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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Okay, so first of all, they currently have the power to raise and lower interest rates without the people’s approval. This isn’t some undemocratic seizure of power.

Secondly, I don’t think they should have carte blanche to raise and lower every tax. It could be within some range of the federally set tax rate, e.g 2.5 points above or below.

It’s merely an idea, as people often complain about the BoC only having “one lever”.

Because people don’t want higher taxes. Raising taxes is always politically unpopular even if for a valid reason. Politicians often do the opposite, e.g Trudeaus grocery rebate just puts more money into circulation and contributes to inflation. The BoC can operate autonomously from the federal government and could conceivably raise taxes when a politician would not have the political capital to do so.

why not just raise taxes, then?

Because it’s politically unpopular despite being good fiscal policy. Give some control to the central bank, who aren’t beholden to angry voters.

I agree that it’s unfortunate the central bank can only change interest rates. At the same time, fiscal policy often runs in the opposite direction. I wouldn’t be opposed to giving BoC some control over taxation, within a limited margin. It would give them one more tool so to speak.

Sadly it doesn’t matter if we have antitrust laws or not when no one is willing to enforce them.

I just don’t see the point? I had to learn cursive in elementary and haven’t used it at all since then. There has to be more valuable things these kids could be learning.

It’s actually painful to open r/canada up just to see another NP article making nonsense arguments upvoted to the top

The CRTC is worse than useless, I would be genuinely shocked if they did anything to hurt the telecom oligopoly

Trust me, I know. As someone living in Alberta right now the future is scary.

Imo it all comes down to finding. Politicians don’t want to spend money today even if it will yield huge returns for society down the line. The healthcare sector is hugely prone to market failure and cannot be left to private industry.

Some really promising additions here. I especially like the pedestrian roads, which hopefully means we will be able to build less car-centric cities this time around. Also the roundabouts look great.