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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Pretty sure they mean 4.1 > 5.4 > 7.29 … , so after 10 years 82% of Canadians will be being murdered. By year 11, it will start killing non-canadians with a 111% adoption. In 30 years, we will all be dead

I personally use lidarr to download and picard to tag, but use plex/plexamp to listen locally and on my phone

Seconding (thirding) logseq! Your daily journals all show up in one long scrollable page (delimited by the date and such) so you can easily see what happened previous days, etc. If you click one it brings up that page in full screen if you want to focus on it, it works very nicely imo.

You also aren’t limited to just journaling, you can use it for a pkm system. Say that you journal for that day about learning something, you can do this:

  • Today I looked into [[eulers_formula]] ** Created by Leonard Euler ** e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x) ** Etc

When you go to the eulers_formula page, all of that info will be in the links section without having to leave the page. I personally do all that, then write my own summary of the info on the page itself, so I have the original content and my take on it.

It’s also fully foss, you can pay for their sync service to have it available on multiple devices all the time and it’s fully encrypted in transit so they can’t see your info, I personally just use syncthing and haven’t run into any issues using it on my phone and computer unless you try to modify the same file at the same time (which isn’t really something you would ever do)

I’m very partial to doom emacs. I love the emacs ecosystem but the default editor made me want to cry, doom emacs gives the awesome text editing of vim with the awesome ecosystem of emacs (significantly smoother than viper too)

The religious marriage to rule them all: doom Emacs (or other packages that do similar things). All the excellent text editing of vi/vi/vi/vim, the ecosystem and all the features of emacs.

For anyone who hasn’t heard of doom Emacs, it’s emacs with a lot of customizations baked into it, one of the biggest selling points is that everything uses vim keybinds now (where it makes sense). You get the amazing ecosystem of emacs with the ease of movement and editing of vim, plus a lot of other QOL features. It’s also just vanilla emacs with pre-made (and easy to edit) config files and helper functions so you can move over existing stuff if you want, and you don’t have to worry since all the emacs packages will still work, since it’s still emacs

So far I really haven’t had musicbrainz be missing any artists or songs, idk if its different if you listen to indie or niche music though

You should check out last.fm (or musicbrainz, which I prefer since its open source). You connect your apps to it (Plex, tidal, Spotify, etc), they send over songs as you listen to them, you can rank them as love or hate (and some other stuff) and they curate playlists and artists that they think you’ll like based on your listening habits

Same here, idc about some of my containers going through VPN (tandoor, gitea, Plex, etc) but my whole arr suite, qbittorrent, and sabnzbd are routed through a gluetun container that uses my protonvpn credentials. Never have to worry about turning my VPN off for gaming or something since the… totally legal research papager aquirerer apps… are all routes through the VPN which changes it’s connection every 4 hours (changes my public IP but also just to make sure none of the containers run into any issues that they can’t figure out without a restart)

Yep, their free servers are great for trying out the service and web browsing if you don’t it being slow, but none of the free servers are p2p enabled. Only paid servers have p2p

Step 1: multiply all inches by 2.54 on the plans and not mess up or miss any of them
Step 2: have fun cutting on fun cm decimals like 6 inches = 15.24 cm

Like the other comments, I use qbittorrent. I recommend running your VPN with gluetun and routing the traffic from your qbittorrent container through it. If the gluetun container is down, no traffic at all. If it’s up, everything goes through the vpn

I don’t use readonly with dbeaver, but I do have the prod servers set to automatically make transactions and have to hit a button to commit. Almost certain it asks confirmation that I want to make the changes to prod which is nice too (I rarely have to touch our sql server prod)

I’m a data engineer that occasionally has to work in sql server, I use dbeaver and have our prod servers default to auto-wrap in transactions and I have to push a button and confirm I know it’s prod before it commits changes there, it’s great and has saved me when I accidentally had a script switch servers. For the sandbox server I don’t have that on because the changes there don’t matter except for testing, and we can always remake the thing from scratch in a few hours. I haven’t had an oppsie yet and I hope to keep that streak

Time machine + $100 for a lifetime subscription to nzbgeek. I got a lifetime subscription a couple months before they removed the option, only had it for a few months now but well worth the money already. Most of my shows, movies, and music come from it (supplemented by torrenting)

In terms of electricity consumption, it’s still not going to be huge, just was noted in case you wanted to go smaller. You can almost certainly go smaller, but at the same time if you already have the hardware it’s not going to be useful to sell it second hand and buy new hardware that has less performance.

Hosting static websites at home is fine if you really want to, but for anything dynamic and/or that will have a lot of users, get a vps (basically a server that you pay for storage and compute resources on and can use remotely how you like, including hosting stuff like mastodon and lemmy instances)

Usenet is usually a lot faster, for most things you can basically max out your bandwidth (or whatever the max you set your download client to) instead of it being determined by the number and quality of seeders. Newer releases torrents also download very fast, but after a few months or years the seeders drop off a lot, usenet is always the same speed even if it’s super old and most keep stuff indefinitely or for 10-20 years or so (longer if it’s being grabbed a lot still)

Also one nzb site is usually enough, you don’t need to check a bunch of different torrent sites since it’s basically one massive one. I use prowlarr so I have it check nzbgeek for everything first and a bunch of torrent sites as backups in case it isn’t there, but almost everything gets grabbed from usenet

I’m happy to help if anyone needs help with docker and/or Linux stuff. (I’ll probably try to convert you to Linux, the os to rule them all. You’ve been warned) Wont necessarily be everything or set it all up for you, but enough knowledge to get you started and able to learn more yourself is doable

For op, that setup is likely overkill, most stuff will use more ram than cpu and very few self hosted apps will use the GPU at all (Plex and jellyfin are the only ones that come to mind). Only hurt to it being overkill is a higher power usage than a smaller setup, but if you already have it running full time then it’s unlikely to make a different

I’ve been using nzbgeek for a few months and have a friend that’s used it for a few years, no complaints and pretty cheap

For books and music, I pirate them and if I genuinely like it and would buy it myself then I donate the cost directly to the artist (unless they’re an artists with a stupid amount of money). For music it’s kind of depends on how much I like their music, but usually I’ll donate the cost of an album or something (I don’t donate if they already have stupid amounts of money though). For books, I’ll usually donate the cost of a paperback (5$-$10) if I liked it, or a hardcover ($25-$30)

It comes with multiple benefits: I don’t pay for something I don’t like, the entire cost actually goes to the people I want to support instead of 40% or whatever going to whoever prints the books or releases the music, and I no longer have to pay subscriptions to support platforms that take advantage of small artists and pocket a significant amount of what I pay for the subscription (looking at you Amazon and Spotify)

First ones that come to mind are:

https://www.bookstackapp.com/ - sets out your uploaded data like books. Can do books, chapters, pages, etc.

https://www.dokuwiki.org/DokuWiki - more standard wiki, also everything is stored in plain text so it’s easy to distribute and use source control on (no database backend)

https://tiddlywiki.com/ - full fledged wiki, bit different layout though since it’s all on one page. Clicking an internal link scrolls to that page so it’s pretty quick.

All are free and open source, almost certain they all have docker images too. I haven’t tried any of them but I’ve looked into them since I’ve been thinking about it

I looked into it, bazarr does have an option for looking for forced subtitles so it can handle that automatically for you too! (Also hearing impaired and exclude audio options). You can set it on a per-language basis too if you happen to speak/read multiple languages

Ahh, that’s more difficult, but should be doable in theory. It will likely have to be done manually (not sure if bazarr has a setting for it), you’ll be looking for subtitles that have “forced” in the name somewhere. I know the subtitles you can get natively in Plex sometimes offer forced versions, but I don’t watch many shows with foreign language in them

The bazarr tip is great, especially if you use radarr and sonarr. Even without it, Plex will let you search for subtitles and can find decent ones most of the time. I ran into enough cases where tv shows didn’t have subtitles so I made a bazarr docker-compose, pointed it at my movies and tv directories, and have had zero issues since. Automatically grabs it and everything, if you want subtitles on something you just downloaded you can go into the webui and search immediately instead of waiting too

I personally have my torrents default to 2:1 ratio or 7 days of seeding, whichever comes first. I have unlimited Internet so I don’t worry about it, I’ll only remove them before that if they’re 50+gb (entire seasons, some movies, etc) just to keep my storage amounts down on my os ssd

As much as I like fully self hosting, I ended up paying for Plex lifetime and have it running in docker. It was $120, but has already paid for itself twice over since I managed to convince my wife to drop hbo max, Netflix, and a couple others. She isn’t technical at all so she was hesitant, but she likes plex. If she can’t find what she wants to watch on our few streaming services (paid for by our cell provider, otherwise they’d be cancelled too), she can add it to the watchlist on Plex and radarr or sonarr will download it automatically and make it available on plex pretty quickly (or she’ll tell me to get it and let her know when it’s done).

I could open my Plex server to more family or friends, but most of them either pirate stuff themselves or are fine with paying for streaming services for the ease of use.

I use dashy since it’s super easy to update (can update and save config from the webpage). If you want automatic adding though, flame can autoadd services if you put a couple lines of config in each docker compose

Emacs editor commands are kind of clunky, you hold Ctrl or alt a lot and the movement commands are less intuitive and smooth than vi/vim keyboards imo. I’ve heard it described as: emacs has a text editor, vim is a text editor. Vim is great at editing and moving around in documents, selecting and editing text, and basically anything editor based. Emacs can do notes (org mode, linking notes, searching notes, etc), web browser, file browser, git (better git interface than vim), calendar, agenda, music playing, email… and that’s all without plugins

Upvoted for make and c, highly disagree on vi/vim though. It’s significantly nicer not having to use a mouse for 95% of my work. Need to delete between two quotations to replace it? v, i, ", d does it. Whole line? d, d. Beginning of end of document? G or gg. There are keyboards to streamline just about any movement or operation, and none involve the mouse. I still need the mouse for clicking stuff in vs code, but that’s mostly just when committing.

Side shout out to emacs, it’s lost popularity over time, but it can do just about anything

I may not love oop, but it is extremely useful in the cases that you should use it

We have someone at my company who has been here for 30 years that gets to do whatever he wants basically - but what he builds is great. He doesn’t even have a BS degree or anything related, he started as a paralegal who wanted to make his life easier, and has built several iterations of the software that the entire company uses. He’s now my boss, running the data engineering and science department and I gotta say that he’s genuinely great. The only bad things I’ve run across that he’s built are things that he explicitly told management were meant to be just a quick bandaid fix to a problem to buy time for a full fledged solution… and they kept it as the full fledged solution. The stuff still works, it’s just awful to make updates or change to

There’s also autokey, similar to autohotkey but with Python. I haven’t had to use it for much but I didn’t have any issues when I used it for some RuneScape autogrinding

I second cloudflare. When they announced that squarespace bought Google domains a couple months ago I immediately switched over to cloudflare, no issues so far (plus additional features are a plus)

Basically any site then find they can add to lidarr and use, it sounded like they didn’t want to deal with hopping between multiple sites, so they can just add several from the list

Help identifying an old game?
I've been trying to find a game that I played probably 10 or so years ago. I thought the name was digiminer or digimon or something like that but I know it's not those games. The game (from what I remember) was about mining as a robot or in a ship of some sort. It was 2d. Whenever you mined areas it dropped pixels to be picked up that you had to fly/jump/move over to. I think it had a vacuum that you equipped to grab everything? You could upgrade and such to mine faster/larger and have a better pickup area. The mining area was mainly on the right side of the screen I think, the left side was all empty. The game was fully free, and I'm pretty sure that to run it you had it all downloaded in a file then ran the .exe. I could be getting some of the ideas wrong, it's been a long time since I played or saw the game If anyone can help identify this game I'd appreciate it! I've been trying to find it for a few years, I remember it being a fun time sink

My go to for audio privacy is lidarr (radarr for movies, readarr for books, and sonarr for TV). Let’s you connect to multiple torrent sites (and usenet indexers which I highly recommend), add the artists and tracks you want to get, and it does the the rest. The *arr suite in general makes piracy so much nicer and easier tbh. One bit advantage is that once you add a track/album/artist that you want to track, you don’t need to worry about it unless you come across a file that isn’t what it was reported as. No way around it sometimes things are mislabeled when they’re uploaded, so you can just go in, blocklist that release and delete the file, and lidarr will grab a different version. Want all new albums or songs by an artist? You can set it to automatically monitor those and download them when it’s available on one of your torrent sites.