Please listen, you don’t know what your missing

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


I would say if locally. No. But the moment you open up to the web. Yes. Nginx proxy manager is also very good for this.

Nice setup. Going to steal some ideas for my own setup!

Behind existing Nginx? Do you mean that you are not using Nginx and only cloudfare tunnel?

Yes thanks. I’m using it already but for now can’t get it working.

I’m setting it up. Only having some issues with proxy manager and cloudfare combo.

i laughed so hard 😂 😂 😂

Interesting thanks for the advice!

Ow yeah
I know it's nothing special. But today I got Eclipse connected to my Postgresql Database and can access it through PGadmin. It made me happy. Just wanted to share this stupid small succes for a novice programmer. ![](

Why do they keep making new languages
Why are there so many programming languages? And why are there still being so many made? I would think you would try to perfect what you have instead of making new ones all the time. I understand you need new languages sometimes like quantumcomputing or some newer tech like that. But for pc you would think there would be some kind of universal language. I'm learning java btw. I like programming languages. But was just wondering.

Jbod. I had to search that :D I have jbod laying around. But I’m not sure if they would survive 24/7 needs…

Storage storage storage
I'm wondering what the best (cheap) option is to have as much storage as possible. I have two DL380 g7 servers with one running lemmy, npm, wireguard and busy getting nextcloud and jellyfin installed. The other one is to run a Proxmox cluster. Just for fun tbh. Amd if needed spare parts. I only have a few tb of storage. Problem is that these have a 2.5 inch harddrive. So expensive drives. Is it a good idea to just buy more drives which will cost me more in the long run i guess.. Or should i go for a dedicated storage server with 3.5 drives..

Do you run a seperate pc to have a monitor with the hypervisor information?

I remember cursing allot with trying nextcloud to work :D and than my serber crashed. I’m currently reinstalling everything but haven’t had the courage to get going on nextcloud.

Usefull as in fun? Or the fact you’re the boss? Top dog?