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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I dig the role based games where deployables and vehicles are a thing. I’m sure there are still some around, but I can’t think of any.

This is what I enjoyed about the first Tribes game. I remember wandering around my base, repairing the generators, placing turrets, fixing sensors, and murdering attackers. The rest of the team would be off grabbing the other teams flag or messing up their base.

IMO the sequels didn’t get the balance between base maintenance and flag running quite right.

This is it.

WebAssembly AFAICT is all about making existing code runnable in a JavaScript environment. JavaScript isn’t great itself, but Chrome provides pretty amazing tooling, so it’s good enough.

Add to that: if you want to write WASM in a strongly typed language, you need support libraries that define all of the browser primitives. If you’re an accomplished web developer, it’s more effective to stay in js.

yeah, no.

Sound the fucking alarms. Scream from the rooftops. It’s going to keep getting worse until we stop it.