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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Cloudflare is totally collecting data, why else would they want you to disable Javascript blockers or fingerprint detection.

Not the strongest because Steam Machines with Alienware had problems and way too early during development of Proton that games couldn’t handle well. The controller was stolen IP and is still currently fighting the lawsuit. VR games are not great as people expected and rarely do new VR games arrived. Leaving the VR headset in storage for mostly the owners life. Lastly, the Steam Deck original has problems and announced updates or free ifix fixes just to not have drifting problems. Still the Steam Deck after the original has some issues with compatibility and deleting their data every update.

The company has poor track records for hardware. Valve is like the Sony of gaming, they lie about stuff and make you sign up to download the game in their closed ecosystem.

It’s ok for anyone except those who live in a unpopular country. Valve just doesn’t care about latin America and others. You legally can’t buy games, the prices are ridiculous.

Valve doesn’t care about you, doesn’t care about gaming and is only interested in money.

This right here is an example of Steam brand loyalty. Valve employees have nothing to offer Photon, yet you defend them for being Valve. “Lack” of piracy is not an argument, Valve has a company has stolen from companys before you were ever born, their newest crime, stealing patent game controller just shows how little they changed. Risking their entire existence to support an ideal place for games to steal is just a way to get sued by every company.

Lastly, yes you can get banned for illegal keys, do basic research where people got their accounts banned because of publishers who revoked the keys.

People had died and gang wars were made. That’s how popular anime and media got inspiration to get crime stories started.

Well that’s completely untrue, the operating system is not open source, steamOS should be open source and Valve refuses to do it.

Your opinion on gaming is irrelevant because Proton is another software and Valve employees don’t contribute to the code, GitHub records show zero activity from them. Some games don’t even work.

Steam Deck/ Valve don’t support piracy, the User Agreement you signed up to obtain Steam Deck says by default it doesn’t support piracy.

They didn’t make games easier to buy. You still need the Client, you still need to sign up, you can’t sue Valve, you will get banned if the key is illegal and obtaining games that’s not American or Europe is super hard.

Valve just selling a junk machine with their brand. Nothing special about it.

unity is so bad at DRM, genshin impact got cracked a while ago and people made a private server with no paimon barrier. So not really worry about cracked games.

You cant run DRM games or online, MMO or anything that makes the game have their files locked away for a reason. So, no. You can not Play all games.

You should not just assumed a large community is telling the truth about their products. Steam Deck is still just a machine that requires Proton to work. You are at the mercy of Valve corp and the community. If a game doesn’t work than the game will not work. Steam Deck is not amazing in what people here have told you, it’s a machine that runs limited Steam games, nothing else mattered.

No, this is incorrect, OP thought steam deck is ok because the games are exclusively only in steam. OP never try to consider her mother-in-law. Giving someone linux and just assuming they understand is not going to help make them like the game or machine.

If you willing to spend some money, find a VM and see if anything bad happens. These types of VM companys won’t allow viruses and will warn you when such viruses happen.