• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 14, 2023


As an unhappy user impacted by this and previous change(s) related to overclocking on RDNA3 I have highlighted the ongoing process.

Well, apparently, after just a few years the ability to control GPU operation in Linux will slide down considerably.

I’m not sure the UI/UX is anyhow related to kernel development.

I3/Sway/Hyprland/other WMs are already much more superior to anything that can be achieved in Win/Mac desktops in terms of flow and performance. Only polishing is needed. Other desktop options like Gnome/KDE are fine and more lightweight desktops are okay too. They need polishing too, but already great.

Dynamic languages are good for prototyping, especially if a lot of libraries available

Error: ‘o’ is not found in ‘S.O.L.I.D’

Gnome and productivity laughs in sway

No offence, gnome is great, but there are many inconsistencies on the lover level, I wish it was figured out once and for all. It applies to big DEs like KDE and etc too.

In fact it would help game development as much as “similar” approach helps the web grow the way you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time. Although you can.

Still requires 3rd party account and separate launcher, am I right?

Although it’s generally good idea, you will have hardware/software issues in the future. As I remember there is LTSB out there and it was pretty solid, but in times I used it long ago, I already had a lot of issues that required hours to find a workaround.

Typical loop in this case:

  • Oh, M$ is so disgusting, I never gonna switch to the new platform!

In a few months/years

  • Well, my apps/hardware are not working, time to switch anyway. Not because it’s not working anymore, but because the platform is mature and I actually like it.

Well, Russian laws deteoriation towards the pro-government/oligarch interests is just de-jure confirmation of what was de-facto for a long time.

Be careful not to replace bash with fish as some systems fail to work with new shell. I usually init fish/nu shells with other instruments, like alacritty and/or zellij