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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I’ve been eyeing Solasta for a while, but I’m curious, does the base game have enough meat to it, or is this a case where the base game is a bit lacking and really starts to shine in the dlc? I’ve read some reviews to this effect and would like to hear another opinion before I purchase it.

This librarian is a damn hero. Standing up to intolerance is full of risk, but for every one that has their life or livelihood endangered there are others that are heard and met with little or no resistance, and for those wins it must continue to be done. She took a stand knowing full well that it could cost her her job.

Many residents of Gillette will feel no shame for doing this today, but I hope they do one day very soon.

Sorry, wrong nomenclature. We are talking about the same subject (use of Reee) but I used the term OP in reference to the commenter you responded to. Sorry for the confusion.

My point was that calling out using Reee as ableism is uncalled for, in my opinion, because it is used to signify a record scratch (if this is not general usage and confined to my bubble of experience , I do apologize). Pointing out the possibility for offense when there clearly is no offense implied, and no one stating that they are offended, smacks of white knighting.

I feel like your comment came with good intentions, but to me it seems like unnecessary language policing. It’s a harmless onomatopoeia that could just as easily apply to the unrelenting tinnitus that rages inside of me.

I’m sorry but what? I’m not OP but that is a record scratch. End of story. There is no ableism even in the vicinity of OPs statement without someone shoehorning it in there.

Everytime I see or hear “woke” I mentally replace it with compassion/ate to get a true gauge of what the speaker really feels.

One third of one billion dollars? Google can find that in the couch.

Any chance of them announcing they’re getting out of the hardware business? As much as I love me some Nintendo, I really don’t think I’ll be buying another console from them.

I’ve been wondering, how do spez’s boots taste?