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Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


The EU doesn’t mess around, their definition of digital purchase is what matters, not the wording in steam EULA

Finally! But I’m sure they’ll keep the green color for non imessage, and the (incredibly stupid) social stigma it carries in the US.

I’m no expert in Palestinian Arabic sorry, and relied on a friend for the exact translation

I’m looking for a source and can’t find anything high quality enough for now. I thought this was common knowledge, since it’s being chanted during protests in arabic all around the world.

Then, I’m sorry for the harsh tone, not every one understands arabic.

Do you know the original quote, in arab, and its literal translation? The original version states: palestine will be arab, not free. It’s a hate slogan, diluted so that dumb westerners will parrot it.

Be smarter

What’s the next step for the intercept, “From the river to the seas” in their front page?

I’ve already used it to play the hell out of anno 1800, better than any 2k machine would have.

This has opened my eyes to one thing: jewish people do need a state where they are majority, and the ability to defend themselves. The world will never change I’m afraid.

Lol nice way to say you don’t understand shit about it :D

I kind of regret learning ML sometimes. Being one of the 10 people per km2 who understand how it works is so annoying. It’s just a fancy mirror ffs, stop making weird faces at it you baboons!

You’re right, the Israeli should just say “too bad guys, they have hostages, we can’t shoot in that direction, check mate” and let hamas slaughter them

Again with the personal attacks while I’m trying to explain war.

Non lethal incapacitation… yeah keep watching movies…

I’ve made my point clear, what I’m engaging with is your reductio ad absurdum you’re using since your first reply.

Let’s do it anyway: no, bombing a crowd because there may be someone hostile inside is not ok. If there someone shooting rockets at you from that crowd, in a war, yes, you should try to kill that guy even if it hits civilians. Otherwise YOU WILL DIE… that’s warfare… it’s horrible.

Now there is a mountain of nuance that i didn’t address because it’s a post on lemmy, and picking one of those nuanced scenarios and trying to make it my whole argument is fallacious and dishonest.

Again, arguing in bad faith. Let me do the same:

Oh so you say the Israeli should not shoot at the rocket launchers and shooters in the crowd? They should just die because “check mate” you can’t kill civilians? You just want to see more jews dead… (/s)

Good now we both have said choking stuff that’s not precise nor in good faith. Where do we go from here?

My words are available to you. They speak for themselves. Mischaracterize them all you want.

That’s not what I said. There needs to be heavy pressure on them from the world. I’m putting pressure on my political representative exactly for that.

But a blanket statement like: “all civilian casualties are inadmissible” is just wrong.

Oh then, every one should take a baby when going to war. I’m sure this would work.

It’s a warzone, not a Bobo dream like in your head

Military targets yes, if there is a missile launcher or ammo in an israeli building, yes it is a valid target. You have to right to kill anyone who’s actively trying kill you.

What do you propose? Let them shoot from there and not retaliate? That’s how you get killed you genious.

They even do roof knocking to evacuate people ffs…

Israel definitely could have avoided this, and not fuck up the whole situation so much, but it’s not a simple matter… and self defense is a simple matter… if someone shoots at you, you kill them. That’s what happens when you take a gun. If you massacre a bunch of civilians, then people are going to shoot at you and your accomplices with passion

The deliberate targeting of civilians is horrible. But it’s well documented that hamas uses people as meat shields, by using civilian buildings as ammo depots and rocket launching platforms. That’s, unfortunately, a fair target then…

So, they should accept the massacre and feel bad about themselves?

Damn, that’s a good summary. I guess I’m not immune to slipping standards. This guy lowered the bar so low, that I considered him doing his job praise worthy

I really hate him, but he did stop chemical weapons usage in Syria by blasting an airport as warning…. At least as far as I know

Someone didn‘t understand the meaning of speculative bubble

I used to go to a lot of punk concerts, you end up meeting a lot of people including redskins, OG skins, I’ve even met BDSM skinheads. The world is beautiful in its complexity