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Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Nobody says they “built a trailer”. Created, edited, made, maybe even “put together”. But not “built”. It technically works, but it’s still wrong.

*Thinking about it more, I’d bet the program mixed up the word for house trailer or something else physical. Build/built would track better for that.

“ignore it” and “do the same thing” aren’t the only options.

I disagree with the tactic at large, but this wasn’t even that. They weren’t taking the wind out of the sails of someone defending the claims. They just brought up the couch shit immediately after seeing people talking about the well being of children. People are losing the thread and quickly.

If “the meme’s” work better than helping children, then we’ve already lost.

See, this is exactly why the whole “weird” shit is a mistake. They’re straight up declaring it’s “dangerous” to take care of children, and all you can think to contribute is the lie about jd fucking a couch? You really can’t be bothered to address the child abuse and fear mongering? Just shitty memes?

The rest of her tweets explains why they are crying “DANGER”

He put tampons in men’s bathrooms! He’ll trans kids. He took away parental rights. He’s woke & creepy.

So linking basic caring for children with the typical “groomer” bullshit.

Dudes the first millennial candidate and his opsec is worse than a 90 year old grandparent. Here’s hoping Harris’ vp is a millennial to save some dignity for the generation, historically speaking.

It’s a plot device for Dr Who writers to prolong tension. Do I get the job?

It’s more a criticism on them than it is on you, fwiw.

yt shorts is such an atrocious format to share any sort of information.

Bending over backwards to accommodate the loudest idiots in the room because they complain when they face consequences for their actions.

Your reading this wrong. The guy in charge is one of those idiots. He’s just doing favors for his friends. No bending required.

They’re all on instagram and tiktok. It’s very much happening on the most popular and most used social media platforms.

Yikes. I’ve never read Asterix and Obelix, but did they really make (I assume) the only black character a straight up knuckle-dragging gorilla imitation? 😬

More like “And I hope you learned not to trust the wellbeing and education of the children entrusted to you to a program that’s not capable of doing either.”

Eh, it depends on how much you trust/value the company or product. I got a first gen Steam Deck and, while I didn’t expect an updated model so quickly, I have no regrets. Even if it didn’t live up to my expectations (it has), I would’ve wanted to support a customer friendly device like this.

If it’s purely transactional, though, I agree - waiting for an updated or revamped version will be a much better value overall.

I love this scene. Taught me what “yak shaving” is and helps me explain it to other people.

Speak for yourself. I comment on obvious things all the time.

It’s an observation, not a “burn”.

That’s abundantly clear.

Sorry it bugs you, but it’s far better than the entirely uninteresting/unoriginal “Doom-like”. I get it’s standard practice at this point, but I’m happy whenever we get an actually interesting, poignant name.

Appending “-like” to any genre is so unoriginal and uninteresting.

Specifically, tax the fuck out of the massive earnings they rake in from investments while claiming the have next to nothing on their taxes.

Tldr Estimated total number of legal chess positions is (4.822 ± 0.028) * 10⁴⁴

What’s that got to do with not making DLC for a game anymore?

Except this isn’t about DRM, or even online game servers. They literally said all of that will continue. They’re just not making DLC anymore and people are calling it a “pump-and-dump”.

Well neither my comment nor the article is about online services like DRM, so not sure how that’s super relevant. And fwiw, I don’t know of any product that requires free support for all time by law, physical or otherwise.

When did it become the expected norm to receive endless updates for a one time purchase? How is that a “pump-and-dump”? Unless the game is a buggy, broken mess (and maybe it is, I’m not familiar with FC6), once the purchase is made, any additional content or service should be considered a bonus, not a mandate.

Unity: Everyone really seems to hate EAEA sure is making a lot of money

Also Unity: Let’s hire the CEO of EA



Bad nickname. Elmo is more of a man than Musk will ever be, and Musk is more of a muppet.

On “behalf” of Twitter. What a fucking clown.

His net worth has only gone up since he bought it, iirc

It absolutely didn’t. His net worth dropped over 50% in the months following the purchase. It’s back up above $200b at this point according to Forbes, but he’s still down from his pre-purchase state.

Interesting. I wasn’t aware of all that. Troublesome.

you need a Microsoft signed stub to boot anything other than Windows on a PC

Can you expand on this? Maybe I’m just misunderstanding you, but a “pc” is not a Windows made machine. It is a collection of disparate computer parts made by different companies with no requirement to run Windows as the exclusive OS once put together.

Even on a Windows OS, I can run any program I want (that’s made to operate with Windows). I may get a warning if it’s not a “known” developer, but I can still run it. Did I miss a big update to how 11 works with unknown software or something?

To be absolutely clear, this is what all the groups demonizing “CRT” were fighting for. All the "well acshually"ing about how CRT was only a college course, etc etc, completely missed the point of the campaign. They’re not interested in facts. They want to legislate away any claims of racism by making it illegal to talk about facts.