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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


I haven’t played it properly either. But there’s a community mod called Deus Ex Revision (It’s also on Steam). Which improves some of the graphics, and looks to include a bunch of QoL features.


It’s not that it’s closed, it’s more that none of the exiting email protocols support a server which can’t read your email (as it’s all encrypted). They do offer Proton Bridge which you can run locally which will handle all the decryption and local mail clients can talk to that as the would any other mail server.

I don’t know off hand if it supports calendar syncing though.

Proton is not the same as a VM. It has direct access to your filesystem. It could delete your entire home directory if it wanted to.

FYI for anyone interested. Immich is a open source, self hosted system for photos/videos like Google Photos. It uses machine learning locally for facial and general image recognition.

I’m not sure if their app does it. But the gluten docker container supports their port forwarding. Works really well if you’re looking to route other containers through a VPN.

This is what I do as well and it’s been working great for me.

This was the tool I used. It worked great for me.

Set Immich up a couple weeks ago and I’m surprised how good it is. Their docs included a simple cli tool to bulk import all my Google photos. Mobile app is working great. I’m really impressed with the search too.

  1. We get paid $70 per weekday and $105 per weekend. I think it’s $140 for public holidays.
  2. Eh, it can be a bit annoying at times. It’s pretty easy to swap with people as needed. I believe we’re allowed to opt out of it too, some of the other devs have. Since we’ve started it we’ve tuned our monitoring scripts that false alarms are pretty rare.
  3. Any time spent on incidents is rounded up to 15m. Which can make it feel quite unworth it if you get an alert in the middle of the night. Unsurprisingly since they reduced down from an hour it’s taken at least 16m to investigate any alert.
  4. We’ve got a decent number of people on rotation that I’m only on call about three weeks a year.
  5. Australia

7 Billion Humans and Human Resources Machine (same developer) are probably the most kid friendly ones I’ve played. TIS-100 I found quite fun, but it’s assembly like programming which might be a hard starting point for kids. Zachtronics also make some good games, but the ones I’ve played are more programming games masquerading as something else E.g. chemistry with SpaceChem.

There’s a bunch of great programming games available on Steam. A lot of them start pretty basic, so might be useful for teaching the basics and driving interest.

This is pretty similar to my setup except for using a Valve Steam Link over the nVidia Shield. PS5 controllers connected to Steam Link. Steam Link connects to my desktop (over lan, previously PoE worked well). It works quite well overall. A small number of games seem to have issues with being streamed, but they’re pretty few and far between.