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Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


monhun could be so good if they made it a little more soulslike instead of instanced fights and menus

the fascists are not actually law and order, they just wear it as a bumper sticker. mussolini did not actually make the trains run on time. pinochet did not actually crack down on crime he just shot his critics.

“It’s moot now. September 1993 will go down in net history as the September that never ended.”

you might like Moonglow Bay! it’s not moneyless but the rest is all that

(also it’s a fishing game with boss battles)

m-maybe they’re just patenting it so nobody can use it 🥺

empress has such incredible villain energy i love it (she sucks ofc)

oh absolutely, it’s specifically a generative adversarial network!

this should work on its face because many machine learning algorithms optimize for low Gini coefficient, e.g. a decision tree classifier makes binary splits based off the greatest reduction in Gini; astronomers use something similar to compress the data sent back from space telescope cameras to a reasonable filesize, so if a picture of a face has weird Gini coefficients then it makes sense that it would’ve been AI generated

The polling in the leadup doesn’t matter. We have to bring all our energy whether he’s ahead or behind.

At this point it’s more like delaying the bleed out while calling for help to arrive but that’s still good to do

I mean, why wouldn’t we just ban smartphones for everyone then?

but if we all join hands and sing this song, then our call will reach the sky…

AI generated images have obvious tells to us who are capable of medium levels of scrutiny, but we can expect them to be harder to tell over time

we should really have a nonproliferation treaty for AI weapons by like 10 years ago

rebel against Russian imperialism, return to glagolitic

Just use BeautifulSoup.

EarthBound set me up with my best friends and is the reason I lost my virginity to someone I love

Medieval management, aka serfdom

(3*) [unless for some weird reason you want news about Qatar]

Next up he could learn to ask for help. I bet Let Me Solo Her is still out there

the ai food delivery bots are actually just remote controlled

the Colorado GOP is exploding from unpopularity and the libertarian party might legitimately replace them

As a regular person who speaks a non-indo-european language, yeah I thought that was obvious

Laika: Aged Through Blood. Really unique metroidvania with motorcycle physics

I’m a proponent of the idea that company charters and financial reports are world-warping rituals that turn the company itself into a self-aware, self-serving horror

A 28-year-old self-described nerd with a youthful face and quiet voice, Henson distracts himself with his hobbies: playing video games with friends and attending anime conventions in costume. He regularly visits his parents in rural North Carolina and talks on the phone daily with his fiancee, who lives a few hours away. He has a calm demeanor, except for the nervous giggles that punctuate his speech, especially when he describes his darkest moments.

holy shit I’ve never seen someone get microaggressed at JoJo punching speeds

Which Adam Smith then follows by saying the craftspeople need to form guilds (unions) in response, which is the only scenario where the invisible hand approach could work

The World Ends With You (DS): Asymmetric action RPG where your left hand and right hand are playing different games in parallel, which is deeply connected to the game’s themes of individual experience and semiotics. The switch remake unfortunately ditches the core gameplay to make it more widely accessible but the original game is worth getting into.

Shouldn’t they blame all landlords and the tools use to protect their wealth at the cost of creating homelessness?

The entire province of BC is was forest

there’s a demo for a game on steam called Laika: Aged Through Blood which has a badass motorcycle mom

it feels more like everyone in the entire society is more stressed and desperate and that’s reflected in the driving