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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


RED isn’t worth it compared to the other one since everything will trickle down to OPH anyways, RED has a very mean test and will hate you for searching anything at all.

CPUs can have special hardware accelerators for stuff like this, and you’d be surprised how powerful our little phone CPUs are and how optimized stuff like this can become.

You know a weirdly large amount about something you can’t possibly know about or have sources for.

You can also just read it and see the post for what it is, instead of whatever you’re doing. It’s a funny joke around Rust.

Fuck everyone who needs it to be legal right? Progress is bad if it negatively affects me in any way shape or form!

It wouldn’t have been if it kept to the original purpose of some simple tasks and such, but we can’t have nice things.

I’m lucky to live in a country where e-bikes and electric scooters and such are a bigger talking point than cars.

Even better is that you wouldn’t need an e-bike either, as frankly the high speed ones are incredibly dangerous especially when there’s good infrastructure for bicycling.

Because the other languages use more characters on average like it says?