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Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


@Powderhorn In our company, we have theoretically had a “one day at home per week” rule for several months now. In practice, people usually work about 3 days a week at home. This is partly due to the fact that there is a works council agreement for some of my colleagues that is binding and can’t be overruled by management (thanks for German labor law!).

@TehPers @Kichae It doesn’t matter where a project is hosted, it matters which group you are targeting and where you personally are located. So even if you would host in Russia, you won’t be safe from prosecution, when you live for example in the US.

@catculation I guess that he was totally happy, when nearly 9,000 workers (out of 12,500) at his factory in Germany voted for a new works council. I’m convinced that he didn’t knew about German labour rights - now he does 😀

@aberrate_junior_beatnik @penquin I found a nice page with statistics about the different messengers: engage.sinch.com/blog/most-pop…

It seems that only in the US more people are using iMessage than WhatsApp.

@FiskFisk33 @remotelove Yeah, I find it rather interesting, that DMC was able to built a car that had none of the issues more than 40 years ago - which means that it is a doable task. So Tesla simply ignored it.

@hedge Will be interesting to see, if there will be other servers, so that it really will be decentralized.

@throws_lemy Hyperloop is a solution for a non existing problem. There are already fast landline based systems. You can go really fast on rails (see Japan) or you can use a maglev.

@zepfhyr Elon is a person that is very susceptible for conspiracies that fit his world view and he propagates it loudly. Peter Thiel always stays in the background and acts from there.

@Moonrise2473 @sirdorius Well, Elon is evil by accident. Peter Thiel is evil by intention.

@sculd @throws_lemy They are a really small company. So their resources are limited. For example until they started the internal decentralization, they had got a single Postgres database for everything.

@notepass No. In difference to regular scaling you can see the host of your account. These are separate systems that communicate via Bluesky’s protocol and not via the regular scaling mechanisms.

@throws_lemy @noodlejetski The registry still is centralized, but the users already are distributed across multiple servers that talk to each other using that protocol.

@Fizz @throws_lemy Well, there are accounts from deceased people. Their posts will then be gone.

@mint @explore_broaden On Bluesky the people used a still image from the video to identify the apps on her phone - and Twitter isn’t even on the start page, but Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Signal, …

@weew @mastermind I already subscribed to Nebula and Curiositysreams, but hadn’t heard of that offer. Can you tell more?

@lukstru Some other story that really happened. A company moved to another place, so step by step they located and moved the servers in the server room from the old to the new location. In the end there was a single server left in the server room. They didn’t knew the purpose and were sure that they needn’t that server - and they were right. Several years ago that company belonged to another company in the same area. At one point in time the company had been sold. That server belonged to the old company and still served a critical purpose for them.

@lukstru At the end of the 90s our company had to patch and restart all servers of our customers to make the server software Y2K safe. One colleague travelled from customer to customer. At one customer he said: “I have to patch your server”. The answer: “What is a server? We don’t have something like that.”

The colleague then traced the network cable through the workshop to a huge pile of wood scrap. that filled a part of the room. They had to remove that scrap for quite some time and then found the server there. The Novell server had an uptime of several years.

@CountVon @soloner In our company every person in the team (dev, qa, doc writer, po) is estimating the story points in secret, then we reveal them and mostly take the average. Our experience is that we all are mostly in the same range.