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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Hash the image, then assign hash ranges to servers that are part of the ring. You’d use RAFT to get consensus about who is responsible for which ranges. I’m largely just envisioning the Scylla gossip replacement as the underlying communications protocol.

Why? Use something like RAFT, elect the leader, have the leader run the AI tool, then exchange results, with each node running it’s own subset of image hashes.

That does mean you need a trust system, though.

They don’t employ the people who made their backend so special anymore. Not one of their original chaos engineering team work there anymore, and Brendan Gregg (Hooray for learning BCC/perf!) is over at Intel

Yes, but Netflix isn’t in the same class anymore (High growth, dominating their relevant fields, diversification). Nvidia may fit.

FANG isn’t really an accurate word anymore.

It’s MAAA: Meta, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon.

That prompts in most modern distros. You should pipe it to sshpass.

But why?

Did you start with busybox and just decide to stay there?

Depending on your distro, vi is vim aliased with the fanciness off by default.

META-c. My hands on meta and ESC is all the way over there