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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


You’re correct, the other commenter missed the “2 computers” part of your comment.

You can run multiple Steam games at the same time on the same PC, but not on different PCs.

That is, unless you take advantage of Steam’s “offline” mode. If you launch Steam in offline mode on the secondary computer, you’ll be able to play already-downloaded Steam games on that PC, while still being free to play Steam games normally on the primary computer.

Does Slashdot still have value? I read Slashdot way back in the '90s and early '00s.

Part of my Reddit exodus plan was to get serious about my RSS setup.

I’ve settled on:

  • FreshRSS as my feed manager (supported by Reeder app in iOS and MacOS)
  • FiveFilters Full Text extractor
  • rss-proxy site scraper

I may experiment with some replacements for rss-proxy, as I’ve run into a couple sites it doesn’t scrape well, but FreshRSS and FiveFilters have been smashing successes.

finally getting close to the original game we were promised

Ehhhhh… the things in that change list are nice, but I’m not sure they’re fundamental enough to get this to the game it was originally presented to be.

That said, it might be enough to where the game would at least be worth my time. But I’m not going to trust this list to be delivered (relatively) bug-free and as good as it sounds until it’s done and proven to be so.

I’ll at least keep tabs on it when it drops, which is a lot more consideration than CP2077 was getting from me yesterday.