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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I mean, yes, you’re right that it’s a simplistic take. However, falling for that kind of nonsense is not a sign of intelligence. Being able to assess “Is this a good source?” and “Are other people in fact people?” are signs of intelligence.

Your brother is an fool and shouldn’t be allowed outside without supervision, nevermind voting and operating heavy machinery.

I usually squash my local into a single commit, then rebase it onto the head of main. Tends to be simpler

I’ve never had a complaint about logging stuff in python. It generally does what I expect.

“Create a copy of your object and print that” is what I ended up doing, but I don’t think most people would say that’s intuitive. I expect if i print something at a particular time, I get what it is at that point in time.

Some languages are just worse to work with. like JavaScript. Console.log is like sure I’ll log your object but I’ll tell you what it is now, not what it was when you logged it.

Sometimes you feel like the shittier game took players from the game you’d rather be playing.

Sometimes you feel like the shittier game is kind of a knockoff, and it feels bad when that succeeds.

Sometimes a game is made by a horrible company with a history of abuse from its high ranking staff.

On the one hand, not a big fan of moba or purely PVP games.

On the other, I deeply dislike overwatch specifically and would like to see it dead. Maybe this would make a dent.

Healthy parenting would go a long way. See some of the other comments in this thread.

You can also have settings on your local network. If you’re afraid of your kid casually finding something inappropriate, you can set that up stuff locally without involving the government. A determined kid will still find a way to get stuff, so this is more a safeguard against accidental discovery.

Investing in quality education would also benefit everyone.

the only way to protect kinds (like little me) is to block the porn.

This is false.

Parents have a number of options available to them that do no need to involve the state.

This is what I always say. Put the tickets in order and we’ll do them.

Management always pushes back.

I am going to get a lot of use out of that URL.

I’ve been telling people they need to put a dollar in the jar when they do that, but I haven’t actually been enforcing it.

Probably pull justices from the lower courts at random to hear individual cases. Much harder to bribe all the judges than like two well known supreme Court justices.

but I support their right to choose

I don’t. I also don’t support people’s right to choose to fire guns at my house, piss on my windows, or any number of other things. We live in a society. There are rules

I mostly work in Python, but we use types at work. For a hack day project I skipped typing stuff for like an hour, and then went “wait this sucks” and added types. It was easier overall.

Maybe it’s part of an elaborate vampire hunting scheme. It seems like something idiot PCs would do in a role playing game, and the protagonists of “What We Do In the Shadows” would fall for.

Kind of off topic but some people are really bad at writing jira tickets.

“Show the user a list of projects [eof]”

Ok but like, only their projects, right? Do they need to be ordered? Searchable? Paginated? Only active ones or soft deleted ones, too? Do you just need the name or do you need metadata too?

Somehow product doesn’t love my stance of “if it’s not on the ticket or in a sop, the behavior is undefined and you get what you get” stance.

401 is “I don’t know who you are. Get fucked”

403 is “I know who you are and you’re not allowed here. Get fucked”

I was a QA engineer. I think one of the guys on the team I was on developed a stress response from hearing me walk over to his desk.

Lots of “page crashes if the user doesn’t have a last name”

“Why wouldn’t they have a last name??”

“No idea, but 372 users in the DB don’t, and 20 of them were created this month so it’s not an old problem”

“incoherent muttering and cursing”

Mouselook, huh? More like Quake. :old man yells at cloud:

I feel like there are laws covering reckless endangerment already, right? Wikipedia says

Public endangerment is usually applied to crimes which place the public in some form of danger, although that danger can be more or less severe according to the crime. It is punished most frequently in Canada.

Just use that. Refusing vaccinations is public endangerment. Fraudulently giving people a pass to skip their vaccine is fraud and endangerment.

I don’t trust anyone not using semver.

A whole train of thought happened in my head here about transitioning and semver.

I recently came across the “the card says moops” video about (some kind of) right-wing thinking. Essentially, beliefs and opinions are tools to be picked up or discarded as they are useful, not because of any internally consistent belief. Explains a lot of this kind of thing.

Outlier in that my favorite was doom 1. Probably its second episode was my favorite, but they’re all good.

The graphics at the time were amazing. The skyboxes for some reason really made an impression on me. There’s like green mountains in the background of episode 1 I think. As a kid I used to think about exploring them.

The first time I beat the third episode without cheats, I finished off the spider mastermind with exactly 1% health left. Memorable as shit. (I think the game might do the thing where the last few percents of health count more, so it feels exciting when you just barely hang on. If so, it worked.)

I remember thinking my older cousin was so cool because he could clear all the levels without cheats.

Playing it now with mouse look and wasd it’s a much easier game, but back then as a child with keyboard only it was daunting.

Doom2’s level design had more confusing and frustrating parts for me. Also I didn’t get a copy of it until several years later, so it didn’t have the full magic of youth.

Doom 3 I don’t remember very well. I liked it but it didn’t have staying power.

I didn’t finish the new dooms. They’re fine but I never really clicked with them.

Because I didn’t want someone to yolo connect to production, and we don’t have infrastructure in place for running arbitrary scripts against production. An http endpoint takes very little time to write, and let’s you take advantage of ci/cd/test infrastructure that’s already in place.

This was for a larger more complicated change. Smaller ones can go in as regular data migrations in source control, but those still go through code review and get deployed to dev before going out.

I have several times insisted that a migration be done via an ad hoc endpoint, because I’m a jerk, but also it’s much easier then to test, and no one has to yolo connect directly to prod.

There’s that old saying ‘everyone has a development environment. Some people are lucky enough to have a separate production environment, too’

I have a hypothesis that a factor is that government needs to work for everyone.

A private company can be like “we only really support chrome”, but even people running ie6 at a tiny resolution need to renew their license.

I met someone at a party who works at Google. She told me that too many decisions are made by engineers instead of like a higher up product person.

That’s not contradicting what you said. Others have also said there’s a lot more rewards for making something “new” rather than maintaining something.

It’s a failure of Google management

Vote, get involved, and if you’re ever on a jury for bullshit nullify

That’s where someone’s being charged for a crime, and you think the law is unjust, so you just say Not Guilty. You don’t have to show your work and there’s nothing the court can do to make you change your answer.

This is a great power that should be used responsibly.

I think a lot about writing a story about some sort of Enshittification Avenger. So when a reasonably good service decides to enshittify, the avenger breaks into their board’s house and beats the living shit out of them.

I was mildly annoyed the other day when someone moved a works-fine function and reimplemented it with dropwhile. This apparently was a divisive idea.

Me: it worked fine. Don’t reimplement it for no gains. Don’t send people to somewhat esoteric parts of the standard library. No one on this team is going to know how that function works off the top of their head.

Them: it’s in the standard library it’s fair game. It still works.

I don’t really like looking at men. Yeah, the Witcher games are pretty alright but Geralt is kind of boring for me to watch. Given a choice between watching a buff dude throw a goblin at another goblin in bg3, or a buff woman do the same? Probably want to see the woman. Maybe it’s just low grade ambient horniness.

I never think of the character in a game as “me”. I had a friend who would always make himself. White guy with short hair and a short beard. That’s not for me. I don’t want to watch myself get blown up, stabbed, eaten by a dragon, whatever.

I don’t like when games feel like they’re just giving me eye candy or lazy titillation, though.The whole bikini armor thing I’m not into. Someone else mentioned they hate heels. Same.

Seems very good. It’s wvw reset night right now. There’s a 16 person queue to get into the eternal battlegrounds map, and <10 on the other ones. Non reset nights the wvw maps are usually active with the occasional queue. I do a fair amount of wvw. The other night we had a wild ~40 v~40 v~40 fight in the garrison. Great stuff.

For PvE stuff, there’s almost always people doing the meta events. I never had trouble getting a group for fractals or strikes. Raids I see sometimes in the LFG tool, but I only do them with a training guild I joined.

Also, with PvE they added megaservers a while ago so it doesn’t matter what “server” you’re on. For WvW, they’re supposedly implementing guild-based matches instead, but that’s been in the works for a while.

I haven’t seen anything new and exciting on sale. Some stuff I already have is on sale, though. BG3 is great. Pillars of Eternity is also great.

I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 a lot. It’s on sale. New expansion came out recently. It’s the only MMO that doesn’t piss me off. Feels like an actual video game.

I often get annoyed when I Google/ddg something like “python3 sort list in place” and get some blog, w3schools, and geeks for geeks, before I get the standard python docs. Just tell me if it’s [].sort() or sorted([]) !

Honestly for that kind of question I want the docs more than I want stack overflow.

Maybe I should just bookmark the docs instead of using search, come to think of it. But if your search prioritizes official docs that sounds like a plus.

I mean, sure, it’s not good if they did sketchy stuff to bootstrap their network. I hadn’t heard there before but I wouldn’t be surprised.

But I don’t think it’s really the same as Yelp. Or at least not how I use it. Trust isn’t really a factor. I don’t use LinkedIn to review a company. I don’t look at their soulless posts about how great their team is. I use it to see “do I know anyone who works at this place that has an opening I want?” Then when I see my old friend is a manager there, I shoot him a message (possibly not even via LinkedIn if it’s someone I know well) and ask if it’s someplace I would want to work at. There’s not really a lot of room for fake in that process.

Also sometimes recruiters just message me. Some of them suck but that’s not really particular to LinkedIn.

You’re not thinking of Glassdoor, are you? Because that’s more like yelp and I don’t especially trust the positive reviews on there.

I don’t really want to go to bat for Microsoft though. I’d be happier if there was a better professional network out there. But, you know, capitalist hellscape.

LinkedIn is very useful for job searching and networking. I don’t post on there, but it was key to getting several job offers.

I’m not aware of any other professional social networks.

Capitalism is a machine for producing tragedies.

The only silver lining is even if Bandcamp goes away, I can keep the music I bought on it. It’s all drm free. If a streaming service shuts down, you’re typically left with nothing despite having paid every month.

I hope Bandcamp survives, and somehow regains independence.

I believe on Bandcamp Friday the artist gets 100% of the sale. I’m not sure if they’re going to keep doing it after the sale to songtradr.

The loss of bandcamp’s independence is a tragedy