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Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


If you are willing to join a German cooperative, you could (German language only):


They are quite expensive though.


The fact that that is what you took from that shows that you do not care about anything except pushing your cause.

Pushing my cause? And what would that be? Am I one of the „Jews behind the scenes“ that pulls all the strings or am I just a bought shill? Maybe both?

I am an European Atheist and my personal take on Religion is closer to Christopher Hitchens than Richard Dawkins.

Every single one of us was with you when this started, anyone who isn’t a hate filled idiot anyway.

That is a Lie and you know it. Just to pick one example: Not even UN women cared about all the rapes and murders that happened on October 7th.

That is what changed it, and I understand they were human shields, but how you treat human shields is important.

Yeah, when Israel starts to defend itself there are always calls for it to lie down and just take the attacks to (finally) die.

I always hear those highly moral people saying that civilian casualties are too high - but I have yet to find ONE that can explain what Israel actually could do better while fighting an asymmetrical war against a terror organization that hides among civilians and fights in civilian clothing. Please - indulge me / us.

Short History excursion: The UN partitioned Palestine and therefore created Israel. Directly after this „act“ the UN dropped the whole issue like a hot potato and left Israel alone to deal with the Palestinians. It would have been the UNs job to deal with the Palestinians (not just by creating UNRWA), but they just didn’t. Israel had to do it - just to survive. Nothing the Israelis did was ever good enough for the UN - the UN just let the Israelis do the „dirty“ work FOR the UN and then criticized the shit out of Israel.

I knew from the start that you didn’t want to discuss and only peddle your antisimetic bullshit - but it is nice to see you finally admitting to it openly.

I only wish you would be able to keep the stuff you vomit into the Internet shorter - it is rather boring to read.

It’s pretty well known that we (America) ended up creating isis.

We actually did it in the same way as Israel, we just spread our deaths out longer.

You are spreading the story that Israel created Hamas by Colonizing - when did the US colonize Iraq? You should get your story straight.

I’ve already rode the ride you’re about to start, and I recommend you get off of it.

What are you talking about? What ride „I“ am about to start?

Oh so are able to distinguish Palestinians and Hamas - but are not able to do the same for Israel?

You mean the UN partition plan from 1948 that Israel accepted to create Israel?

I understand that there actually might be some people that mean it in the ways you are explaining.

Since Hamas has adopted it more than 10 years ago, it is at least (!) a dogwhistle by now. The whole phrase is burned for a peaceful message because of this.

That’s far from the only interpretation.

What is the explanation then?

Quit framing the war as the cause. From the article:

A spokesperson for the UN in New York sent the Guardian a statement about Mokhiber, saying: “I can confirm that he is retiring today. He informed the UN in March 2023 of his upcoming retirement, which takes effect tomorrow. The views in his letter made public today are his personal views.”

So he informed the UN in March 2023 that he wanted to step down and now he did it.

He steps down because of his Retirement - not because of the Hamas - Israel war. Suggesting otherwise, is Disinformation.

The guy accusing me of condoning war crimes is now not happy that I called him a Keyboard Warrior.

You are right in one thing: there is no sense in keeping up the „discussion“

If you come upon some people raping some kid in an alley that doesn’t mean it’s somehow okay for you stand there and just watch because “this is rape and quite frankly worse things were done in other rapes”.

The argument “other people could have chosen to help and didn’t, therefore it’s fine for me to not help either” doesn’t cut it.

All right, then take a plane to Egypt and start to personally deliver that aid, if you just can’t stand by as the moral and ethical pure person you are. No? Took your mouth too full? Maybe you are a Keyboard Warrior after all?

If you, personally, think it’s morally fine to starve civilians and children that’s one thing - luckily many disagree which is why it’s deemed a war crime.

It is a war crime if it is actually done to starve the civilians, yes. And you love to throw around accusations, don’t you?

Why aren’t you fighting that the women and young children can flee - to Egypt or maybe even into Israel? That would actually be useful, don’t you think?

that has disproportionately killed people who have literally nothing to do with Hamas.

Yeah, this is awful, but this happens in EVERY war. What did you expect? This is what makes war - war.

It could also be a lot worse. Ever heard of Hiroshima - or about the carpet firebombing of Dresden?

You are searching morality in something, where there is none. This is urban warfare - WAR - and quite frankly - not letting Resources through Israeli border crossings - is nothing compared to things done in other wars. Especially as Egypt could deliver aid into Gaza from their border - But they chose not to.

So where is the „we are being silenced in the West / western media“ crowd, all of the sudden?

It seems really clear it was an argument against using an absurd example.

According to upvotes - many people only read the headline.

Never forget: 50% of the population have below average intelligence, by definition.

Where is that smile coming from? Is this a funny online game of words for you?

Israel has to defeat Hamas decisively and Hamas just tries to save their own sorry asses by telling the civilian population to stay where the israelian ground offensive will start. It is a deliberate plan by Hamas that civilians get killed. They want those pictures to drum up their support in Arab states.

They are also not very good in voting for politicians that actually act in their interest. It baffles me every day… what do you guys think is the reason for this?