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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You do seem to be simplifying what a game is, though. Boiling it down to what is “intended”. If easy difficulty was created and put into the game by the developer, is it not intended?

Ah so speedrunning and challenges, which are arguably harder, is fine? Speedrunning and exploiting glitches A-OK? But easy mode because I’m 44 and don’t react like I did at 19, that’s ruining the experience? Doesn’t make sense.

It came out in 1992, at the end of the NES lifecycle. The SNES was already out and many people were only interested in games on that platform. This is why end of life games like Little Samson did not sell as well as they should have, and consequently, only had one small production run. That, in turn, is why these games are among the most expensive and sought after by collectors. There are just way less of them out there! I would love to have a Little Samson cartridge, but I don’t have $3000 to spend on a Nintendo game lol

Go to your local library and ask if they have audiobook borrowing through Libby or a similar platform! Not only are you NOT limited on listening hours, but it’s free! You just might have to wait if all the “copies” are borrowed at the moment.

Also, if you have a cool library like I do, you might be able to borrow from multiple libraries. For example, my library card is for the St. Louis County Library, but it can also be used at the St. Charles County Library. So if I am looking for an audiobook on Libby, and SLCL has 3 virtual copies and they are all borrowed, I can search SCCL to see if they have any. I’ve had many situations where I’ll find one library or the other will have a copy available for borrowing with no wait.

Correct. I’m a leech. I use a private tracker and whenever I need ratio, I pay for a month of seedbox on feralhosting and grab popular torrents for a month. I have a ton of surplus ratio.

I do not use their VPN, just the socks5 proxy, so I can’t comment. It’s $6.95 USD monthly. Costs less than a meal out. Do you have an alternative that is less expensive with no catches or limits? I’m all ears. Serious. I’m always willing to try other stuff. Any socks5 proxy service that costs less.

I just don’t get calling it expensive. It’s not really.

I pay monthly for access to a SOCKS5 proxy service from a company called BTGuard, and tell my BT client to connect through that. It is not expensive and works great I’ve been using it for about 12 or 13 years, and found it after getting an email from my ISP saying they identified me downloading TV shows. In that time, I have only had issues a handful of times. More reliable than most other services I pay for and I’ve never seen another DMCA notice since.

I bought FFXVI on launch day and decided to go the story difficulty. Best decision ever, and such an interesting way to do it. You basically get these special rings that make aspects of the game easier, like dodging and attack timing. You can always unequip them if you want to try the game with harder mechanics. The rings also take accessory slots, which you only have 3 of, so you have have to consider things like “Do I want this agility boost? Or my time-stop dodges?” Interesting to trade out game nerfs for stats or other effects.

But yeah. Story modes are great. I played Horizon on easy. Had a blast and didn’t get frustrated.

Dragon Quest XI also! I love this feature. Final Fantasy XII-2 also did it in a nice cinematic way, like you’re watching a show, with snippets of cutscenes after a voice says “Final Fantasy XIII-2, the story so far…”

Pasting my comment from elsewhere in these comments here: The first time I run a game, before anything else, before a developer logo, a splash screen, ANYTHING: I want a screen with volume sliders. This setting needs to be saved upon completion and then ask if you want to see this screen on every launch, or just this one.

I know I am not alone. I am tired of having my eardrums blasted to hell every time I launch a newly installed game. Some games even go back to eardrum-destruction every launch until it loads the user settings.

This shit needs to be standardized. A lot of us wear headphones and are on voice chat or listening to music or whatever when we launch a game, and the deafening EA logo or whatever it may be is NOT welcome.

The first time I run a game, before anything else, before a developer logo, a splash screen, ANYTHING: I want a screen with volume sliders. This setting needs to be saved upon completion and then ask if you want to see this screen on every launch, or just this one.

I know I am not alone. I am tired of having my eardrums blasted to hell every time I launch a newly installed game. Some games even go back to eardrum-destruction every launch until it loads the user settings.

This shit needs to be standardized. A lot of us wear headphones and are on voice chat or listening to music or whatever when we launch a game, and the deafening EA logo or whatever it may be is NOT welcome.

Welcome to retro gaming! The PS2 is really the first console with much of a setup at all, depending on if your TV supports progressive scan with component cables. There is an options menu where you can set that stuff up. Most games don’t use progressive scan, but the ones that do look nice and sharp, especially on a high definition CRT TV. If you have some DVDs, the PS2 is actually an excellent DVD player, too! It’s easy and does what it’s supposed to do. I really love PS2. There’s a reason it’s the best-selling game console ever. It’s really just that good.

I get 60+ fps at 1440p ultrawide on high settings. Ultra has and frame dips but still ok. On pop os.

First Light is awesome front to back. Second Son drags slightly but has great characters.

Still deep in Tears of the Kingdom, but I am close to 100% of shrines and light roots. Have not even tried fighting Ganon yet, but with my power level it shouldn’t be that tough. Gonna finish it this week and then hop back to Final Fantasy 16, which I binge played release weekend and got over 50% through according to the PS5 progress indicator.

What an amazing game it is!! It’s a shame we don’t have remakes of 1&2 on modern console or PC yet.

Forza Horizon is just a sheer joy to play. 4 or 5, you can’t go wrong. I’m not that into car games, but I have sunk hundreds of hours into both.

The GOAT of factory games, and not just because it’s from the same studio that made Goat Simulator, or that you can purchase a boom box in game and make it play Goat Music.

Young people are too busy trying to fucking survive in this economy to think about serving in government. The only people who can serve are the rich and elderly.

I’m this thread, everyone dogpiling me after misunderstanding what had happened despite verbose explanations below. Feels like good old reddit.

Correct, and there were ways in place that was supposed to allow sonarr to understand absolute numbering, similar to another agent plugin I use for Plex that gives it that understanding. The file formatting for sonarr can even include {absolute} for this use case. I was numbering these files, hoping to rename them with episode titles plus the {absolute} as well as S{season00}E{episode00} (can’t recall the exact code), but anyway… Despite everyone in this thread calling me an idiot, I know I made no error other than not backing up first.

It’s always a possibility, but it is unlikely in this case. I’m fairly meticulous, though imperfect as anyone is

I understand you want to defend something that you enjoy. That is fine. The program completely misinterpreted the filenames as they were with absolute numbering and erroneously assigned incorrect filenames, such as making episode 201 into S02E01. I set the format and trusted it to uniformly rename. It failed at that. You can still enjoy it. I’ve found an app called Filebot that seems to do better interpretation and allow more freedom. I’ve mostly gone back to manually managing things, though. I also found some features in sonarr to be a bit obtuse. Since it’s renaming files, it has to keep the original file to seed the torrent. That’s completely understandable but I wish there was a way to have it wait until ratio/time limit before renaming. It would save hard drive space to allow that.

You can still enjoy sonarr. The databases it pulls info from are also part of the problem as I detailed in another response here. For me, it is not ideal.

I have tried and was, the first time, turned down and told I was incorrect. When the next season came out for the same show, I submitted again for correction and got zero response. Similar for another show where the show’s single season that had a break had its second half called “season 2” (happens a ton lately, infuriating), I also got no response. And that’s TV db. Don’t get me started on anidb later. They fucking divided the two halves of that show as well, but not into two seasons… INTO TWO SHOWS. So now the second half of the single season of “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury” on anidb is a whole other show entry and is named “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (2023)” - fucking maddening. And applications like Plex rely on those kinds of databases for sorting things. And naming things. And similarly, sonarr uses them for renaming your files to fit the format you set up. And it’s also not 100% smart on some stuff. Sure, “one_piece_207.avi”, let me rename you as One Piece - S02E07.avi that will be fabulous.

Sonarr destroyed my one piece folder by renaming things incorrectly. Also sites like the TV db and anidb mislabel season numbers on a lot of anime lately. So my beef is mostly anime based and against the databases that sonarr uses, not sonarr itself.

Sure if you want your filenames out of your control and at the whims of databases run by no intelligent person at all.

Banged my head against Tachidesk for a bit tonight, I do not see how to import sources, even a local one, I guess there is more hidden config stuff to do.

Apple strikes gold sometimes. I fucking love my Apple TV 4K, and the last apple product I liked was the iPod nano. I’m no fanboy. It’s just such a nice slick device. I only wish it had a USB port, then it would be perfect.

Yep, HBO max rips. Tho actually, I am missing 4 eps of S2. I’ll have to scout out those. I have old censored DVD rips of those I’m missing, but thanks for making me look and remember this.