• 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 31, 2022


Hello! It looks like you are bridging this over from Mastodon. Is there any way you could include a title or description that would carry over? Otherwise this just looks like a spam post to Lemmy users.

While it can be tempting (especially with posts like this one) if you cannot respond to a comment or post that is not be(e)ing nice in a productive manner, please just report it so that a moderator can deal with it.

I’m doing it in Python, thought about Go but I didn’t get far last year with Rust so I decided to keep it simple. I’m through the first 3 days and cooking up an unorthodox approach to day 4

I was curious so I looked it up and this time it’s actually not the Northern district in Texas, but the Eastern district. Still a Trump appointed judge though

This comment is at best confusing and at worst an attempt at an insult. Please try to be clearer in the future, as well as be(e)ing nice.

Interesting, I think I’ve probably never noticed because I use night vision pretty much all the time when I’m flying my ship. I’ll look into reshade but I’m playing on Linux via proton and I’m not sure I want to hack more on an already working setup lol

Not sure I’m familiar. I picked the game up last summer and got Odyssey pretty soon after the base game and didn’t notice a difference then, so maybe?

I am back on Elite Dangerous after taking some time to focus on Deep Rock Galactic in the first half of the year. I now have a second flight stick and did a little community class on flight assist off flying. Plus there have been lots of updates coming out. Taking advantage of the new engineering changes to build a really good combat ship and then going to focus on getting to Elite in combat probably, which also helps me practice my faoff flying.

This looks to just be promoting a product via linking to it on Tumblr. I will be removing this post.

Hey, even if the above is a bad faith argument, this is not a constructive or nice way to bring that up in conversation. Please try to do a better job of communicating going forward. Thanks!

OP made a normal post. This is uncalled for and rude. Please try to interact with others in a more friendly manner.

Hi! This is a good post, however we don’t typically allow copying and pasting the full article content into the body of the post. I’m going to remove this post, but please feel free to repost it with just a link and a summary. Thanks!

Hi! This submission is not well suited for the World News community. Depending on the type of discussion you were going to have, it would probably be better suited for our Humanities and Cultures community or our Socialism community. I am going to remove the post here, but please consider resubmitting to one of those communities. Thanks!

This is not a nice way to talk to people. Please try to be more kind to others going forward.

Hey y’all! This thread has sparked a lot of discussion and it is obviously a very tense topic being discussed at a tense time in the world. With the way the thread has been going, the mod team doesn’t feel we can moderate this thread thoroughly enough to make it follow our rules, so I am going to lock it.

Hey, this comment reads like you’re just dunking on another user. If that is not what you meant to do, please try to communicate more clearly, and if that is what you meant to do, please refrain while commenting on Beehaw in order to be(e) nice. Thanks!

Hey this is a great contribution, just wanted to request that in the future you try to have a more descriptive title. Totally understand that it might have slipped your mind on this one, this is a charged topic to say the least, just a note for the future. Thanks!

Hey, I know this can be an issue that strikes a nerve. That said, acknowledging nuance is important to having a productive conversation. Judging everyone by a set standard and having unkind words for not meeting that standard even before you know much about the person you are engaging with is not going to be productive, and it’s not particularly nice either.

To be clear, I do not intend to ask you to tolerate oppression. By all means you should oppose oppression strenuously! But being harsh to someone you disagree with online is not the way to do that. In the future, please try your best to disengage from the conversation for a bit until you are in a better headspace.

I’m not sure what the intent on this post is, but between not being able to find much else about this game and the installation instructions including using a VPN to pretend to be in Indonesia, I’m suspicious malware may be at play. Going to take this down for now.

Others have mentioned Stormgate, but I think the upcoming Tempest Rising is more in the Command & Conquer vein

Gonna be honest, this comment further down explains why you should have some compassion even on posts that seem obvious to you: https://beehaw.org/comment/883359

Consider taking this approach in the future.

Ah, makes sense with the world aspect, but still a better fit for the politics community.

This is not a terribly nice thing to say. So much of raising children is cultural or environmental, and many people go on to be great parents after having bad parents themselves. Also, this comment gives some eugenics promoting vibes. Please try to communicate more clearly in the future to avoid giving that impression. Thanks!

This isn’t really a news article, and it’s by a US source about a US topic. Please try to post things like this to Politics or maybe US News in the future. Thanks!

Hey, this post looks like it is just an ad for an ebay listing, which doesn’t really fit in the gaming community we are trying to build on Beehaw. I am going to remove it here, but if that is not the intention, please repost it with additional context. Thanks!

This is a great resource, thank you for posting it! However, it would likely be a better fit for the Beehaw Programming community. Please post links like this in that community in the future!

Hey, this isn’t a terrible article but the source website is questionable at best. I am going to remove this topic, but if you have an article from a more reputable source please post it!

I suppose that’s what I get for just doing a quick google 🙃

That is really interesting though, my understanding is that Doom 2016 is known for running pretty well and achieving high framerates, or at least that was the sense I got from tech youtube when I watching that more. I wonder what the devs were doing in that case.

Not a game dev but I’ve done some programming and I love games so I’ll take a stab. There’s a few reasons I can think of:

  1. That’s how the engine they’re using works. Game engines take a long time to develop, and so if you’re using one off the shelf or from a previous project, it may be from a time when tying behavior to the frame rate was a low overhead tool for timing that would cause few if any issues. Given that Wolfenstein is a Bethesda title and they’ve made many games with similar engine level limitations, this seems most likely to me for this particular case.
  2. They never intended to release it that way, and just set it up that way early in development to start getting to the real gameplay work. Then the deadline came around and it wasn’t a high priority in terms of getting the game out the door.
  3. Probably doesn’t apply to Wolfenstein, but for indie games that have one or only a few developers, none of those people may have done much programming before, instead being more focused on other aspects of game design. So if you’re learning as you go, there’s a good chance some hacky things will make it in to the final product.

Hey, I know this is probably a topic you are very passionate about. However the mod team is starting to see a pattern of behavior from you n terms of failing to assume good faith and turning arguments toward personal attacks. This is not okay going forward. While Beehaw is much larger than it was a few weeks ago, it is still very small; you will have to interact with everyone you speak with again, and there are no points for the biggest slam dunk on someone else in a comment thread. Consider if you would say the things you are writing to your next door neighbor, knowing that you’ll have to see them again every day for potentially years to come.

This comment could stand to be nicer and/or more open to further discussion, like some of the others in the thread. Please try to incorporate that into your future comments.

The thing that upsets me most about this article is that when I try other search engines, I still find myself needing to use Google to find certain things. Usually that’s information or questions and not products, but if it’s this bad for Google I can’t imagine it’s any easier on the others.

Not sure if you got latter and former confused, but I for one am hoping things are calming down. That said, I know that this was midterms and since Trump wasn’t actually on the ballot, it probably means a lot of the people who drove unrest last time around weren’t motivated to show up.