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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 10, 2024

> Five other Black male passengers were also asked to leave the plane, a press statement said, adding, “As the plaintiffs began to comply with the directive to deplane, they noticed that the only* *passengers who were being ordered off the plane were Black men, and it appeared that every Black man on the flight was being removed.” > After the men were removed from the plane, they were allegedly told by an American representative that they would not be allowed to fly on the flight and would have to rebook their trip. Upon asking for an explanation, the men were told that they were removed because a white male flight attendant had complained about an unidentified passenger’s body, according to the lawsuit. > “Notably, at no time did anyone accuse any of the plaintiffs of having offensive body odor,” the press statement said. > When the plaintiffs pointed out that it appeared they were being racially targeted, at least one American representative allegedly said that she did “not disagree”.

If you don’t think Python is a good scripting language, what is a good scripting language in your opinion? Bourne Shell? VBScript? PHP?

Funny, Biden’s bombs have been killing Palestinian babies quite efficiently.

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose those voters – and may indeed lose the election – if he does not cease his support of these atrocities. Biden has that rare opportunity in politics: to help the country, and himself, by doing the right thing. But he must do so now. Both the Palestinian people and his own election prospects are running out of time.

Biden needs Blue Wall victories to win 2024 Electoral College map
While polls broadly show Biden continuing to fall behind former President Donald Trump in swing states across the country, they consistently show the older, whiter states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as the most competitive for Biden. Trump has larger leads in the Sun Belt states, in large part owing to Biden’s loss of support with younger voters and voters of color. ... The most recent New York Times/Siena College poll showed Biden with smaller leads than 2020 among voters under 45 (3 points), Black voters (60 points) and Hispanic voters (13 points) — important voting blocs in the southern and western battlegrounds.

You know, if I had an extra two hours two sleep every day, I might finally wake up ready to go in the morning.

The United States on Tuesday rejected charges that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in its war against Hamas.  “We don’t have any evidence of genocide being created,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee in a hearing.

Israel had a long history of friendship and cooperation with apartheid South Africa, and in addition to supplying millions of dollars worth of weapons to help violently suppress the country’s Black majority population, it also provided nuclear weapons materials and offered to sell the racist regime nuclear warheads to keep it in power. In return, Israel received uranium from South Africa to develop its weapons.

You aren’t seeing a social engineering attack. You’re seeing the same thing that you’ll find on Tik Tok, Instagram, and anywhere else young progressives can be found. People are angry with Biden and for good reason. Sorry, we’re not going to shut up about it. We understand that there is a lot at stake in this election. But nothing can justify looking the other way while genocide is being committed.

I truly wish Biden would take your concerns seriously enough to stop alienating a huge portion of his base with his actions.

US: Here’s a bullet. Please don’t use it to kill a child.

Israel: I’ll do what I want.

Israel shoots a toddler.

US: Oh, why’d you do that?! Here’s another bullet. This time, please only use it for legitimate self-defence.

Israel: That was self-defence.

Israel shoots a baby

Bystander: Stop that!

US: (to bystander) Mind your own business. (to Israel) Here’s another bullet. Now please, no more kids.

Israel shoots pregnant mother

Is that nuanced enough for you?

You’re seriously upset that I’m posting too many articles critical of US foreign policy while the US funds and arms a genocide? The only pattern you’ll find in my posts is a focus on Gaza. If you’d like to see other content, post it. Lemmy needs all the content it can get.

If you supply someone with a weapon that you know will be used to kill their spouse, you will be charged with murder.

Of the last 12 articles I’ve posted, only 3 could be construed as negative towards Biden. If he doesn’t want shitty publicity, maybe he should stop doing a genocide.

[P]erhaps the voters are sensible and the economists are obtuse. And perhaps the indicators on which economists rely no longer mean what economists suppose them to mean.

The Biden administration’s policy on Gaza has been widely criticised as being in disarray as the defense secretary described the situation as a “humanitarian catastrophe” the day after the state department declared Israel to be in compliance with international humanitarian law. Washington was also on the defensive on Tuesday over its claim that a UN security council ceasefire resolution on which it abstained was non-binding, an interpretation that put the US at odds with other member states, international legal scholars and the UN itself.

How can you be so cold blooded as to call the starvation of 2.3 million people a “wedge issue”?

There was recently a story about a woman in Ohio who left her baby in a pack 'n play while she went on vacation for two weeks. She returned to find the baby dead from starvation and dehydration. I imagine my own baby wailing with hunger for days on end.

This is what Israel is deliberately subjecting tens of thousands of children to while Biden continues to give them weapons and diplomatic cover. This isn’t a wedge issue. This isn’t a talking point. This isn’t a bargaining chip. As long as we are on the wrong side of this issue, we are “the axis of evil” in the world. We are irredeemable.

I’m not quibbling. Bernie is supporting a man committing genocide. Oh, Trump is advocating for genocide? Why should I give a hoot whether Biden says he likes genocide while he gives Israel the bombs they are using in the genocide. Words mean nothing if your actions contradict them. Biden’s duplicity is no virtue. At least Trump has the spine to own his crimes. Biden kills babies while crying crocodile tears, and Bernie is his apologist. Shame on them all.

You know what won’t end the genocide? Wringing our hands while we vote for the politicians carrying it out.

Yeah, he says that and then says you need to vote for Genocide Joe. Just a reminder that Bernie is a Zionist and waited until Dec. 13 to even call for a ceasefire. He’s hot garbage, just like AOC who refuses to call the conflict a genocide.