• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Huh, I’ll definitely look into that. Both times I tried to route external pihole access, somehow other mystery services found it and it slowed to a crawl from getting absolutely pounded by requests not from me. Thanks for that tip!

Except that, as I’ve already mentioned, I have two piholes, and sometimes both will be receiving requests. Based on your description, the second would never receive requests as long as the first is online. Perhaps this is router dependent, but it’s what I’ve observed.

Pretty much. Not sure how the router determines which DNS to use, but mine seems to latch onto whichever one serves up results the fastest, which would inevitably be cloudflare direct after the pihole returns enough blocks.

So I use a Raspberry Pi Zero W as a dedicated pihole, and my Pi 4 seedbox acts as its own pihole and as a redundant backup. Then use gravity-sync from the Zero to the 4 to mirror the settings.

I have two piholes, and sometimes both will receive requests at the same time, if there’s a lot of traffic.

I would avoid it, as it may use the alternate instead of the pihole at anytime. If you want redundancy, it’s best to have a second pihole.

Use a vpn and you’ll be fine, otherwise if someone savvy is in charge, they may have blocked torrent protocols, or may block your device if they notice. Ditto on Pon’s comments about possible usage caps. Or time caps before having to log in again. Either of which could be worked around if you’re able to spoof your device MAC address to connect again.

I’ve just given them away on reddit. The trading sites are fine but rarely does anyone have a key I want, while also wanting a key that I have. Just easier to donate to a random gamer.

Actually no, the subject of pirating was first brought up by this response


Even developers would rather people pirate than buy from key resellers

where they said developers would prefer that to keyshops, and in the order I read them and answered people, that was the one I read and replied to, before first mentioning it myself in reply to another person here


If you want me to stay in the piracy section, just say so. I’m there anyway.

I’ve also plainly stated in the same comment

I have also purchased literally hundreds of games directly from Steam and GOG, so the sum total of my soul in gaming is in the positive, as far as I’m concerned.

so the rest of your reply is ignorant nonsense, because piracy is not the only alternative for me. It’s one of many options for me.

edit: if you want to argue about the order I read and responded to messages, feel free to check my comment history. They are listed in order of creation regardless of last edit.

But I’m going to bed now. I’m done with this.

I don’t actually care about the morality of pirating, I said that bit to point out the total hypocrisy you have on display. It’s not a sore spot for me at all, I have no problem doing it, the same way I have no problem buying hundreds of games directly from Steam and GOG, or hundreds more from keyshops. You’re the one actually complaining about morality, you made it specifically clear you wanted everyone to know such implications.

Honestly, totally amazing that needed to be explained to you.

It’s almost 3am here, so I’m cutting off this nonsense now for something more productive. Sleep.

Rage on, it’s entertaining at this point.

I’m for piracy when the ones being hurt are massive companies who can cover it by lowering their quarterly bonus .5%.

That is selectively supporting piracy, like it or not.

And to be clear, the only site I actually promoted and linked to is gg.deals, where you can compare the prices at regular storefronts in one place, not just for keyshops. Where I got my keys were mentioned but not linked. As said before, options for every moral stance.

For Humble Choice, the charity gets 5%, and there’s no way to adjust that as far as I know, so you’re worried about a whole $0.60 per membership, assuming you paid full price for the month at $11.99. If you managed to get it at $8, it’s $0.40.

If you’re going to be upset about something, save it for non Choice bundles, where you can actually adjust how much the charity gets.

And even then, if I have most everything in the bundle, I’m still not paying $25 or whatever for it.

What’s crazy to me in light of this post’s exchanges is that often these cheap keys show up a day or more after Choice or a bundle goes live, and there may be only one or two keys per merchant, so it’s entirely possible people are buying the bundles, and just reselling the keys separately to make a buck after the publishers and charities already got their cut. Maybe, or not.

Ok then, everyone is informed about things you cannot verify as true per key, and that you support piracy when it screws the right entity with employees, so you’re a model of selective morality.

Like he said, do as you will, everyone.

edit: honestly, I love the usual “it’s ok to screw gaming corporations” angle, when if you had a sense of morality worth talking about, you’d advocate zero piracy and that everyone should wait until games were something like 1/2 price or bargain bin, because at least then the corporations may reverse course on raising prices, and maybe not lay off so many workers. But when you say it’s fine to pirate that, you’re possibly contributing to those massive layoffs, regardless of how much money the company still has, because such decisions are determined by performance metrics. Like I said, model of selective morality.

Like you said, no way to know one way or the other. Disapprove of me if it makes you feel superior. I’ve still spent a mint on Steam and GOG, and I’m still pirating. And half this community bitches about paying for anything so excuse me while I lol.

Whatever floats your boat.

If you want me to stay in the piracy section, just say so. I’m there anyway.

I have also purchased literally hundreds of games directly from Steam and GOG, so the sum total of my soul in gaming is in the positive, as far as I’m concerned.

Also, if you’re purchasing a humble package for charity, you’d better customize where the money goes because by default the devs and the charity get barely any of it. I’ve bought many of them over the years.

regarding scammers:

I have purchased literally hundreds of steam keys from such shops over the years and have had a grand total of only 3 keys be removed from my account within days or weeks, and was granted refunds from the shops when I provided proof from Steam that the keys were rejected as duplicates. Every game I’ve installed other than those 3 have worked without issues. It’s an educated risk that I failed to mention because it’s been over 99% successful for me. Make your own call.

edit: Also worth mentioning that there are many games in my Steam account that were added after the games were delisted, such as the original GTA Trilogy, solely because I could still find keys on keyshops. If you want a delisted game, it’s worth considering.

they’re also pointless in any way except for adding a library entry for Steam

uh… yeah… that’s the point. It works exactly the same way it does for keys you get from Humble, Fanatical, or Amazon. If it’s added to my library, and if I can install it, and if it doesn’t get removed, then I own it, regardless of where the key came from.

edit from main post:

I have purchased literally hundreds of steam keys from such shops over the years and have had a grand total of only 3 keys be removed from my account within days or weeks, and was granted refunds from the shops when I provided proof from Steam that the keys were rejected as duplicates. Every game I’ve installed other than those 3 have worked without issues. It’s an educated risk that I failed to mention because it’s been over 99% successful for me. Make your own call.

edit: Also worth mentioning that there are many games in my Steam account that were added after the games were delisted, such as the original GTA Trilogy, solely because I could still find keys on keyshops. If you want a delisted game, it’s worth considering.

I have purchased literally hundreds of steam keys from such shops over the years and have had a grand total of only 3 keys be removed from my account within days or weeks, and was granted refunds from the shops when I provided proof from Steam that the keys were rejected as duplicates. Every game I’ve installed other than those 3 have worked without issues. It’s an educated risk that I failed to mention because it’s been over 99% successful for me. Make your own call.

edit: Also worth mentioning that there are many games in my Steam account that were added after the games were delisted, such as the original GTA Trilogy, solely because I could still find keys on keyshops. If you want a delisted game, it’s worth considering.

Get Humble Choice and other package titles for cheaper
tl;dr: key shops... use [https://gg.deals](https://gg.deals) as a finder For those who didn't know, whenever Humble Bundle or other services have a package available, you can ***usually*** find the individual titles for even cheaper than you normally would at keyshops if you don't want/need the whole package. For example, [this month's Humble Choice](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/home) is $11.99, but I only wanted to add Aragami 2, The Red Lantern, and Twin Mirror to my collection. Using the above gg.deals website, it pointed me to: - Aragami 2 - driffle - $2.41 - The Red Lantern - kinguin - $0.78 - Twin Mirror - kinguin - $1.27 Total: $4.46 Those prices were the final I paid after discount codes and service fees, but may change at any time for better or worse at different shops. Hope this is helpful to someone, this concludes this PSA. edit: regarding possible scams from gray markets I have purchased literally hundreds of steam keys from such shops over the years and have had a grand total of only 3 keys be removed from my account within days or weeks, and was granted refunds from the shops when I provided proof from Steam that the keys were rejected as duplicates. Every game I’ve installed other than those 3 have worked without issues. It’s an educated risk that I failed to mention because it’s been over 99% successful for me. Make your own call. edit2: Also worth mentioning that there are many games in my Steam account that were added after the games were delisted, such as the original GTA Trilogy, solely because I could still find keys on keyshops. If you want a delisted game, it’s worth considering.

The only reason this continues is because you morons insist on it. I stand by my feedback to the person who responded to me, whether you like it or not. Get over it, you’re not going to harass me into changing my mind about it.

The funny part is I wasn’t picking a fight, that’s what you douchebags are doing with the ongoing commentary. For me this would have been done and forgotten about already.

I already addressed this in reply to someone else, you only wasted your time here.

citation needed

My VPN is headquartered in California, and actively removed their presence from Hong Kong once their security policy matched China’s, and removed themselves from Russia since that country was opposed to the zero logs policy.

I didn’t ask you. I didn’t ask the other neutral guy either. Not my issue that you have a problem with me suggesting the original respondent check his phrasing to make his intention clear, or pointing out the specific phrases that make it unclear.

Yeah, part of it reads like he was paid to do it, just without including obvious marketing links so he can claim in the article that he wasn’t. Ending the article with valid use cases seems like preventing anyone saying he left out valid reasons, but after a wall of text that could make less savvy users do a “TL;DR: VPN not needed” before they got to that part. I’d respect it more if he led off with the same short description of valid uses, especially considering the article title, then pivoted to where it could be irrelevant.

My VPN advertises protected torrenting as a feature. Many do.

And it’s pretty nondebatable that VPNs are advertised for getting around regional blocking for Netflix etc, or generally getting around censorship like in China.

You’re welcome to your opinion but these phrases

I feel like the opening sentences explained the reasoning behind the article sufficiently,

They’re not the only ones pointing this out, either.

are oppositional in tone.

You may want to reconsider your phrasing then if you don’t want it to appear to be argumentative.

Your comment in no way negates my observation. If the clickbait title of the article was “You probably don’t need a VPN to avoid market tracking” or something similar, you’d have a point.

Spends most of article telling you why they probably aren’t necessary.

Ends with 4 examples why they’re useful, which are the main reasons they’re used to begin with.

I didn’t feel the need to post screenshots for any reason, I just post screenshots. Don’t read too much relevancy into that.

Also, Bluesky only recently made it so posts can be viewed on the website without login, so search engines probably haven’t had time to scrape much of it yet, however that’s determined.

Ah. This probably explains confusion about error messages for online play in the yuzu cemu subreddit.

He’s commenting on how you missed the entire point of his comment regarding how older systems can have another OS put on it and given to an underprivileged person, specifically a kid. If you’re an exceptional case who has to find a way to use old equipment with Windows, fine, there are already ways to do that, but if you actually don’t understand his original comment or his reply in context of his original comment, then you’re pretty stupid.

And how has Onlyfans content somehow managed to escape being pirated

It hasn’t. Just check torrentgalaxy.

Lord knows preacher’s daughters have always kept that promise. Good luck with that.

Yeah, like Guiliani still insisting he told the truth about those poll workers.

If Powell could say all that batshit nonsense repeatedly, she can do better than one generic throwaway sentence.


“I apologize for my actions in connection with the events in Coffee County,” lawyer Sidney Powell stated in her letter


There’s not “pages and pages” and then there’s the bare minimum.

Statements from Powell, Chesebro are just one sentence long.

More effort is needed here.

sorry, I have no idea. I’ve never had an account, only used it before accounts were required, then got locked out and keep missing the open reg windows. Assuming I have the right url, it’s https://demonoid.is

No, it’s still there. They had registrations open a couple of months ago but I missed it.

The Daily Show: Introducing Price+
Technically this is probably the wrong community for this post, but spirituality it belongs here.