Interests: News, Finance, Computer, Science, Tech, and Living

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Russia cannot even beat Ukraine … no way they are going to start something with NATO or at least no way it is to their benefit to do so.

Same here. Hope he is ready for the national stage. Hope he can bring people in too and the Democrats can learn how to talk to more working class people. Lot of democratic messaging is to heady. Folksy and down to earth is important.

Thanks so much.

I listen to Security Now. Steve always groans when GoDaddy and Network Associates come up.

On another topic. Have you ever looked at Namecheap VPS service? For that I am with Linode but they were bought by Akami. Nothing has really changed yet. Actually maybe some more options but I worry about the enshitifacation phase that may come. Hoping for the best but thinking of options.

Fastmail is probably the front runner. The cost which is maybe $132 a year seems a bit much but doable. They also do not support PGP and WKD. The namecheap premium plan would we would be $72 a year and even less with the current promo. They also have a cpanel mail solution too which is even less. Similarly mxroute is about $49 year for more too and seems like it may be run by people with similar attention to detail.

I agree though that Fastmail is a good choice and a more define long term reputation for email.

Thanks. Interesting.

Just FYI, I was talking multiple SMTP servers not IMAP servers. If I did it, I would have 2 public facing SMTP servers which would then route to an internal SMTP server probably with a single IMAP server. The routing would probably be over a private link not a public one and the final server would present only IMAP publically. Really reduces attack surface.

Thanks. Great ideas. Had not considered the web issue. I actually have a VPS for other things at Linode. I could just add my new “.net” domain to that and setup something. Let rest is fine. We are transitioning over the next 6 months and hope to not change for a long time after that. So we have time to get this correct.

I also have mail setup in my VPS for other reasons so I do understand mail basics. Including SPF etc. Never really had any delivery issues but I do not use it generally. I think my old domain which I have had for 5 years has a fine reputation. Good point about the one I just purchased. Just do not want to move my general mail there or commit to setting it up and worse maintaining the multiple VPS systems needed to really do mail correctly. That is, I would want to have at least two incoming SMTP servers in two different data centers then maybe separate IMAP server too that they route to. Then there is the webmail client and locking it all down. Cost and worse yet effort and time mount up and it’s not a one time deal. Not something my wife could do and not me 20 years from now.

I was wondering about these guys. Seems too small to early stage. It says Beta. Feels like a one person operation though maybe I am wrong. Also web traffic is really low though maybe it is because they do not use trackers.

Happy to here any insights.

Oh I know. We live in interesting times.

As you might guess Proton or Mailfence are my top picks if they were in the US. Regarding Proton, unless I am missing something I would need the Ultimate plan side I need more then one account and domain hosting. That is very expensive.

This is really helpful. Especially the FAQ. Few questions:

  • Web Mail SSL Certs with Roundcube? One of the articles said something about TLS connection issues.

  • spam filtering… is that included or configurable?

  • SPF, DKIM, … is that included or configurable.

  • CalDAVand WebDAV address book and calendar sync. Possible? Not a deal breaker as we currently replicate another way through our lan Nextcloud server.

  • Their SMTP server reputation? Any issues?

For what it is worth I use POP3 with my existing provider. Like not keeping my mail there. Our pattern is to just pull not delete on our phones and pull and delete on our workstations. Feels Like we need to move to IMAP though so we do not have to review our mail twice. Also feels like we have to push SPAM filtering upstream. Thunderbird has great filtering but K9 Mail does not.


Interesting. So to confirm, your saying in the hosting panel I can configure it and they have SMTP, IMAP, and Webmail servers that they maintain I can use? No need to setup a VPS for it?

Thing about IMAP and other open protocols is that it probably lowers security and it certainly increases attack surface. So there are downsides. On the other hand ultimate security is not my biggest need. More interested in compatibility. I like the Proton, Mailfence, and direction to be compatible and also support PGP with WKD so they can interoperate.

Nicely put. I seem to remember some government type trying to say it was not spying to record your data and mine it as long as a human did not access it. Kind of a similar thing Google says about Gmail.

Wasn’t it the CIA directory that lied under oath then later said it was the least dishonest thing he could say. He got away with that too.

You mentioned mxroute. Someone else mentioned. Do you have any thoughts about them. You mentioned your moving to Fastmail instead.

Thanks. Interesting. I will take a look.

Yes… email filtering is a huge problem. Do you know if the issue was with your domain or whether it happens with Fastmail’s standard domains also?

Regarding Tuta… not IMAP/SMTP and not US, so no for me. Otherwise I agree.

I looked at them. From me that feels like trading a US software giant for an Indian one. So I would choose Google Workspace first. I agree though Zoho is interesting.

I believe in being as local as one can. One cannot always assume that those global data links will be up the way the world is going. Also if you think email security is bad in the US then how is it better to ship data half way around the world. Makes no sense to me. The US is not suppose to spy on US citizens in the US but every thing that passes a border is up for grabs as far as I know.

I could be handy to read you mail on the web client. Depends on how secret you want your PGP key, how much you trust your provider. I would argue that in most cases it would be better for the provider to manage the keys then to have no one use PGP which is what we mostly have now.

Security is getting better on the transport side.

Thanks. Like the sentiment. Yes I can do this but my wife cannot. So this option is out. It needs to be a solution that she can maintain alone if something happens to me. This concern gets a lot more real as one gets older.

US Email Providers - Other then Google, MS, Apple, …
I need to change ISPs and need to find a new email provider. This time I want to move to my own domain which I purchased through Namecheap and I do not want to use another ISP's email system nor do I want to use Google, or Microsoft since I am Linux (and Android too) based. I would like this to be US based or at least have a strong US presence so obvious choices like *Proton Mail*, *Mailfence*, and ** are out. I would prefer it interoperate well with FOSS software too, I use Thunderbird and K-9 Mail for example. Also so want them to be trustworthy, have good security, and have good OpSec with respect to their their servers and service. After looking I find three I am considering and they are quite different: - *Fastmail*. Long history. No PGP support but they do have their own domains one can use also. - *Namecheap Private Email*. Uses Ox App Suite, may support PGP, and quite new. I think you have to have your own domain (not sure). - *Forward Email* ( A forwarder with IMAP support. You supply the webmail if you want webmail, but otherwise it should work fine with IMAP and normal clients. So questions: - Any thoughts and experience, pros and cons with the above 3. - Other better ideas. So thoughts? Thanks.

Nice. I like Kinsinger as a person and respect him. Have no idea his policies but they are at least sane.

Drones are important sure. I am not sure how important. It is no surprise that Ukraine cannot do large scale combined arms maneuver warfare though. Neither Ukraine or Russia is trained in that and Ukraine does not have conventional air support to a large extent. I would not attribute it entirely to drones.

I think he is trying to say this is the way it is and implies that this is where it is going. I do not buy it. This may just be a run up. We have not seen major powers engage and I hope we do not. I also do not agree with his characterization of the Russia Ukraine conflict.

I am still not clear what supposed crime he has committed other then pissing powerful people off. He should get a reward for that.

Never forget that Russia was also an instigator in WW II and stared as an axis power and later partially switched sides but then kept the countries they had conquered so really they were just the surviving axis power.

In that sense WW II never really was completed until the 80s. In fact I have a relative that served in WW II in the 60s or maybe 70s. Now they want to reopen it basically.

No I did not. Financial forum her is kind of dead. Not sure what other tax related forums there are on lemmy. My question was about some specific issues related to getting an incorrect 1095-C. I think I have decided on a cousre of action now but was looking for others thought too.

Just FYI. By 4th Turning I mean the book. A couple of decades ago there was a book that takes about patterns in US history. The 4th Turning was about 2020 time frame if you followed the book. A turning from the books thesis is a time of political and social unrest. Weakening institutions. Usually a major war. We see signs of this all around us.

Edit: Feels very pre world war 2 too. America retreating into isolationism. Russia planning to expand. Lot of similarities.

It is the 4th Turning. That would be one interpretation.

I put a question up yesterday on Reddit and got no engagement with it in like 12 hours. Maybe no one that knows anything is answering questions now. I guess we will see.

Yes. This is why I would never use an iPhone. Closed walled garden. Cannot even load apps from other repos.

Yes we know who Musk is… and it is a very mixed bag. Some where around the time he became the world’s richest person I feel like something changed and he went over the top or over the edge. Not sure which.

I liked how the article tried to paint less fractional users from search as a positive. Too me that sounds like less relevance which is negative. Also interesting that Reddit no longer publishes that statistic. Makes a me wonder why.

Edit: Also in line with my experience. Feels like I see less search links and when I see them, I am less likely to click on them.

I was on Reddit the other day asking a tax question. Seemed like posting was less. Felt like a ghost town in some subreddits. Just my impression. Had not been there for maybe 6 months. Place seemed different.

I wonder if traffic and posting is really down?

Edit: Read the article. Says maybe stable maybe some growth. Says search driven traffic less fractionally. I know I see fewer search links to Reddit on DDG when I search.

Edit: Article was a bit vague about stock of new content. Are big contributors adding important new content? Not even sure how to measure. Reddit seems to like to focus on page views and time on site, maybe because financially that is all that matters? Maybe they do not really care about good content and content generation so much?

The other cheaper way is just 3 USB drives and rotate 1 off site. Should probably do that anyway. If USB is too slow or small then hot mount SATA slots, drives. and drive storage boxes. Presumably SATA drives in hot mount slots are what Backblaze uses anyway.

I have the same concern about them. Seems to me that one wants data in a professional and planned data center and based on contractual relationships.

Thanks. That is what it seemed like to me. $245 for the software and $5 for the storage per month. Which of course is a bit nuts.

Block level deduplication does seem interesting. My experience file level dedup is not that effective though of course incrementals are. Compression is not either but easy to do. Lot of document formats are already compressed too. Cross system dedup could be large savings also.

Oath App: An Algorithm to Stop Democratic Donors From Wasting Their Money
Does anyone have thoughts or experience with the fundraising site: . The article talks about it but I have not tried.

Always love when self agrandized authorities act like idiots. Feels like the box wine wins wine competition article. I have a friend that does photo competitions. They say winning is more about knowing the judges than anything else.