Reddit refugee looking for a better alternative.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


N is the number elements to be parsed by the function

Not if modern proof of ownership technologies are implemented, such as NFT smart contracts.

That’s why NFT’s were created, but now that people link NFT’s to dumb ass pictures, I wonder how if ever it’ll make it as proof of ownership.

Sucks that vendors can keep such a tight control on what you can do with your device. Would be nice to have the possibility to safeguard your device with any OS of your choice.

Even when using another OS? Been trying to find info on relocking my /e/ OS install on my 1+7P and haven’t had any love luck.

For sure! Yeah I was just remembering that shares get mounted as a drive when you access them. So makes sense.

Great to know! Thanks!

Maybe! I’d start checking dmesg logs and check the smart info provided you do regular tests. Otherwise do some SMART tests and check the results after.

Why? They are built for datacenter environment, with the right drives for high density storage they should be just as fine as in a regular server.

could try finding a cheap jbod

It’s neither, it’s a limitation of SMB, if you have multiple shares set-up that mount to the root of the SMB share, you can’t hardlink accross them, but inside a single share in the root of the SMB share apparently it’s not an issue.

Sure *are apps might not have a way of knowing but they are still limited by SMB’s limitations. If you’re sharing individual folders you simply can’t hardlink across them. But my bad for thinking SMB didn’t allow hardlink inside the same share mount point.

Narcissism and confirmation bias runs rampant in our governments and top executives.

CIFS is SMB under a diferent name, and it might be that inside a share you can hardlink, but not across shares in the same filesystem.

Are you sharing the top folder holding both folders where you’re creating the hardlinks or are you creating individual shares for each folder?

Current world politicians are so tech illitirare it’s bewildering. Supposedly they have experts and think tanks at their disposal to help them in these sorts of endeavours, for what? It’s insane how much survailance has been ranked up in the past decade.

Check you ISP connections limits, remember that uploading from an external device will be downloaded by your home router and vice versa.

one caveat is the need for *rr apps to have direct access to the storage filesystem, and not connect through some filesharing protocol (smb, NFS, etc…) afaik. ISCSI might be good since it’s presented as an actual system drive, speculating.

Love Ben Eater and his projects. Helped me understand lots about how a computer functions under the hood with his 8bit computer project.

Unfortunately, there’s a majority of people posting without exhausting their research so unless you mention in your post what you have done, anyone else can’t assume anything at the risk of providing unhelpful info. “Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.”

This is posted twice

Thanks! Yeah I keep forgetting to switch keyboard language.

There’s already lots of comments but suite interested un Sigma if anyone ils willing to upvote me!

Thanls OP for thé giveaway!

To the internet? Heck, to the whole world, if it weren’t for shareholders, profits and taxes, climate measures to curb climate change could be more aggressive.