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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


It comes out for me right after I get off of work on Thursday and I have Friday off to play it, not sure I’ll be sleeping much Thursday night lol. I’ve been waiting for years for a new armored core game.

Releasing dlss 3.5 on old cards eh? Scared of FSR 3 or something? It’s unusual for nvidia to support anything besides the current generation these days.

Removing the do not recommend channel option would be the quickest way to get me to actually just stop using YouTube. Half the people I watch are on nebula anyway and the rest of the time saved well my wife wants me to read more anyway. Ive been a paying google play music/YouTube red/premium subscriber for 10 years but that’ll do it for me.

Where can I see these allegations from Madison? I must have missed them.

Edit: I found them, right under this post on my front page lol.

Decent video until Linus gets on and immediately starts making excuses.

Just means this website fell for it. If enough do they’ll become synonymous with conservative education which is the point.

Prager U is specifically named Prager U because they aren’t a university and therefore can’t call themselves Prager University. Let’s not give them any more legitimacy than they deserve which is none.

Is now? The crazies have been anti-climate change/global warming my entire life, how is now any different?

Id settle for “stop pretending neoliberals are the same as fascists” but something tells me the “less progress than all the progress is worse than negative progress, I’m so smart” people aren’t very likely to do that.

Edit: yeah so looking at some of the stuff under here…smh

Unless they get a break up the company lawsuit before they do, yes.

So sick of “just use Firefox” as if everyone has forgotten how the last company to bend the web to it’s will using a browser didn’t kill the very thing Firefox was born out of. Either google doesn’t do this or it doesn’t matter if you use Firefox, your browser will either comply or die like Netscape Navigator.

None of the mod managers that I’m aware of you’d generally be using for nexus mods do so idk why that matters.

Eh, from what I can see on his GitHub it looks like he’s still working on it.

Yeah it was in some sort of maintenance mode from 2016 to 2021, though I see that the developer has continued working on it under the subtitle Community Edition to this day.

I wouldn’t say that’s why it was shelved, the old nexus mod manager was a broken buggy mess that fucked up all your game directories. Vortex sucks but it is better than NMM without rose-tinted glasses. Now does vortex suck because nexus sucks and doesn’t let the dev make it not suck? Probably. The guy that made it made Mod Organizer and that’s great.

Nexus Mod Manager has been dead since gosh, 2017 or so I want to say. They kept it around for a few years and I think you can still get it from somewhere on their site but iirc they hired the guy who made Mod Organizer 1 to make Vortex, the new Nexus Mod Manager. Mod Organizer is amazing though so idk why Vortex sucks so much.

I’ll admit the idea Alabama could have elected a female governor did not occur to me, seems somewhat out of character tbh.

I don’t really know what I’m doing so I’m currently banging my head against a wall trying to get nextcloud to work alongside a wordpress site both in docker, and this Lemmy is on a linode. I know a lot more about self hosting than I did a month ago that’s for sure, I wonder how long until I start trying to use ssh in my dreams.

I’m inclined to agree with you that the ram is causing the crashing. I was running mine on the free oracle vms with 1 core and 1gb ram and it would crash constantly. I switched to a 2gb linode and it’s been flawless since.

Well propegating the idea it’s cool to have years long uptimes regardless of the fact it may be practical for you in this instance iis nonetheless dangerous.

I’ll be honest with you, aside from the fact I can’t get a static IP or forward ports I’ve naver really had any issues with it. I use discord for voice chat and don’t play on consoles though.

Well hosting a web server is against my isp’s terms of service so I’m playing dangerous either way lol. But I only use it for my nextcloud, I plan on either switching to FiOS or upgrading to business internet with my current provider so I can get rid of the cgnat.

I use a cloudflare tunnel connected to a domain name but it can be slow sometimes.

I know lol, I went from a little baby Silverstone itx case to this monstrosity. I love the modularity of it but it’s just so big. I don’t think I’ll go back to itx, it’s honesly a fucking pain, but I’m probably getting a slimmer case.

I might move my server to my CoreV21 at the end of the year when I upgrade my desktop. Love the case but it’s a bit large ot have on top of my desk.