to do is open Kodi on my AndroidTV and select what I want to watch…

I see no need or afvantage of changing that to anything that costs me money to get the exact same result… 🤷‍♂️

I think it’s just peopke that did pay justifying themselves to themselves after the fact. There is no real advantage at all…

Sure, but with free alternative s in piracy, then paying for it again (however little) is taking steps direction streamingservices…

Why would one pay for pirated stuff (to people that didn’t even do any effort in creating the content or even in doing the pirating, nb), while it’s also freely available through different means that are just as easy and capable of being automated? 🤔

Anyway, the above is not arguing , the above is a genuine question.

Yeah, but unlike 20 years ago where it just came with email accounts, Newsgroups/Usenet aren’t/isn’t free anymore, right? Well, you have some free ones still, but they are filtered for piracy and alike, so rather unusable.

So, do you happen to know any free ones with everything still available or do you just pay for Usenet? If the latter, I don’t really see the difference with streamingservices (other than maybe having the file locally, but torrent does that for free too) and it takes away the whole reason of pirating stuff if you’re still gonna pay for it, imho. If the first though: Please share! 😅

I acquired one already and I used .re, which is a French registrar available for any EU citizen and currently doesn’t even require verification (though might in the future, but I’m from the EU, so I can do that.) Not going to put the full url out here for display (for security reasons), but I can tell you it ends in …, which is very obviously part of the name, especially with what’s in front, so I think I got something in between that reaches both worlds: It’s an official country registrar (so won’t easily disappear), I am allowed to use it and it still is one word with the TLD… 🙂

Doctor xNo
toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDomain names

I did come across this TLD already and at a minimum of $200/year (up to 350) it kinda disqualifies for the financially aware mediocre personal user. 😅

It would have had good options though…

I hadn’t considered the possible future discontinuation of the new commercial TLD’s actually… Thanks for bringing that up… Might influence my ‘taking a .com anyway’-side to take the lead… There’s something about .com’s that will always feel more legit…

lmao, I see your point, but I was there 25 years ago too, and however much I tried to stop it, time just went on progressing getting me to this moment that I want a new one and no time machine yet to go back. 😅 By ‘too late’ I meant ‘after having just bought another now’. 😜

Also, since the Fediverse is starting to boom, domain names for instances did become kind of cool again… 😅

Doctor xNo
toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDomain names

Not a bad idea, I would do this, but the problem is that I want to use it for email and a Synapse Matrix server, which both are rather attached to their domain names. 😅 Changing to a new domain would mean starting over… 🤔

Hey, I was looking for a second fun domain, and I know this is a hard subject, since nobody really likes giving away rare finds of unused, cheap, and yet cool domain names, so not asking for suggestions. I actually found a whole bunch of those against my own expectations last week, tbh, but I'm still looking for a 'perfect one'. So, my question is: how do you go about looking for fun domain names? Is there anything that can help with getting something nice? And what are your expectations in getting one? (Short? Funny? Pronounceable?) I did already try asking a LLM (ChatGPT) or three, but I actually came up with way better ones than those could generate, so they aren't adding to the solution. I also tried those websites that ask you to enter a few words to put one together, but they were even worse, cause they just spit out .com addresses, while I like to integrate the TLD into the name (like for [already taken] example: ""). 😅 Or do I really have to depend on my own imagination alone? Cause the thing is that my imagination is known to usually spit out the best ideas when it's just too late. 😅 Anyway, TL;DR: Any input that improves the finding of a good unique domain name would be welcome. 😜

What I don’t get is why people must ‘migrate’ to the Fediverse. All these companies managing multi-socials on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, sometimes even Instagram, but to use Mastodon and Lemmy suddenly seems to require them dropping a commercial one…

Don’t get me wrong, people dropping the commercial ones are great for stopping monopolistic control, and I totally support the action, but I wish companies still remaining on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etcetera could just add Mastodon and/or Lemmy to the collection, yet it rarely seems to happen…

I have a 5G CGNAT ISP router, but distanced myself from it by adding my own full access router connected via a LAN cable to my ISP one and using its wifi instead of the ISP’s wifi. This prevents the ISP router from stealing IP addresses (it can literally do whatever it wants to its IP ranges as long as it feeds internet through the LAN cable), and gives me full control over local network IP addresses (as I also am not provided any login to the ISP router).

Might be an extra NAT, but that kinda becomes moot being behind CGNAT that can’t open external ports anyway.

I still download subtitles from their .org site, without an account, for everything I watch from my Kodi… I didn’t even know it wasn’t free. Always seemed to be anyway. 😅 I dunno how the plugin I use does it, but it can still to this day just get me subs for anything I watch without any login information, and it’ll then auto-add advertisement in the empty beginning and end minutes, which you can even easily remove…

I know they say this isn’t possible anymore and even that you can only use their new .com website, but I assume there’s still a free loginless API open on .org somewhere. 😅

Having weird Google Wave flashbacks. At least, I think that’s what it was called… I also did not know about this Jamboard until now though…