This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I’ve worked on ground systems and it’s actually come in handy two times in five years, usually where we had a hard-to-reproduce bug. Getting the info when the problem happens can occasionally be all the difference.

Addendum: And usually we didn’t care about performance. Basically never.

When I left my last job they were using the zip file method for version control and one creative developer managed to link two versions of libc at the same time.

Software is so useful that the standard for utility is extremely low.

We test AND develop in production. Get on my level.

Docker performs some syscall filtering as well which may reduce the kernel attack surface. It can be pain to set up services this way, but it could help frustrate an attacker moving laterally in the system.

Processes in the container cannot see external processes for example as I think interested the OP.

Amazon needs to take some responsibility for the products they sell. This is unacceptable.

So they support widespread access to free birth control and contraception resources, especially to disadvantaged women everywhere, right? Because if your problem is the abortion itself wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to prevent it, including preventing pregnancy in the first place as an alternative to what you perceive as murder? Why wouldn’t you fight the same battle through compassion instead of oppression?

Are you telling me that you’re all in for extensive social programs to support single mothers and provide a strong viable alternative in situations where the mother feels financially incapable of supporting her child? Free childcare perhaps? Reducing the cost of childbearing? There are many peaceful options that are quite thoroughly documented to reduce the number of abortions that could be deployed immediately at a reasonable cost. Yet, you’re not interested in using any of these.

Alas, these same organizations also seem to be against contraception, childcare, or generally anything that supports the health of the mother and child. This is where you can see their true colors; they don’t want to prevent abortions. That’s a lie, else they would’ve taken many alternative actions that can achieve the same goal. Instead, they choose the course that oppresses women.

This is the epitome of a bad faith argument. Those who would tell you that abortion is genocide do not believe in their own claim.

What does this sometimes appear not to work for me even though the command is clearly in the history?

Even if the answer may seem obvious, I still appreciate the input to make sure I am not too outdated. Thank you!

Advice Needed: Sharing DVD Collection
I have a large DVD collection containing lots of niche titles that don’t appear to be on any public tracker. I would like to share my love of these films with the world. I have access to a server that’s online 24/7 with a symmetric link and no data cap. My plan is to use a docker container with a web transmission instance to seed all of my material through a VPN provider (for my own safety). My server was last rebooted 200 days ago; I intend to rack lots of uptime seeding with my server. I have technical skills and I can ensure I’ll have an open port to accept connections. Questions: what steps should I take to protect myself in seeding these DVDs? Is there a guide or some recommendations you can provide to get the best quality out of the many hours I’m going to spend ripping? Is it possible to trace the DVD reader that made the rip? Are the cool kids still uploading torrents or is there a better technology I should be using? Overall, I have plenty of content to share, but I don’t want to put myself at risk when I do.

I don’t understand why they weren’t ordered to pay back the money they stole from consumers. Instead, they can turn a profit from criminal enterprise.

There’s actually good reasons for this design. It’s easy to write a Scheme interpreter in assembly, but it’s hard to write a C compiler in assembly that handles everything correctly. Much rather write it in higher level language if possible and Scheme lowers the bar to getting there, so you can get away from using assembly as quickly as possible. Or you can copy somebody else’s Scheme implementation of a C compiler because now you’re platform independent.

Then you can write your C compiler in C (or steal a better compiler already written in C) and close the loop. For your final step, you use the C compiler to compile itself.

I saw a Scheme interpreter written in assembly running a C compiler written in Scheme.

I’m starting TF2. I’m a little intimidated however because so many gaming veterans play that game.

I can only enjoy this game on easy, and I have 200 hours in the game.

Don’t build your online life around Google services.

Automation-prone fields like writing, software, and app development saw a 21% decrease in job listings

Maybe, but hard disagree that software is being automated away.

Meant, in this context, refers to the conditions that humans have faced over a long period of time and may be more suited to coping with from a survival point of view. I’m an atheist, so I find it strange that you chose to read my comment as highlighting intentional design. Certainly, AI has existed for a much shorter time than the phenomenon on a human encountering the death of a loved one. Indeed, death has been quite a common theme throughout history, and the tools and support available to cope with it and relate to other human experiences far exceed those for coping with the potential issues that come with AI.

I think one can absolutely speak of needs and adaptation for something as common a human experience as death. If you find something belittling about that opinion, I’m not sure how to address you further. I may simply have to be wrong.

I had this conversation with my wife once. I let her know that it is my advance wish that you must allow me to complete the cycle of life. Anything else, any reconstruction of me that technology allows, is to me, an abomination. Keep the pictures, keep the memories, but don’t keep me here when I am gone.

I refrain from judging the decisions of others where possible, but this is my personal wish.

I don’t believe humans are meant to manage loss in this way — stretching out an imitation of our loved one. As painful as it is, I personally believe humans need to say goodbye. I feel this gets in the way of feeling and truly accepting the loss so that a person can move forward.

Loss is truly heavy, but I do not believe this is better or healthy.

Thank you! I never knew about that site before.

Ever received a Slack or a teams message that’s just your name but no context as to what’s actually needed? Like they need to confirm you’re there but don’t want to reveal why they’re asking.


Problem is whether or not I’m present has a lot to do with the question.

There will always be bots on the Internet. I do not believe this is a solvable problem. Instead, we focus on mitigation.

However, Reddit has little incentive to fight the bots because it increases engagement metrics. In fact, it costs money and reduces profits to reduce bot activity. Hence, so many bots.

Right here on Lemmy, because nobody financially benefits from turning a blind eye to the problem, I think we have a head start. This platform is created by users for users. For that reason, I think we should never have the problem quite to the same extent as they do.

I’m sure the leadership will have cashed out by then. In fact, disgusting wealth has already been generated.

It is interesting! I wonder if it’s due to different definitions of what economy means. To me the economy includes cost-of-living.

I don’t care how the economy is doing for big businesses and rich people. It’s not doing well for me.

The rest of the wealth is just temporarily in transit from one rich person to another.

I’m pretty sure I’ve had this exact conversation. Took me a minute to understand what the point was.

IDS will catch that. You need a logical sled that does effectively nothing but isn’t actually composed of NOPs.

I would love a mini rail system like this in my community.

Actually, I’ll take most any public transportation at this point.

Worse sacrifices have been made in the face of a deadline.

You’re missing the most important element. Disgustingly large pile of money that you can use to drag out a suit until the other end folds.

Eternal copyright damages. This sounds like a safe and reasonable decision by our ever respectable Supreme Court.

This is a really positive take. I would love to create such an AI of myself in my likeness so that if one day I come to pass before my wife, she could enjoy having that comfort. I imagine it speaking like: while I’m not your husband, here’s what I think he would’ve said.

Deep faking myself so I don’t have to use my camera in meetings? I would pay for that feature.

You can’t simply not develop a technology. Progress is going to move forward. If they don’t do it, somebody else is going to figure out how. The tools are out there. The math works. Better researchers to do it now and scare us into finding solutions than criminals to develop it first.