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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m pretty sure people would’ve stormed parliament if you banned alcohol sales.

Having worked with designers in an ad agency (although not a designer myself), the male designers didn’t ever have a good thing to say about the work of any of the female designers. Consequently, none of them stuck around for long (one of them is a creative director in a big agency now, so presumably she wasn’t that bad).

Then again, they were assholes in many other respects as well, and the guys in the next companies I worked for were a lot better.

And now job boards are full of ads for ‘salesforce developers’ that pay ridiculous amounts because nobody really wants to work on salesforce.

Yeah, my bad,I thought they were linked (in the sense that the weapons from Iran Contra were promised in exchange for the hostages), but I guess they were seperate.

Have you considered only backing up the data you can’t replace relatively easily? I would look into a strategy of periodically backing up the list of media in a format that can easily be imported into Radarr or whichever system you used to acquire them. Sure, if the worst happens it’ll take forever to redownload, but you can just prioritise the things you want to watch right now while everything’s rebuilding in the background.

Definitely do back up photos, documents and your home directory (excluding stuff like a steam library), but hopefully you should be able to fit all that on a NAS or external HD.

To visit relatives mostly. And it’s a big tourist destination in the Muslim world because of some more permissive laws regarding alcohol and the like.

Probably like $50/month in cloud resources if you turned off all the extra stuff and only did redirects and kept it around in read only mode. You’d need to do some dev work up front and price that in as well, obviously.

Yeah, shouldn’t be too hard to at least keep the existing links working in a read only state.

I think training your own image generator on existing child porn is probably beyond most high schoolers. I’d be happy if at least commercial options were held responsible for distributing generated CP, which is already illegal BTW.

Yeah, it’s probably more important to make sure we don’t have child porn generation machines available to anyone online.

If needed you could use a subdomain from a free dyndns provider. And if you’re going to be self hosting stuff having your own domain is probably good anyway.

If you replaced every vehicle with an electric airplane the electricity needed would be astronomical.

But in order to get the money for those programs, especially if their effect is to lower the workload for police, you should get the money from the police budget, otherwise it’s just wasted money. Are you just going to keep giving the NYPD a billion dollars a year to do nothing?

Realistically, isn’t that really the point where he actually faces any consequences?

Doesn’t take away from the original point, obviously. Actually reinforces it as Belarus barely faced any consequence for that stunt.

Wasn’t this Lukashenko for some Belarusian activists? IIRC, Navalny voluntarily returned to Russia.

You don’t have time to be depressed when you’re trying to fix xorg.conf. (yeah, I know, super dated reference, Linux is actually so good these days I can’t find an equivalent joke).

That’s why philanthropy needs to be reigned in. It’s just such people using money (that would’ve gone to taxes otherwise) dictating how society should be run, whether in academia, the arts, leisure or even policing.

If they paid this money in taxes, we’d all get a say what happens to the money (I know, that’s mostly in theory, in reality the rich get to say what happens with that money too).

Yeah, not saying it wouldn’t help, but a lot of these schemes don’t have enough oversight to guarantee that the tree you paid for is effectively planted and cared for enough that it will survive.

Realistically we’ll need to do everything to tackle climate change: change away from fossil fuels, doing everything we can to sequester carbon (in a way that doesn’t generate more emissions), and probably also reduce consumption in general (degrowth).

It’s not like it’s a new idea to bribe the police to get them on your side, the elites have been doing this for decades: https://www.propublica.org/article/private-donors-supply-spy-gear-to-cops .

It’s why the cops are never there when you need them, but they’re always there to defend corporate property.

Unfortunately it’ll take 10 years to build the printer.

Wonder why they use average instead of median, which would be more meaningful. You can make the average go up just by raising the wages of the top 1% workers.

Just shows that the FBI is filled with reactionary dickheads. Don’t expect an agency like that to have changed since they murdered Civil rights leaders.

Do we really need another IDF investigation where they say they did nothing wrong?

Yeah, I’ve used Nextcloud for this in the past too, but it looks like there’s a ton of other options as well judging by this thread.

Yeah, it’s weird, I thought they were just included with premium, no idea there was a listening limit.

Yeah, that’s the thing, those apps don’t really give kids the sort of privacy we enjoyed as kids. It’s probably better to limit access to safe apps or something like that, depending on age.

Screen isn’t on the whole time, you can fast forward, etc. Not that I think it’s healthy to be spying on what your kids do.

The notability rule has always been enforced way too strictly to my liking. They’d delete articles about bands that had albums released and reached the charts and everything just because they weren’t notable enough, which makes it hard to find out stuff about some random band you heard.

Then on the other hand you can find an article on every Pokemon on Wikipedia.

Mind you, having those is fine, but that should also mean you shouldn’t delete articles about highways, bands and minor celebrities either. It’s not a physical encyclopaedia that you need to fit on a shelf, an article that doesn’t interest you isn’t really getting in anyone’s way, and might be a valuable resource for someone else. As long as something’s not just spam, it shouldn’t get deleted.

I guess he distributed some wealth at least. Whichever millionaire donor that backed him just got suckered out of like a million dollars worth of gift cards.

Yeah, generally miners will set up in places with cheap electricity. And excluding places like Azerbaijan, those sources are generally renewables.