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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Can you change the history list size?

TF2 is a class based team deathmatch FPS. One class, one character.

In hero shooters you have multiple characters with different abilities that make them distinct from each other, yet all can conform to a certain class type and role.

Ever considered rogue-lites?

  • Hades
  • Crypt of the Necrodancer
  • FTL
  • Slay the Spire
  • Enter the Gungeon
  • Dome Keeper
  • Into the Breach
  • Runestone Keeper
  • Spelunky
  • Rogue Legacy


I was actually going to the airport yesterday, and was wondering why the otherwise 30 minute drive took over an hour, with the lineups already reaching the hwy exit. I was explaining to my relative, that see, Montreal has such little foresight, they couldn’t build a train to reach the airport in fifty years, unlike Toronto and their Union-Pearson express, which makes YYZ a superior departure point.

Little did I know that this was a sit-in by activists. And the First Nation & Eco activists do this stuff in Toronto all the time. As in block the UP / CN lines, so it’s not like that would be exempt from delays either.

All the power to them mind you. I’m just trying to highlight my smugness and bias towards Toronto transit interconnectedness.


I must have been under a rock.

No wonder they were able to unionize so quickly. And I bet they had to, knowing Microsoft’s track record.

Wait, I’m missing something. What does World of Warcraft have in common with Microsoft?

In all seriousness, the BBC micro could probably render it.

Federally? Sure.

Legault is only marginally better than Drug Fraud though.

I don’t know. Isn’t the colour of the liberal party red, but the current one pretty fucking blue already?

Quebec does hydro. Ontario just calls it that, but majority comes from nuclear.

It probably wasn’t that good for propaganda to call it “Nuclear One” when they’ve privatized the crown corporation.

Because I’m not gonna watch it unless it’s about something that really interests me, but OP didn’t even bother to post it with a summary and their train of thought on it.

There’s nothing to fix. DNS-Over-HTTPS is entirety at the mercy of the DNS server you add in the configuration. I’m using Mullvad’s I believe, so if something doesn’t resolve over their DNS, then it could be that they are either blocked or throttled in resolving the target.

Happens to me all the time. Exempt website from DoH, works like a charm. Remove exemption, doesn’t load.

One would have to consider that all the legumes listed are not sources of complete protein and would need to be complemented with rice for example. The protein percentages per 100g is also fairly low in comparison, this means that it’s likely more carbohydrates.

I’d argue that pork chops are the most optimal source of full protein along with the fat it offers.

To get the same amount of protein and fat from tofu, the best vegan option, one would need to eat twice as much as one would eat chops.

But I don’t see tofu listed on this graph.

Ugh the brain “scan” though. I think that’s bs. At least in the show, not sure about the short story.

  • Plug lightning cable of faux-wired headphones into a charger brick.
  • Turn on Bluetooth and connect the faux wired headphones via BT while it not being connected to the phone via cable.


I’m working in fintech, and we share pii through DMs all the time (for investigation purposes). I’d be really surprised if the AI would need to train on that.

Publish the source. Look at id and Quake/Quakeworld. The game is still alive and well after Romero released all source codes to let people iterate their own clients and servers.

Because the milk cartel execs’ property taxes went up in Toronto this year?

I’d argue that no one gives a shit what the docx looks like as long as it looks good as a PDF or presentation slide.

And for that I use whatever is at hand, which mostly consists of Gsuite shit at work. Sometimes O365 for school (because NA is stupid) or work. At home it’s Libre still Gsuite…

What country is that? If it’s Canada, then it was (maybe still is) available on stack.tv with ads through prime or apple(?). The delivery is atrocious and stack.tv is already pricey as hell, so I don’t blame you if you pirate it.

Really good show though. Reminds me a lot of Les Maîtres du temps from the 80s.

Careful that it’s not “Your Independent Grocer” which is just another Loblaw shit.

Edit: or L’Intermarche, which is the Québecois equivalent.

I thought it is only making one stop in Kingston. That’s 127km for the first leg and about 260km for the second.

As of 2023, 26 studies have been completed on the idea of high-speed rail in the Ontario-Quebec Corridor and none have been implemented.

Yeah. I don’t have my hopes up.

Canadian railway is a bad joke. Stuck in the 70s. Even the US has high speed passenger lines in service, with many more planned and under construction. Morocco has a high speed rail. Romania does. Saudia Arabia!

Meanwhile this shit is the best we get. A new train from Ottawa at 4am to arrive in Toronto at 9am. A route which could be done by a HSR in about two hours.

Except Indians immigrating won’t work primarily in Tim Horton’s. That’s reserved for TFW.