It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness; that is life.

Jean-Luc Picard


  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


that’s cool and all but when are we getting Jellyfin for Tizen on the Samsung TV app store? That’s the only thing stopping me from switching, I don’t want to deploy it myself

and the partner still prefers Netflix, because they hate to think what they want to watch

I’d be interesting to see what’s the cut for each service, like, is it really that advantageous to get your crowds to subscribe via Patron instead of getting a Twitch subscription?

well, it does say that it was approved by the VA union, so maybe it’s something good?

if it’s royalty based and they get paid everytime they have someone use their voice model to say something, by all means, pay them.

I mean, there’s also a DLNA browser built in which I can browse my media with, but what we are looking for is a Jellyfin/Plex experience right?

my personal excuse is that I have a Samsung TV and there’s no Jellyfin app yet on the app store (I don’t want to side load)

I don’t want to sound like a pessimist but the Internet has never been the open grass field that the OP paint. Everytime you connect to the Internet, you’re connecting to a server that some entity is providing, through a connection that another entity has set up. Even this Lemmy instance is paid by somebody’s pocket. Servers and network infrastructure have always represented cost to providers. Maybe in times of olde when AOL and others offered services attached to their core service, we had services that were directly paid by the fee we paid for the connection. The owner of this Lemmy instance don’t see a dime of what you pay you ISP.

I know this is not at the core of this discussion, but if content is something that entities find valuable and somehow, the owner of this instance can directly receive monetary incentive from me to keep posting these inadequate long texts, by all means, I’m happy to be part of training data. I type this while I’m bored as hell and need my upvote-provided dopamine hit. I will be the grass on the field.

I believe that the OS puts the CPU in a different state, that’s all. while the BIOS and the UEFI shell had it boosting all the time or something like that

I bought a N5100 from AliExpress and I use it to run my -arr apps and Plex, and so far it has behaved really good. It’s fanless in an all-metal case and it gets a bit hot, but nothing you wouldn’t put your hand over. Weirdly, before I installed Debian in it, the BIOS and UEFI console made the CPU so hot I was worried it would not work without a fan, but after the OS took over, it’s working without any issue. I installed 16gb of ram in it and two SSDs, and the power consumption is so low I’m really amazed.

Edit: I might add, I bought it barebones, so I missed the W11 license, but I was never planning to use it anyway.

Follow up question: does anyone have a good source for ebooks in Spanish? currently using lectulandia

I don’t have anything bad to say of Plex as a company, and I wish them luck on their endeavor, but if they ever fall, I just hope they open source their software…

I have the feeling that this is very dependant of the motherboard having virtualization support for the PCIE slot, but I can’t recall the name of the feature

Bmax B1 plus as a home server?
Hello, I'm quite new to the self-hosted experience, and so far I've been running my services from a RPi3b, and I'm looking to upgrade. One of requirements is that the system is silent and cheap to run. Also, it should be mostly self contained. My Pi is in a passive cooled aluminum case. So I've been looking at options and stumble upon the Bmax N1 plus, it's a cheap, passive cooled, low power Celeron machine with a bunch of internal storage options. I've seen a couple of critics in yt saying that is too slow for console emulation, but how about running services? Other option I've checked out was the Zima board, but the whole naked computer aspect is not particularly to my liking and I don't have the tools to build a nice case for it. I'm mostly interested in running home assistant and jellyfin.