• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


So, Vietnam isn’t communist?

Pedophiles and sex abusers can’t get insurance!!

Can Poillievre solve this Canadian religion crisis?

I’m glad I barely skimmed the wall to find this first post.
Thanks for the timesaving.

What’s this new-fangled docker whatchamalcallit do-hickey thingy?

Do I need MS-DOS?

What this guy says.

If you wanted to go the vps route, I have a 3GB KVM with racknerd that’s $28/year. Tailscale + tunnels, and bob’s your uncle

So, you’ve gone from:

reverse proxies don’t add security


“adding a proxy” does very little

What’s next?

Give up. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

…maybe use a reverse proxy…

+1 post.

I would suggest definitely reverse proxy. Caddy should be trivial in this use case.


Evolution of Capital Gains Tax in Canada

This inclusion rate increased to 66.67% in 1988 and to 75% in 1990. This lasted about a decade and in February 2000, the rate was reduced down to two thirds, which lasted until October 2000, where it was dropped back to 50%, where it has remained to this day.

1988 Mulroney increased

1990 Mulroney increased

2000 Chretien reduced and reduced.

Notice anything?

Instead of helping fix their barn, Goyette-Wiggins says the Save the Children Convoy left her family with thousands of dollars in unpaid bills.

“Hydro outstanding is over $3,000, not to mention damages, broken equipment, the clean-up, broken fruit trees and so much more,” Goyette-Wiggins told PressProgress.

We don’t need to know your pron prefs, pal!

Exit node is a VPS (Racknerd)

eta: it’s quite the deal tbh

Tailscale uses wireshark, which is peer-to-peer. Their “free” plan allows you to set up a network using their “coordination” server, which simplifies administration of your tailnet.

You control dns, exit nodes, etc, so tailscale isn’t involved with the vpn itself, hence no speed limits.

You ultimately determine what tailscale collects as far as client logging.

If you block client logging, Tailscale may not be able to provide technical support.

I imagine the docker image serves to eliminate tailscale from the equation.

ETA: there are quite a few ad-blocking dns servers.

I currently use nextdns.io

There are “public” pihole servers: use their dns, or the many other ad-blocking servers out there as the dns for your VPN.

Tbh, I’ve stopped the selfhosted vpn route and use tailscale (which can be selfhosted/has a docker image). It doesn’t get simpler.

Top 5

Victoria, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Ottawa.

That’s all the article actually ranks.


Ottawa’s total vegan restaurants (203) was beaten only by Vancouver, which ranked in eighth place.

Here in Ontario, edible pieces are limited to 10mg thc. Fucking pointless. Thankfully, I’m 2km from a rez. Most Ontarians aren’t.

In PQ, which was a haven for cannabis pre-legalization, you can’t purchase cannabis vape products bc the thc levels are too high (due to the concentration, duh!), and distribution is government stores…

Dumb, meet dumber.

Canadian businessman Frank Stronach charged in sex assault probe | CBC News
Stronach was arrested Friday and charged with 5 criminal offences, police say

Peeps are afraid to sell their shit. I’m a boomer, and my peers, colleagues, and folks I’ve known forever, are dying.

Many have never really stopped working nor begun living the life they worked all their lives working for.

They all could have sold their shit 10 years ago and LIVED off the interest!

But nope! Their dreams die in their sleep. As do they.

oxiois almost half what Teksavvy charges (Hamilton, 120 down - 10 up $49 vs Teksavvy’s $90, albeit they’re on limited sale now)

Koodo offers internet in Ontario with similar pricing to oxio.

I stood up in my living room and gave you a six minute standing ovation.*

Can’t wait for the lemmy post.

  • I actually sat on the shitter and tugged one out instead.

It counts as something - it’s out there, and up to the viewer to process.

Thank you.

Do you have any kind of source or reference that indicates this is any kind of an issue?

Is this akin to “that one guy” who fakes homelessness to scam pennies?


To enter Canada without prior authorization for the purpose of seeking asylum is not a crime under international and Canadian law.

Why? Because it is not always safe or even possible for a person running for his/her life to obtain proper travel documents to reach safety in another country.


The NP and PCs have to bigot, because bigots gotta bigot.