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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 21, 2023


There has to be a law against such heretical actions somewhere! Even if it’s .00, this computer is an affront to order! I propose we burn it alongside those frivolous computers who think they can simply name themselves .0 or .255!

Huh, I’m not sure they are comparable.

Didn’t USB A and USB B use a master-slave relationship in which the male would (generally) always be the slave, whereas USB C uses agreement and discussion to decide the master and slave roles regardless of connector gender.

Please do correct me if I’m wrong. Also, do we say “agent” now instead of “slave”, or what is the new term?

I’m pretty sure it’s more like

Junior dev: Got all the nice addons, RGB lighting, only uses dark theme, got all the stickers, works from either a café or moms basement.

VS Senior dev: Works on company standard issue hardware, barely customizes visuals (but got a script which makes a cup of coffee on the shared machine in exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds), works in shared office, has old rolling cabinet with unknown artifacts last touched 10+ years ago.

Obviously this is an overgeneralization and not a catch-all, you might even say that it’s “programmer humor”.

AI: “Can I copy your work?”

Phil: “Just don’t make it obvious.”


Everything nowadays that attempts to give back a little autonomy or freedom to the user is called piracy.

As long as an app could theoretically be used for piracy, even if it was made to circumvent toxic behavior of users’ bought and paid for products, then it must be properly labelled as piracy and taken down.

I’ll better stop before this becomes a rant.

Haven’t heard about that one, thank you for the heads-up.

First impressions:

  • From top 10 artists i follow:
    • 5/10 have profile and uploaded at least one song on Bandcamp.
    • 3/10 have an account on Audius (possibility to donate).
    • 1/10 has uploaded at least one song on Audius.
  • One MUST upload a profile picture to create an account.
    • About 1/3 of proposed artists during account creation have uploaded <5 songs, most seem to be remix and cover artists.
    • Didn’t figure out how to search for artists during account creation, ended up choosing 2/3 artists I’ve never heard of.
  • Not immediately apparent whether I can download bought music to a lossless format.
  • Not sure how to buy album or individual song at first glance.
  • LOTS of remixes and covers, not so much original songs (this is both good and bad).
  • Nice that you can donate arbitrary amount without buying anything, in case you already got the music from… other places…
    • I didn’t find anyplace where “$AUDIO” is explained, how much the artist receives, or what you receive if anything.

Less relevant observations:

  • weird pause/play button, sometimes there’s just a loading wheel spinning where it’s supposed to be, not really functional.
  • Slightly intrusive, had to disable some plugins (Javascript (obviously it’s playing music) and fingerprinting (cloudflare?)) for the site to load. Not relevant to music, but just a general observation since we’re in the piracy community.

Not much going on by now, but it probably just needs some time to grow and assimilate the likely soon-to-be-migrating Bandcamp user base. I’ll keep an eye on it, and probably revisit it once more artists have migrated to it.

But we’ll still need a proper place to support our favorite creators (where the artists actually receive some of the money). I wonder where people will migrate next.