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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


My old server is a HP Microliant.

What I love about it, is it turns back on automatically after a power out.

I don’t know what magic is in there, but the power goes out, as it can at times, and when power is restored, the old girl just starts up again.

I’m travelling at the moment, and have it at my parents house under a desk. It’s been there over 1.5 years and haven’t had to have anyone physically touch it.

When it eventually dies, the next machine will definitely have to have that feature.

I have and it was amazing but I don’t own one and I’ve never used it as a controller on the Linux PC.

I’ve been PC gaming for coming up to 40 years now and I can say it’s always been like this. It’s just what it is. The new games require huge amounts of hardware and that’s okay.

They’re pushing the envelope and you might not be able to play it yet, but one day you’ll be playing it on your phone, or on your toothbrush.

Omg the ads. How are they even allowed to get away with that?!

I have to say, I’m so over WordPress that those static site generators are looking pretty sweet right about now.

You jest, but i asked for a similar (but much simpler) vector / polygon model, and it generated it.

I’m also interested, so I hope you don’t mind me joining the ride. Personally, I’d like a self hosted tool, but am happy to see what the community says.

It really is so slow it’s not study worth using unfortunately.

Syncthing and some nice caldav and you’re mostly good.

Is there a good, modern, open source version that runs on phones about?

Oh, so it’s a streaming gaming service? Where you don’t need a gforce card?

I can get a free gforce? And I have to watch ads in exchange? No? So there’s no free users.

Look at the galaxy tabs. I have one, and it’s quite the thing. Mine is the S8 plus. Beautiful machine. Unfortunately infected with Samsung and Google spyware, but at least I can sideload, connect to my computer, run a terminal, etc.

I’d say if you want to sail the high seas keep away from ipads. They’re so locked down it’s crazy. But, others may know more. Will be interesting to see other’s feedback.

Ha ha. And when we test, we do it in production baby. It’s a wild ride

This is how our company would word it. I see no problem with their response. Limited resources means focusing on top priority issues first.

Yeah looks like spez has started spamming lemmy

Definitely not, they’re huge. They even purchased Weta digital recently (lord of the rings animation company). The’re going nowhere fast. They’re just eeking every little cent they can out of every little crevice of their offerings.

That was correct about maybe 5 + years ago. However, particularly the latest 4.x builds, the 3d is top shelf. It won’t beat unreal, but it’s 3d capabilities are better than most people’s ability to use them.

It’s called Godot. It is basically on its path to becoming the Blender of game engines.

Exactly. When I watch pirates I watch so much Monkey Island it’s not funny.

I walked past my niece watching it the other day, and there was governor phat, right there on screen. Except it was the king. But it was governor phat.

The dog with the key. The voodoo woman, etc etc etc etc

I think it was a fun post about what we go through sometimes just to get X or Y working. It was quite clever.

Ive purchased monkey island on dos, iOS and GOG over the years. I refuse to buy it again. Sure, if they remaster, that’s something else.

“…an entirely new way to generate light. It’s a remarkably complex process that involves hitting molten tin droplets in midflight with a powerful CO2 laser. The laser vaporizes the tin into a plasma, emitting a spectrum of photonic energy. From this spectrum, the EUV optics harvest the required 13.5-nm wavelength and direct it through a series of mirrors before it is reflected off a patterned mask to project that pattern onto the wafer.”

That, is insane.

I’d suggest you take a course in socialising and people skills. Your responses to everyone on this topic are out of hand.

I’m not sure if you have a condition, and if you do I’m sorry to hear. I very much recommend social interaction training. Currently, you’re just coming across as an ass to everyone in this thread.

Honestly, reading this person’s replies is repulsive. What a total jerk. Imagine suffering through a social event like a dinner party with someone like that. Condescending is an understatement.

In my mind, it’s criminal to attack this company. I’m not a lawyer of course, but if they failed once and, are trying again, it shows how aggressive they are. I feel the other company should be able to sue Apple for their aggression and obvious false claim. When something is as clearly false as apple’s claim, then it really does fall into bullying, and again, in my mind, criminal activity. A serial corporate aggressor should be labelled criminal and I guess it’s up to the other company to see if they feel it’s worth suing to prove Apple are criminal or not, and I suspect with the sheer size of Apple, it probably won’t happen. Oh, and I have no problem calling them out for how their behaving. They’re bullying this company, they’re groundless in their false claims, and yes, they are assholes for it. Calling a company out for this kind of behaviour is pretty normal. Look at reddit right now.

It shows the intent of the company and the lack of morals. They are assholes. It’s that simple.

Except if it’s trying, then it is trying to commit a crime. If they lost, they lost. But, they’re back to try and steal it again.