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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jan 29, 2024


I believe the common terms now are “domme” and “sub”

They don’t call it a viitor or an emacsitor. It’s an EDitor!

Probably because it’s a template and somebody copied and pasted without remembering to paste as plaintext

Until the user experience is not “spend hours on forums to find hacky fixes for things that just work on Linux” it’s gonna be a tough sell.

Why I personally can’t go back to Windows.

The trend definitely comes from the fact that new people get overwhelmed by cluttered user interfaces. But just having a clean initial screen doesn’t mean good UX. Good UX is the art of providing a clean, logical user interface that’s simple and efficient to use. Unfortunately, too many companies just go for minimalism and wind up with things both taking longer and ending up being harder to use.

Honestly, I’d rather have an ugly app with everything right there than the terrible UX trend that’s happening of everything being hidden behind 8-10 different menus just to make the home screen “clean”

The people being mocked are the ones who have made “gluten free” trendy and that labelling far less reliable for folks with celiac.

Technologically, Apple are far behind. But they’re trend setters in terms of the fact that their big marketing and outsized mind share make people want those features.

It’s dumb, but that’s where we are. iOS is essentially the IE6 of the mobile space at this point, holding back real advancements until Apple figures out a way to make a buck off them.

That’s the point though. Android has all these features, but they only suddenly become “real” to the general public when Apple makes their version of it too.

I was using Google Wallet for NFC transactions years before Apple made the same available, but as soon as they did everyone started asking if I liked the new iPhone when I paid with it.

Same reason NFC payments on Android were super niche for years before Apple finally implemented it. Or why so many apps don’t use Android features that would improve them because iOS doesn’t offer that feature. For whatever reason, Apple has an outsized mind share and are able to use that to hold back competing platforms because people don’t want the iPhone version of their apps to be less capable.

Of course, the biggest loser in all this isn’t Android. It’s smaller platforms that want to compete with both Android and iOS.