Hey, he’s like, just this guy, you know?

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I was part of the hardcore build it yourself crew for years and years, but I find now that for the last 10 years or so now, and especially with the death of places like Fry’s and all the bullshit Newegg pulled, it’s way easier and cheaper to buy a pre-built box that’s maybe 90-95% there, then tweak what you need to tweak.

Get that manufacturers warranty and forget trying to part it out yourself.

$3,500 here.


Pretty much. Try getting a job without online access, or applying for state and federal benefits. Or getting a doctor through your insurance plan.

Gosar is such a tool.

You know it’s bad when his own family said “Yeah, don’t vote for this guy.”


Hilarious that it even embedded the tweet so you can see it’s not an accurate quote.

Bad enough when humans do it, adding nothing.

Pointless survey since we don’t have national elections.

We won’t have a real understanding until we can count Trump primary votes and compare that to the state by state results in the 2016 primary and general.

Then it’s matter of following state by state polling until election day.

“Additionally, Mr Biden’s age remains a problem for many who believe at 80 years old, he is too old to run again.”

Trump will be the same age Biden is now in 2026.

I could see a purpose for it:

“This is ‘propaganda’ kids. It’s designed to teach you things that aren’t true. Here’s how to learn it isn’t true, and here’s how to learn who is behind it and why they want you to be taught things that aren’t true.”

I don’t get the surprise… Apple has ALWAYS been like this. They don’t want “normies” screwing around with “their” gear.

Heck, you needed a case cracker tool to open the OG Macintosh machines, they were specifically engineered to keep people out.


If you’re doing this in a business environment, I wouldn’t fool around with a home rolled option and would just go straight with a Websense subscription:


People won’t pay for something that used to be free… OTOH, neither will bot farms.

Either case will end Twitter, so I say go for it!

It’s not just the conservative media that’s the problem. Even CNN in 2016 would run breathless live coverage from a location where a Trump event was scheduled for hours later, or had happened hours previously.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders filled a basketball arena in Portland with thousands of people crowded around outside. CNN? Silence.

I joked that Trump couldn’t pass gas without live CNN talking heads discussing if it were more “fruity” or “nutty”, but really that’s only half kidding.

The media has already decided that they want Trump/Biden again.

Possible to take the hardware, wipe it, install Linux and not worry about expiration?

Reading reviews of the pictured model, apparently they sounded like crap?

I mean, they’re beautiful, and the magnet attached mic is inspired, but if they sound like garbage what’s the point?

I was an admin at a company that was borderline psychopathic. Yeah, tons of abuse at all levels. No progression unless you were a member of the executive teams family or married to one of them. Completely dysfunctional workplace.

Because Microsoft has no more business managing Epson applications than Epson does, I dunno, Kensington or Belkin.

Because Microsoft manages Windows update, it’s not like a package manager in Linux.

I don’t want Microsoft telling me when I should update an Epson printer driver.

“via Windows Update” - key piece of info missing from the headline “for some reason”.

Yeah, I don’t see a need for Windows update to do any 3rd party stuff.

It’s too bad Justin Roilland got canned, because this is prime for another Rick and Morty court transcript video:


(Real court transcript voiced by Rick and Morty.)

If it had 10 GB at the higher speed it would still be hamstrung, but not as badly as it is with 8 GB and 2 GB that’s essentially unusable except for maybe UI overlays.

More shocking is the speed of the RAM involved.

Xbox Series S
8 GB running at 224 GB/s
2 GB at 56 GB/s

By comparison:

Xbox Series X
16 GB @ 560 GB/s

16 GB @ 448 GB/s

Xbox One X
12 GB @ 326.4 GB/s

Steam Deck
16 GB @ 88 GB/s

4 GB @ 25.6 GB/s

More shocking is the speed of the RAM involved.

Xbox Series S
8 GB running at 224 GB/s
2 GB at 56 GB/s

By comparison:

Xbox Series X
16 GB @ 560 GB/s

16 GB @ 448 GB/s

Xbox One X
12 GB @ 326.4 GB/s

Steam Deck
16 GB @ 88 GB/s

4 GB @ 25.6 GB/s

Low bar. :) The Xbox One X has more RAM than the Xbox Series S.

As a console gamer, I don’t have to worry about it. Xbox Series X, PS5, Steam Deck are all AMD based. The Switch is Nvidia, but honestly, I can’t remember the last time I turned the Switch on.

Bottom paragraph, page 1:

“Furthermore, your note calls to mind another letter recently submited to a House select committe: ‘This unprecedented action serves no legitimate legislative purpose and would set a dangerous precedent for future Congresses… the American people deserve beter.’ See Letter fom Rep. Jim Jordan to Chairman Bennie Thompson dated January 9, 2022.”

Your iPad is an MP3 player, but as far as ripping a CD, first you need a USB CD drive, which is easy enough to get.

BUT… iOS doesn’t recognize optical drives, so once you have the USB drive, you need some other device to connect it to in order to rip the CDs.

Could be something like a Steam Deck or an inexpensive laptop or Chrome Book.

Once you rip the files to the device, you need to probably upload them to cloud storage accessible by both that device and the iPad.

Once the files are transferred to the iPad, you should be good to go!

I want Fanni to be my new best friend. Thank you for calling him out for the fuckstick he is.

It’s a boat anchor, it’s time for Microsoft to cut it loose and release a digital only Series X.

11/2020 to 11/2023, not a bad run, figure it’s 1/2 way through this generation. Time for it to go.

I should say too… not a funny game, but for me, the funniest MOMENT in a game:


Outer Worlds has a great sense of humor.

Videocard Benchmark here:


Figure out your price point, then get the highest scoring card in that range.

Say for the sake of argument you don’t want to spend more than $300 on a GPU:

GeForce RTX 3060 TI at $302 and change, not bad.

Radeon RX 6750 XT out performs it, but it’s also $360 instead of 302. So are the extra 500 points on their performance scale worth $60? Probably not.

Prices are more of a guide, search around, you might find them for less. Just using the shopping tab at Google, I found the GeForce for $250 at NewEgg.

“Oh? You hate your job? There’s a support group for that, it’s called ‘Everybody’, we meet at the bar!”

  • Drew Carey

The first thing I do in games like that is Zerg Rush to all the towers needed to open the map and unlock fast travel.

Once you do that, the rest of the game becomes a lot easier.

I got about 1/2 way through the game, but as soon as I hit the first boss of act 3 I just couldn’t progress. He’d wipe the party every time. Walkthroughs were useless.

Trump criminal case timeline:
If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions: **Updated 9/14/2023** **Georgia** **13 state felonies** **Election Interference** Investigation Indictment Arrest **<- You Are Here** All 19 defendants [have surrendered.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/mugshot-rudy-giuliani-jenna-ellis-trump-georgia-surrender-rcna101670) Trial - The Judge has now ruled that Trump and the other defendants who have not sought a speedy trial will be separated from the two going on trial October 23rd. [No trial date for the others has yet been set.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fulton-county-district-attorney-rico-case-trump-trial/) Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee [has ruled](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/06/donald-trump-sidney-powell-kenneth-chesebro-georgia-trials/70770328007/) that the cases against Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will both begin on October 23, 2023. It will be televised. Conviction Sentencing **Washington, D.C.** **4 federal felonies** **January 6th Election Interference** Investigation Indictment Arrest **<- You Are Here** Trial - [3/4/2024](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/28/politics/trump-january-6-criminal-case-trial-date-hearing/index.html), one day before Super Tuesday primaries. Conviction Sentencing **New York** **34 state felonies** **Stormy Daniels Payoff** Investigation Indictment Arrest **<- You Are Here** Trial - **[March 25th, 2024](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-23/trump-gets-march-25-2024-trial-date-in-ny-hush-money-case)** Conviction Sentencing **Florida** **40 federal felonies** **Top Secret Documents charges** Investigation Indictment Original indictment was for 37 felonies. 3 new felonies were added on [July 27, 2023.](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/06/politics/annotated-trump-indictment-dg/) Arrest **<- You Are Here** Trial - **[May 20, 2024](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/federal-judge-sets-may-2024-start-trump-classified-docs-trial-rcna95222)** Conviction Sentencing Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced. The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one. That trial date is currently set for [January 15th, the same day as the Iowa caucus.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/special-counsel-seeks-jan-2-start-date-trumps/story?id=102174724) and has now been determined to be [for damages only](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/06/politics/e-jean-carroll-trump-defamation-lawsuit/index.html) as Trump was already found liable. As a function of the January 6th and Georgia trials, there are now lawsuits in two states to bar Trump from the primary ballot based on the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. Colorado: 9/6/2023 - [Lawsuit filed.](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4189863-watchdog-group-sues-to-block-trump-from-2024-ballot-colorado/) Minnesota: 9/12/2023 - [Lawsuit filed.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/12/politics/minnesota-trump-14th-amendment-lawsuit/index.html) A long-shot write in candidate for President has also filed suits seeking to bar Trump from the ballot in [Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/sep/5/john-anthony-castro-write-gop-presidential-candida/)