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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Paying less than 10$ a month for mobile data with unlimited 4g (5g unlimited in this plan for the testing phase). Living in a third world country. Wifi connection is unlimited at 100mbps speed at almost the same amount.

Out of curiosity, just someone not supporting trans people or lgbtq are getting banned or they are taking asshole behaviour and spewing hate speech?

Edit: good fucking world. I am not against lgbtq. I am supporting it. I am a bi curious guy. I am all in for their civil rights. I was asking a question about why that guy was banned. For asshole behaviour or just having a different opinion. I don’t believe just for telling someone doesn’t care about lgbtq is not a reason for ban.

For me the majority of my usage will go nicely with firefox. None of the streaming apps or services I use require DRM, because they are piracy sites. I don’t give a damn about pirating. Only if it is implemented then some banking services I use or food delivery service gonna use this. Which I don’t mind using chrome for. All others will be done through firefox. We can’t do anything against all these. So find some loop holes in the coming times to make it in our favor.