• 15 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


switching to a khadas vim4 myself.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.intai.tech/post/234347 > https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1nAJErpDYgRxL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yQEA18C-XI

should be fine, if you don’t like how warm it gets a set of small heatsinks for amplifiers will run you a few bucks and takes all of 10 seconds to install.

i like both the argon and the simple heatsink setups, either work great. i did end up adding an additional heatsink to the argon, the flat case does not provide great heat exchange in an enclosed space.

you can do passive cooling as well, just all depends on how hot the location gets.

fired up my IRC client a few weeks ago, very quiet there but still running! what servers are worth joining these days?

also worth noting that Element is built with similar ideals to IRC but with E2EE included.

Also important to remember that IRC has some privacy issues that you may want to address before connecting as any IRC user can get your connecting IP and ISP info.

expected, but not a sustainable growth, there is a finite number of conversions here.

aside from misinfo this is more of why they want to moderate some responses, someone is going to blow themselves up using a recipe it gives them

its interesting but it tells us what we already know about subjects with material that is incomplete.

seconded for hashicorp, you can do secrets and env vars while cutting your teeth but you should be on a path to learning and setting up secure secrets vaults.

worrying my head off about security because in the old days IPv6 had some issues esp with bascially putting every device on your network on the public internet with no firewall.

learned that years ago hardware makers started defaulting to blocking all traffic from the outside when ipv6 is enabled. Once I felt comfortable just turning it on I found it pretty easy to grasp esp when the addresses stopped liking like random junk to my eyes.

Once I knew how things worked actually exposing a specific system or port set to the internet was super easy, much easier than NAT + firewall.

with my ISP. v6 unexpectedly brought a new level of privacy we had not had before. When you geolocate the IPs they show up in ISP datacenters all over the country. One day it looks like we are in VA, the next we are coming out of Seattle. We have yet to notice any speed or routing issues. IPv4 and IPv6 play well together though once you turn on v6 you might find yourself turning it on for more vlans than you planned because you want the features!

yes, ill admit i didnt do it myself until recently when I didnt want to do yet-another-nat-entry and decided to join modern networking.

should have done it years ago.

first day my instance was all over the map syncing, there are a few general mismatch bugs, a couple are caching. The big one is posts on one instance not propagating to all other instances, in particularly the home instance where the thread started.

trying to do simple things seemed like a fight, working examples I found hard to come by.

Nginx “just worked”

the most confusing thing was figuring out scriptable processing (and the lua vs JS back and forth, go with njs) however there are entire repos of common examples and solutions which made it much more manageable.

i put this down to maturity and age, older projects just often have more docs, and thier code bases have been molded to fit more cases (esp the strange ones) better.

When it comes to cloudflare, Im not sure you have much of a choice, I ran across errata RE: Caddy a fair bit when setting up my latest proxy through them.

manitcortoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldOwn lemmy

Make sure ssl is set to full or strict If using local certs as well. Want to skip local certs? Use cloudflared

depends on what your apps are doing, a lot of the servers ive installed i seem to need to force to use more memory instead of some internal disk cache it already has. its adjustable and youll know when you need it.

depends, a server is just a server. Its more about how you setup your domain and secure your site. My domains are all anon and I run my servers through cloudflare. You don’t really see the actual server itself, just cloudflares gateway.

monitoring can be done with the network. control can be managed there too, force them through a proxy and route all port 53 traffic to your DNS. don’t let anything out that does not go through your proxy and dns.

there are also instructions to spin up ansible within a container on the host so you don’t have to install anything else on the target and use only 1 machine. I havent tried it though.

ansible is an automation tool, it does all the things you would do manually, ssh, run commands, etc etc. The files provided bascially have it generate scripts that get pushed to the host and run. it can be run on a remote host or run on the machine you want to install on. either works.

I found the install to be cake using the ansible playbook https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible

i see those instructions already use some of the assets from the ansible deploy.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.management/post/665809 > I made this tool to help self-hosters, new admins, or smaller instances have more global and updated content on their instances. > > This is the similar to [Lemmy Community Seeder](https://github.com/Fmstrat/lcs) but is designed to be run periodically to capture new communities, and include EVERYTHING by default.

manitcortoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldQNAP TS-664

Raid5 is not as complicated as it seems to be, people going 1/0 prefer the performance increase though that varies based on hardware. For general use raid5 is easy to setup and not hard to understand as you don’t really need to understand it beyond noting how quickly you need to move when X-number of disks start to fail.

If you are backing up there is nothing to worry about other than be sure to buy drives suited to your usage. If you are going SSD the type of memory used will matter quite a bit. Pick your hardware right and an array of any config will run reliably for years to come.

manitcortoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldQNAP TS-664

there are a bunch of things to consider which is why it seems so complicated. things like, do you prefer more storage or more live redundancy (aka how many disks do you want to lose before it can’t recover)? There are also performance concerns you may or may not care about.

Hopefully someone familiar with QNAP’s idiosyncrasies chimes in as it sometimes matters when making these choices.

If you don’t care about all that, just want solid redundancy and don’t need the most blistering performance raid5 is always a good go-to. You will hear a lot of back and forth on other mixes that work as well and they are worth considering if you care about any of the factors I’ve mentioned.

Also something to keep in mind, if you plan to do full cloud backups you can play with your arrangement a bit and figure out what you want. Simply rebuild your array and load the cloud backup. Its time consuming so only go there if you really want to try other configs.

work yourself up to 5tbx4 and configure redundant raid. Also worth reading about 3-2-1 backups

oldskool, for something like this you can throw an old nuc on the network

multiple cores is the norm even on budget hardware so a surprising amount of cheap hardware is quite capable.

highly recommend looking into 1L systems. I moved in this direction after realizing i was headed down the same path as you.


for something small and personal, trivial if you can handle a bit of linuxfu

youll spend less dollars on this than twitter.

agree on many of these points. the biggest thing I would want from a system like this is license portability. the binaries can be shuttled around relatively easily and scaling static file delivery is point and click practically these days.

a way to track license ownership so i could play on whatever service (likely with a nominal fee to cover storage, compute, etc) at the quality level i paid for would be amazing. could also open up more direct customer opportunities for developers since in a system like this id expect the devs to control thier own sales, cuts, etc. With cloud gaming going the way it is, this would be a huge enabler to the market if the entrenched players could let it grow.

facts, at this point you are paying for size, gpio and the fact that its a form factor with industrial grade options easily available. not really as useful for a hobbyist at the price though.

upvotes are all over the place, posts being out of sync is normal too right now. growing pains.

with IPv6 you are able to address your internal network devices directly without port forwarding. Just make sure your router and other gear support it so you have everything you need.

Does your ISP support IPv6?

federated forum, federated storage imo

not terrible, db is about ~100mb a day, running about 20 days now and have a 4.4gb in images.

thinking about a mod to move images off to IPFS.

Far Cry source code has leaked online
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1005176 > Source code for the original Far Cry, released back in 2004, has popped up online.Entitled "Far Cry 1.34 Complete", the…

Lots of large operations run proxmox. You’re good

I could see this working with a private instance through a WAF. Still, need to be VERY aware of your setup and your exposure.

I think the short answer there is a yes but the qualified answer is “it might be harder or have a gotcha”

I’ve used a few tutorials from here and they are usually on-point when up-to-date as this one is. They actually have walkthroughs on doing docker installs so I can only imagine the reason here is something to do with how they wanted set things up that made the container manager too much.

We are dealing with a setup where the general public will be hitting your NAS, this may be a way to secure things but I’m only guessing. We could try reaching out.

Self-host a Lemmy instance on your Synology NAS
cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/1229911 > Over at mariushosting, Marius posted a tutorial on [how to get Lemmy running on your Synology NAS](https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-lemmy-on-your-synology-nas/). So if anybody is eager to giveit a try, there you go. :-) > > PS: Please [consider donating](https://mariushosting.com/support-my-work/) something, anything to the guy - he really keeps delivering and has done a lot for Synology users, helping everyone get started with all things Docker!

OpenAI being Sued for “Stealing” Peoples Content Online
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.intai.tech/post/43759 > cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/949452 > > > OpenAI's ChatGPT and Sam Altman are in massive trouble. OpenAI is getting sued in the US for illegally using content from the internet to train their LLM or large language models

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Hosting Lemmy with Traefik as a reverse proxy
cross-posted from: https://lmmy.tvdl.dev/post/259 > In light of the ongoing Reddit blackout, many users are seeking alternative platforms to host their communities. One popular option is Lemmy, a self-hosted federated link aggregator. However, most of the available documentation on running Lemmy involves using Nginx or Caddy as a reverse proxy. If you're utilizing Traefik with docker-compose and docker labels on your server, this guide will walk you through the process of setting up a working Lemmy instance without the need for Nginx or Caddy. > > Step-by-Step Guide: > > 1. Docker Compose Configuration: > To begin, create a new docker-compose.yml file and include the necessary services for running Lemmy. Here's a sample configuration to get you started: > > ```yaml > version: "3.7" > > services: > web: > image: dessalines/lemmy:0.17.4 > restart: always > logging: > driver: journald > options: > tag: "{{.Name}}[{{.ID}}]" > environment: > - RUST_LOG="warn,lemmy_server=info,lemmy_api=info,lemmy_api_common=info,lemmy_api_crud=info,lemmy_apub=info,lemmy_db_schema=info,lemmy_db_views=info,lemmy_db_views_actor=info,lemmy_db_views_moderator=info,lemmy_routes=info,lemmy_utils=info,lemmy_websocket=info" > volumes: > - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson > depends_on: > - db > networks: > - default > - reverse_proxy > labels: > - traefik.enable=true > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom.rule=Host(`lemmy.example.com`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`, `/pictrs`, `/feeds`, `/nodeinfo`, `/.well-known`) || Method(`POST`) || HeadersRegexp(`Accept`, `^[Aa]pplication/.*`)) > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom.rule=Host(`lemmy.example.com`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`, `/pictrs`, `/feeds`, `/nodeinfo`, `/.well-known`) || Method(`POST`) || HeadersRegexp(`Accept`, `^[Aa]pplication/.*`)) > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom.entrypoints=http > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom.entrypoints=https > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom.middlewares=https_redirect@file > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt > web-frontend: > image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.17.4 > environment: > - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=web:8536 > - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=localhost:1236 > - LEMMY_HTTPS=true > depends_on: > - web > restart: always > logging: > driver: journald > options: > tag: "{{.Name}}[{{.ID}}]" > networks: > - default > - reverse_proxy > labels: > - traefik.enable=true > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom_static.rule=Host(`lemmy.example.com`) > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom_static.rule=Host(`lemmy.example.com`) > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom_static.entrypoints=http > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom_static.entrypoints=https > - traefik.http.routers.http_lemmyexamplecom_static.middlewares=https_redirect@file > - traefik.http.routers.https_lemmyexamplecom_static.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt > db: > image: postgres:15-alpine > hostname: db > environment: > - POSTGRES_USER=lemmy > - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password > volumes: > - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data > restart: always > logging: > driver: journald > options: > tag: "{{.Name}}[{{.ID}}]" > networks: > - default > > networks: > reverse_proxy: > external: true > > volumes: > db: > ``` > > 2. Adjust Hostname: > Remember to replace the placeholder hostname in the configuration with the actual hostname of your server. This ensures that Lemmy is accessible via the correct URL. > Start Lemmy: Save the changes to your docker-compose.yml file and execute the following command in the terminal to start Lemmy: > > ```bash > docker-compose up -d > ``` > > 3. Verify Lemmy's Availability: > Once the containers are up and running, access your Lemmy instance by navigating to the URL associated with your server's hostname. > > Please note that the instructions provided here assume a basic understanding of Docker, Traefik, and server administration. Adjustments may be necessary based on your specific setup and requirements. > > edit: Also note that this is for version 0.17.4. In case a new version releases you need to change the tag for both lemmy and lemmy-ui