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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


It’s probably just because janitor is the term for a low level mod on 4chan.

We also can’t see the downvotes on our own comments from users on other instances, so they get the satisfaction of downvoting, but we go on not caring about it lol

We’re really pulling mansplaining out of nowhere when you don’t even know their gender? Super weird.

Seems like they really thought they were right and argued with people. If only they realized it takes 2 people to argue.

Because they didn’t think it out fully lol

There shouldn’t even be dashes imo since they replace spaces and Japanese doesn’t use spaces.

Don’t even bother to reply. I’m not going to fuel this shitty thread any further.

Nah I’m gonna pile on. Firefox is better.

Many don’t have public donation methods. I’ll support them this way instead of not at all.

People really don’t like video creators getting paid huh…

And this is coming from a pirate that’s fine screwing over huge corporations. I really enjoy the work of a lot of YouTubers and love supporting them instead of standard cable.

Some of us like to give back to the creators we watch in the easiest way possible while not seeing ads.

FYI your link is to a comment on the video, not the video itself, so it doesn’t play on mobile without clicking on the video.

What? I’m not calling you a troll. That’s not what “you do you” means. I’m not attacking you and I’m quite confused.

Why are you being an ass for seemingly no reason?

He stole physical games and sold them. That’s a crime in any country on Earth I believe.

People already said Horizon, which is my #1 choice, but I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone say Sekiro. That game is gorgeous. I’d often stop and look at the environment when I wasn’t killing people lol

I like how you were asked for examples multiple times and then didn’t provide them.

I actually have it installed and tried switching years ago, but moving hundreds of torrents was super annoying and I just kinda forgot. Is there a batch torrent add now?

FYI it’s 2.2.1 and only used on private trackers.

Edit: Yes, batch add is supported now. Also, I forgot about an annoying bug that I think also stopped me. The old version wouldn’t correctly change language. Mine was stuck on Japanese when I’d prefer English and a bug in the program prevented it from switching over fully. It’s fixed in the newest version. I’ll look into switching over again.

uTorrent stats since a reformat:

Single private torrent site lifetime stats:

(minus message boards)

I regret to inform you that you stopped reading.

I’m a software engineer that uses windows and firefox, has no social media accounts (minus message boards), and owns a google pixel. Be confused. You can’t stop me.

There’s a Japanese youtube channel that makes music under a blank name with blank titles. Thankfully you can google “blank japanese youtube channel” and it shows up lol


Disasterpeace is amazing. Also did the soundtrack for It Follows.

I wouldn’t even say the first BioShock is stealth-oriented, much less the rest of the series. There are some areas where it benefits you to be stealthy, but the game can easily be played going head-on into most enemies with good plasmid use. I’d argue it’s more fun that way, too.

Get into private trackers if you can and then you won’t have to worry much about any of this.

Depending on how many hours you played, you might not have reached the point that gave it that reputation. I absolutely loved the story already, including the characters and the environment of Rapture, but there’s a certain point in the story where it gets taken to a new level.

You will never convince me that going into Bioshock blind isn’t one of the greatest storytelling experiences ever.

I’m not uninstalling rif. It’s going to sit there until I get a new phone.

And they speak German. I’ll trust the English countries on how to format numbers in English.

Yes, every single English speaking country uses a period for decimals. And English Wikipedia requires it in their style guide.

Wow they went from 1 user to 27. It feels like way more than 27 people

(I’m aware of what they meant, but it’s incorrect in English)