
Don’t talk to me unless you’re an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Good: Nice special effects, nice wardrobes, nice sets, the ludicrous violence fits right in with the universe, and particularly the performances from the actors are very good. At least visually, it looks way better and the effects look way more convincing than 3 Body Problem, to use another recent show as a comparison.

Bad: apparently the show disregards New Vegas lore (personally idk I never played it), I think the editing is super bad, the story is average.

Fuck that site. Going there now is like looking at the desecrated corpse of an old friend.

Witch Spring R

Apparently this is an old series with a few other titles? I had never heard of it before.

Key features: cute tone, anime styled, Japanese/Korean voiceover, 3rd person travel, JRPG turn based fighting, lots of things to grind and craft for making items and upgrading things, visual novel style dialogue, low stress mood while playing

There’s a lot of good about it. Particularly I think the lead Japanese voice actress is good and the overall presentation of how screens transition, the flow of gameplay from section to section (exploration, story, combat, crafting, minigames) are executed well.

I am only about two hours in but I find myself feeling satisfied with just that much play. It’s less of an indictment on the game itself and more me feeling that the game is not personally for me. While the polish is nice and the relaxed feeling to WSR is very pleasant, I prefer stories with more tension and conflict.

Age of Wonders 4

Very nice polish, horrible tutorial, hated it immediately for reasons I am not even sure about. I have played too many 4x games, I guess. It struck me as a game that wasn’t bringing something new to the genre while also not excelling in a specific area either.

If you liked this game, try to sell me on it. I still have it installed and am open to changing my opinion on it.

Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t have the best launch (lol)

Lmao, even.

I’m ready for PL. I just finished re-watching Edgerunners last night in one go. It was just as good this time around as it was when I first saw it a year ago.

Although both games launched to controversy, there is no real comparison between Starfield and Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is flat out better.

There felt like a lot of people who really wanted CP to be GTAV and were extremely upset that it wasn’t.

There was also a lot of angst from people who saw the words “open world” and expected it to mean some Second Life-esque escapist experience, rather than the actual meaning of open world, as in there is a big environment where you are free to roam around and do stuff in.

Misled expectations from the marketing hype absolutely played a key role in all of that furor, but at least for me, I tune out most of it since I like making my own opinions on things.

There’s a TON more that could be said but those are the three standout points from my perspective.

Yeah. I started one a few weeks ago but I paused it when I heard that 2.0 is coming out. I’m gonna pick up the expansion and just play a new run all the way through, maybe watch Edgerunners again too.

I feel ya, OP. I bought Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, played the hell out of it and loved every second of it. Then I tried to find honest discussion about it and it was threads full of nonstop bitching or substance-free fluff from the low sodium crowd. There wasn’t a place to find balanced talk where people could share their experiences about the game while also being civil and open minded about things.

If you are just looking to create discussion, I guess this thread has been successful as it’s gotten a lot of replies already.

Hey it’s me, your cousin. You can just buy games for me and I’ll play them for you.

I had [semi-important named NPC] die during a quest but then still talk to me as they were lying on the ground. Just Bethesda things, I guess.

You nerds sure love putting words in my mouth. People need to calm their titties at best, or just shut the fuck up in general. Everyone’s so programmed to just turning every single casual discussion online into a black and white argument of who is right or wrong. (That’s you I’m talking about, btw)

Tell me you completely missed the point of every comment I’ve made in this thread without telling me you completely missed the point of every comment I’ve made in this thread.

I mean, the snarky side of me wants to say “tell me you completely misunderstood my comment without telling me you completely misunderstood my comment.”

Though in case you are asking in good faith, I already wrote above “Just because I’m calling it “hype” doesn’t mean I’m bashing the game, I’m making an observation where I give OP a concise response.”

To elaborate further: it seems like people are assuming “hype” has negative connotations where I’m actually delivering some underhanded criticism of the game, or Larian, or themselves as fans of the game, or themselves as fans of the movement of a non AAA game studio experiencing runaway critical success. I am doing none of these things. OP was wondering “what is up with Baldur’s Gate 3?” and I answered. It’s hype.

There are other comments from people explaining the fine details of why BG3 is getting hyped up so much and those comments are rightly upvoted to the top, as they should be. However, for someone who doesn’t have any skin in the game and is only passively interested in this whole thing (me, for example), this entire situation can be described as excitement, exuberance, noise, or… hype.

Holy fuck I miss the days when words actually had meaning.

I don’t see how me playing or not playing the game would disqualify me from recognizing the phenomenon surrounding this game as “hype.” It’s marketing hype, it’s fresh new game hype, it’s whatever you want to call it. The game is out, it’s popular, people are leaving glowing reviews about it everywhere. That’s hype.

Just because I’m calling it “hype” doesn’t mean I’m bashing the game, I’m making an observation where I give OP a concise response.

That’s fine and fair.

I know I’m just getting downvoted by people emotionally hurt by me stating I dislike tabletop RPGs. But my opinion is also being informed by my past experience with Larian’s other celebrated game, Divinity Original Sin 2. No matter how hyped it was, or how clearly polished it was, I didn’t think that game was fun either.

It’s hype.

I hate tabletop RPGs, so I know no matter how good everyone says it is, I know it’s not for me.

I should be able to click the icon from the desktop/Steam/console menu/whatever and just be put into the game (optionally with it paused) ready to play, so I can walk away and get a drink or something while it loads.

Been trying to play multiplayer for about an hour tonight. FFS don’t be the lobby host that just immediately kicks people when they join your game that’s listed on the PUBLIC SERVER LIST.

My experience has been joining 20 games in a row, then getting kicked out of 19 of them without warning within 5 secs.

The last one, someone said “go away” and then I got kicked. Sad lol.

Old and good game. It’s free, just get it.

That dev is probably doing this as a small bit of marketing for their soon to be released game set in the same Endless universe that they use for all of their games.

Fantastic idea. Does it allow the user to add their own filters?

I’d really like to make my internet free of Mr Beast, that guy is so frickin annoying.

Spez is a shit expert. Of course he knows when things will pass.

If Reddit had just released a statement that was even just neutral like “Sorry, but we are monetizing our content now” instead of Spez’s ridiculously insulting bullshit, none of this would be happening now.

If you’re in the house, just use an elaborate series of mirrors.

If you’re somewhere else, just use an even longer elaborate series of mirrors.