• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


They have a lemmy instance? That’s amazing I never heard of it


It never actually was offline.

.rs .is .st

  • The original domains
  • Not for profit. They accept donations on an ‘as needed’ basis, and run no ads.


  • New non-profit mirror created by original creator of Library Genesis who lost direct control of the project as a result of disagreements over profiteering.
  • They are are currently collecting donations and do not have ads.

.li .gs .vg .pm

  • Operates using AdWords and donations. They collect donations all year.
  • The ads they use links you to pretty suspicious adware type software installs, but the site itself is safe.
  • Has a marginally larger database then the main domains as they add their own books.

(any other domains aside from these are run by unknown people mostly for profit)

If some domains die or change in the future you can tell us at

Qubes has more layers to the security onion, its true.

But a VM is still a REALLY strong level of containment.

This is a perfect use case for having a VM, to handle all of your downloads before you play it.

Quite frankly in the bad old Napster days, when you downloaded random shit, if it only had a virus you were lucky, there was a tendency for MUCH worse surprises to be included.

This isn’t exactly special. People have been putting viruses into torrents forever.

You should assume anything you download from the internet has a virus!

What country are you in? China?

Go to mullvad settings and choose random ports

Try 53, 80, 443 etc

Try mullvad use different ports, use their circumvention approaches.

Use your cell phone mobile data

Talk to the hotel, tell them you cannot connect to your corporate vpn, ask if they have a workaround

I’m just trying to understand the rational. To me I downvote when the comment is against the community, or unproductive.

If I’m being a net negative I should know why! Usually I have a guess as to why, but when I don’t, I reach out so I can understand better. I do want lemmy to be a better place, so feedback is useful.

I get a lot of downvotes. I realize I say things that can be divisive. Why are people downvoting debugging steps? What’s divisive about that…

Are your phones on the same network? Same vlan? Firewall rules? VPN?

Does tcpdump on the server see the request?


If you want a ton of fun, you can build it yourself!

Depends on your use case there are multiple factors that guide internet use cases

  • Latency - how fast
  • Bandwidth - how wide/much
  • Loss - how much data is lost, or how much data needs to be sent again

Gaming: latency, loss

YouTube/movies: bandwidth

Video chat/voice chat: latency, bandwidth

Remote desktop/game streaming: latency, bandwidth, loss

Web browsing: bandwidth, latency

DNS latency can be a multiplier for browsing the web, a website can include artifacts from other websites, which then can include other websites, which then can include other websites. Each one of those would require another DNS lookup, and round trip time to the website itself etc. however, DNS was architected for local caching, so only the first lookup should be slow, and then afterwards you should keep that DNS information for future lookups so it’s not going to feel too bad once you’ve warmed up the cache

Rule of thumb: under 100ms feels fine, over starts to feel a little sluggish. Over 300ms and you change your behaviors, and you really feel it.

  • a fork of telegram ✅
  • Works with some other chat server ✅

You can now use telegram with any matrix compatible client you like

standardization is amazing, one data source, and one graphing engine, now you can overlay different metrics from different systems and have very customized dashboards.


I find it funny The article talking about meta no longer paying for news coverage in Australia Germany and elsewhere is paywald so you don’t actually know the details

run your backup process every few minutes, if both machines are online, it sends the latest snapshot, if not then it exits. You could reduce your snapshots to once a day, so it only does the data transfer once per day, and any extra backups just succeed.

The downside of this approach is you will need to setup alerting if a snapshot doesn’t get backed up within a window, rather then alerting on a single backup process failing. (i.e. if the server doesn’t have a successful backup within a week create an alert)

You could also do the same thing with rclone vfs mounts with full caching, so you could write locally even when the network is offline, and when you get online it would transfer (but you need to setup your server side alerting again)

This is a exercise in network DMZ planning. Assume the NAS will be compromised, so you limit its access to the rest of the network.

put the NAS on its own VLAN in both locations, setup firewall rules so that only select protocols are allowed to/from the NAS.

oh yeah, 100%; I like the focus of immich, I like that it exists, we are all better for the option.

I was just wishing up thread that client side encryption was in the roadmap, if for no other reason that when they make architectural decisions now they leave some room for a encrypted block pivot.

not sure about drawbacks though; what does a cloud photo provider do? 99.9999999% of the time its just blocks at rest on disk; Sometimes it does image recognition, face recognition, and photo sharing; All 3 of these can be done in a end to end encrypted way (yes, with a few more hoops, it would add work, no doubt)

My phone isn’t closed source. And no, I don’t trust it fully either, I limit the amount of trust given to any datastream to the minimum necessary to get the functionality I want.

If you wanted a client side encrypted image service, yes syncing would be a major benefit, or you do the image tagging/scanning client side before going to the cloud, or after the fact. Just limit where the unencrypted data exists in the system.

you don’t trust your own hardware?

no, I do not. Thats the whole reason data at rest should be encrypted.

Small nit: Https is transport layer encryption, not commonly considered end-to-end encryption.

For the end-to-end encryption model to work, the data must be encrypted entirely from the sender to the recipient. In the model of immich That’s yourself.

But you’re right, I should have been clearer, client-side encryption, encryption at rest are better terms. But I don’t want the server to ever see the unencrypted data ideally unless I am physically there requiring it to do so.

Signal is open source, session copied their entire protocol for their own messaging stack. Client and server

As you said it’s free software, and the license for immich is actually open source. I’m not really offended by a please donate nagware screen, or even a give a cup of coffee to the developer, so this license is the same thing just with different language. And as it’s open source somebody could fork the project to remove this line, or you could edit the database and fill it, it’s totally up to you.

I think this is a net positive and should be encouraged

I think it’s a psychological barrier, donate implies totally optional.

License, purchase, makes it more transactional mentally, and tries to make it clear that this project needs support to be sustainable.

Recommendation: Cloudflare, register for 10 years, set to auto-renew every year. If anything goes wrong you get 9 years to fix your credit card info.

I’m sorry you lost your domain, that really sucks, thanks for sharing your cautionary tale with us all!

Because the subject matter is amazing, and among us showed us you can do it profitably

In the future, you might want to use a virtual machine when you’re unpacking new payloads.

At this point, use Windows defender to do a offline scan, so it reboots and scans the entire computer from a special operating environment.

If you’re not using Windows, mount the drive on a different computer and do a scan that way.

It’s likely the computer is not tainted, cuz your virus scanner caught it before you ran it. But if you’re very paranoid, or if the computer is very sensitive, it doesn’t hurt to reinstall everything from scratch. And then in the future use virtual machines

How on earth did pirates make 3 billion dollars?

Oh I see, Bitcoin from 2010… More like piracy was the seed investment and then the crypto went to the moon

Wake on lan is fairly well tested, you can have a system that’s asleep, sees the packet and turns on.

You just have to wait until the computer completely boots before you can access your resource.

For good demonstration, moonlight and Sunshine do this very well. But you can implement it with many different programs

For SSDs, and NVMEs, turning on and off isn’t a big deal. For spinning discs, you would want to minimize the cycles, because that is the most mechanically taxing task they will do. You have to balance the power of keeping the disc spinning all the time, versus the cost of replacing the disc more frequently

Once you break laws flagrantly live in front of a huge group of people… You have entered politics.

The number of officers seems appropriate, show of force to prevent the crowd from turning against them.

Can’t create a wallet?

Solar generator and a cell phone can make a wallet, it’s just math. Its as democratic as algebra.

Yeah! Freetube already has a patch committed, which is impressively fast.

For all of its faults, I haven’t seen a better system that gives absolute authority to the resource holder.

Someone could use a CEX if they’re comfortable with that, if they want more freedom, they can use a DEX… and depending on their situation, they could go straight to barter. If they have issues with the normal banking system, they have absolute freedom to figure something out for themselves. Because it’s ultimately distributed to the resource holder, there’s an unlimited number of possibilities people can use to solve the last mile problem

Just using Patreon as the counter example, if it works for you it’s great, if you live in a country they don’t support sucks to be you, if you can’t identify yourself sufficiently for them sucks to be you, if your content is isn’t of the type they approve of sucks to be you…

It’s left as an exercise, what you value more, convenience or freedom. But people on peer tube I believe have demonstrated they value freedom more

Not to mention, off the top of my head, at least 3 billion people, do not have access to a " Western Banking "… they are not even able to participate in the other systems available. That’s almost half the human population that exists right now. Crypto can work for them. Crypto can work for every human. Western banking, as convenient as it is, if you’re willing to accept all the trade-offs, simply isn’t available to half the population of the Earth.

If your a individual you can use a CEX for one offs, if your a recurring revenue business you can use one of the payment -> fiat gateway services for ongoing conversion. https://www.getmonero.org/resources/tools/#payment-gateways

obviously there is a ton of flexibility here, but these are just the common paths.

Synology plus APC Easy UPS (power chute)
Setting up a Synology server, I made the mistake of just buying a UPS that had a USB plug on the back thinking oh this is a solved problem, it must just work. No no far from it. So the UPS I mistakenly purchased is not compatible with Synology. SRV1KI-E wants to run this weird program called PowerChute. Anyone have success marrying this into the Synology ecosystem? It also has a RS 232 serial port, I wonder if there's an off-the-shelf device that would speak serial but output power state via the network or USB.