There’s always money in the banana stand

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I run Jellyfin on my thin client server, with movie library folders mounted feom my old dual bay Buffalo NAS. Works like a charm.

I think I’ve tried to switch to pay as you go, but they wanted to reserve $100+, so I said no. And didn’t have any bugging restarts or anything.

I got notification from them that they will stop unused machine. I’ve just rebooted and didn’t get anything for a few months now

I know I’ll be told that it is a shit company, but Oracle free VPS works like a charm for me. Using it to circumvent CGNAT by running Wireguard on it

I left Plex about two years ago and haven’t looked back since. Install Jellyfin and see if you like it .

I’m noob and this was simple. Works like a charm. It has readymade installers for Wireguard on different VPS providers and installer for your client (home server).

I used to open and NAT porte on my modem. Got put behind CG NAT, so now I run Wireguard tunnel to free VPS.

2 or more clients on Wireguard reverse tunnel?
I've been put behind CGNAT last year, so I'm running Wireguard tunnel to a VPS. Can I simply add new client - a second Linux machine sitting at my network and forward certain ports to it? Do all the clients use the same key then?

I’ve done that, all containers report healthy, but still can’t connect. I’ve tried changing ORIGIN to ip;port, domain: port, still nothing. Really weird.

I did this. Works flawlessly for half year now. I have x86 thin client at home running all my stuff, it creates tunnel to my VPS (I use Free tier Oracle VPS - yes, it is a shit company, I know, no need to let me know again in the comments). Works like a charm. This GitHub repo has automated installer for Oracle, Amazon,… - it installs and configures Wireguard on both server (VPS) and client (your home machine).

How do I change port to something else? 3000 is already used by Gitea :)

Mi tv stick is brilliant. But doesn’t play h265 and is quite slow. I usually start it at least 2 minutes before I fire up Jellyfin.

I’m running AdGuard home (at home on $10 x86 thin client) and simply opened ports on my router and pointed my domain to the ip. Worked like a charm. Then my ISP added me CGNAT, so I’ve added free VPS doing wireguard tunnel home, so everything works fine. I run AdGuard with Let’s encrypt certificates, so I use the private DNS setting in Android directly with my domain. I’m running my home net on an unlimited 4G LTE connection.

Yes. Quality is the key thing about fediverse. Also - size doesn’t mean everything. Black holes are small, but mighty. Lemmy sucks most of my spare time already.

Aren’t you playing H265 on player not supporting it?

So far all is working fine.

Mine did this to me few weeks back. They can kiss my… Read here. Free oracle VPS and wireguard. With the installer super easy! Read here

Simple landing page listing my installed services
I'm looking for something like Heimdall, but a little bit more lightweight, hopefully something I can just throw into my www folder. Nothing requiring Docker. Just lightweight stuff.

I’ve got 4G modem. It runs DHCP/gateway for the network. From that it is a mix of wifi routers, one dumb switch and things sitting on powerline connected parts of the network (outside wifi routers for power monitor, guest wifi round the property, etc). All is running on 192.168.1.xx , only the wg0 interface is My ubuntu server runs just my web server, adguard home, jellyfin, etc.

On my server inside, or the VPS sitting out on the internet? wireguard doesn’t start if I put it into PostUP on my server. Yes, I’ve changed the interface to enp1s0 and port to 3389

Is it PostUp, or PostDown? Im noob with wireguard

Forwarding ports to other devices via Wireguard doesn’t work
I've made wireguard tu nel out to VPS (to circumvent CGNAT). Dns server works, web server + Gitea, Jellyfin,.. works. All the stuff running on my thin Ubuntu client. What doesn't work is forwarding the RDP port to my windows machine. No firewall on the windows machine. Used to work before CGNAT got enabled by my ISP. I've tried also UDP port, but still no connection. Here is my wg0 conf: [Interface] PrivateKey = ..... Address = PostUp = iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to-destination; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j DNAT --to-destination; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 3389 -j MASQUERADE [Peer] PublicKey = ........ AllowedIPs = Endpoint = ...oraclevpsIP....:55108 PersistentKeepalive = 25

Anyone actually know why it got booted from the PS? I thought it was a maintained app. My favorite kernel manager.

Edit: found it and the saving file screwed it. So I’ve removed snap, added again and now I have working dns on Android! Happy days!

I want to take a look at AdguardHome.yaml, but can’t find it. I’ve installed it via snap. I went through the usual locations and snap folders. I’m on Ubuntu 22.something

I’ve installed it with Snap. Maybe AdGuard needs to listen for traffic also from or whatever the tunnel is set up on.

Using Android Private DNS AdGuard Home via reverse tunnel
I have had AdGuard Home for a few years now, running on my small Ubuntu server. All works fine, but my ISP turned CGNAT few weeks back. I have all my stuff running via Wireguard reverse tunnel to free Oracle VPS. Everything works, except AdGuard. I've tried to forward all necessary ports, but still my phone says Can't connect. Is there any chance to get this running? The ads in apps are killing me.

Mine says 0.5gbit

I need more ports to be exposed - I’m running secure DNS, Git on one port, Webmin on other, Jelllyfin (I can live without that on data), HTTP server on 800/443, Homeassistant 8123,… I also had 3389 open for remote desktop to my Windows machine, etc.

Can I setup a tunnel from my machine to the VPS and link it’s IP to my domain?

ISP put me behind NAT
I'm connected via a 4G modem. Got this setup about 3 years ago. In the beginning it was enough to look for the public IP (what's my IP). The modem showed some sort of private ip in the ui. I'm running stuff at home (Homeassistant, Gitea,) and bought a domain and pointed it to my home IP via Cloudflare. After some time I've noticed my modem shows the public IP also internally. For about 2 years now it ran flawlessly, the IP changed from time to time, but not really more than once in several weeks. For about a week all stopped working and the modem shows IP 100.xxxx and outside 85.something I guess I'm behind NAT now. Normal port forwarding on the modem is useless now. Is it possible to open the ports via UPNP? I've tried via miniupnp from my Ubuntu server, but it just throws an error. upnpc -a `ifconfig enp1s0| grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1` 22 22 TCP Can I use this to somehow open the ports via UPNP on my modem and bypass the blocking? I can't even OpenVPN to my modem anymore. EDIT: i also run AdguardHome, that I use as Private DNS on my Android phone UPDATE: everything except Adguard Home used as Private DND on my Android works! I've used this: - free Oracle VPS + automated well described script. Even HTTPS works fine!

Is there a way to download from Usenet for free?

I’m using S2 on Android to use Jellyfin as media source. Really great player. I’ve bought the full version, definitely worth it.

AdGuard home is quite a nice thing to have a look at what phones home in the network.

I’m running Urbackup, runs on my thin client server and backups all windows machines and itself. But is actually seems quite unreliable.

I’ve switched few years ago and didn’t look back .

I’ve got Igel with quadcore AMD CPU, actually quite powerful for home server running adguard, homeassistant,… and some other Igel with Via Eden CPU and HP 525(I think) with same CPU. Had HP for years, now switched to the Igel/AMD. HP needed SATA extension to fit the ssd in, for Igel I’ve simply opened the SSD case and plugged the boar directly. Works like a charm.

Install HACS, it will open up thousands of integrations and UI elements.