• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


How do you do the ingredients for a recipe? Does it understand “1tbsp” and things like that?

I didn’t realise 12ft.io has gone down but I believe their original slogan was along the lines of, “for every 10ft wall, there’s a 12ft ladder”, hence the name.

This policy was last updated in March, 2023.

You’ll want to create a new firebase project, install the firebase CLI on your computer and then use the CLI to: login to firebase, select the project you created, and then using the CLI run firebase deploy wherever your code is. That should use firebase “hosting” to serve your static files.

I find Google Cloud’s documentation extremely confusing (including firebase), so you’re not alone on that front. Took a lot of searching & troubleshooting to finally get my setup working as I intended.

Can’t comment on square space, but you could maybe try firebase (google), github pages, or netlify as alternatives?

My recommendation would be to go down the web dev route to start because it’s very easy to create things that you can share easily (everyone has a browser, but not everyone has python installed on their machine, or wants to open an executable). That can be a great motivator.

I still think App Academy’s free bootcamp is one of the most comprehensive resources to go from zero to making small web apps. It’s very hands-on and they have over 200hrs of material, discord community, and it was updated about a year ago. However, it can be quite daunting and you need to have good discipline to keep going.


Otherwise, as someone else mentioned, freecodeacademy is a good beginner resource.

For IPTVNator, which video player do you use? I tried videojs and html5 and nothing would come up.

I quite like Obsidian too. Markdown note app that has desktop & mobile versions. You can create templates and have it so that a new note using a template is opened automatically when you open the app (e.g. for daily notes). It also supports a lot of different community created plugins.

I sync across android & linux via google drive for free, otherwise Obsidian also has a paid sync feature.

I don’t have an answer unfortunately but I ran into the same issue. I used some random sites (think Pelisplay and pelisplus) to watch some stuff but it was more miss than hit.

The other frustrating part is that even if you watch a Spanish translated show on Netflix for example, the subtitles usually don’t match with what they’re saying, even though it’s the same language.

The frustrating part is that I have DAZN, but because they don’t have rights to all the competitions I’m interested in, I still have to pirate to watch them. If I had a menu and could choose competitions and even buy one-off games at-will (at a reasonable price), I wouldn’t resort to pirating at all for sports.

Moonlight works on the nvidia shield?

Steam in-house remote play (link)
Hi all, I've been thinking about setting things up so I can play Steam games on my TV but I'm a little confused on the setup. So here's what I was planning: * main laptop in office will stream the game * TV in living room connected to Nvida shield * Nvidia shield runs Steam Link to connect to laptop * Controllers connect to Nvidia shield?? I think the main thing that confuses me is if I can connect my controllers to the Nvidia shield or do they need to connect to the laptop? Anyone have a similar setup that works?

Lol, I forget that’s a thing. Tried it a couple of times but didn’t really get the appeal after a while. So random, you think Valve ever thought people would be playing CS:S like that 20 years later?

CS Source communities?
Hey All, I'm one of those that is still playing Counter-Strike Source even though the world has moved on. I've really been enjoying this specific "revival" mod that allows you to revive your teammates, however, I'm struggling to find servers that have it. The server search inside the game is absolute rubbish, so I was hoping someone might know of an active CS:S community or perhaps server search, so that I can find some servers with that mod? Thanks!

Yeah, I wouldn’t mind just paying a season-pack for the sport that I’m interested in. Picking & choosing the competitions I want to see, and maybe having the option to pay for 1-off games. This isn’t possible though because networks/companies buy exclusive rights, so for one competition I need this subscription, for another I need this. It fucking sucks!

That being said, any recommendations on a good setup for live sports on a smart TV? In the past, I’ve streamed on a website on my laptop, and then plug in to my TV via HDMi. I’ve tried Kodi in the past but has been super unreliable for me for live-sports. Any other recommendations?

This course really helped it click for me. Available for free and taught by the Primeagen.


Same. I like this so I don’t need to open a second app. Only used PostMan and ThunderClient, so can’t comment on others.