Works with anything plugged into the wall. Software developer most of the time. Helped start a makerspace once.

Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


For me my self hosted version stopped working. From what the GitHub issues are saying, Google is starting to block instances if they get flagged.

I like “how to build APIs you won’t hate”.

It sucks…and seems to be catching on. Ive seen a quite a few on GitHub that are now referencing using it instead of the issue tracker.

Same with me. I played around with the setup a few times on my local machines. It took quite a bit to get it set up, then I saw an error after a couple of days and gave up. Its easier to just pull down the file and run it locally than use collabora.

More recently its go to discord for the env…no joke.

Welp I’m an anonymous person on the Internet so you can believe what you want. I could say that my job is literally mass deploying servers (devops) but if you don’t believe me that I said that I read it then I’m not sure what we can agree on.

Let’s just stop while we are both ahead. It’s a Thursday, good day for coffee yeah? Hope you have a good day.

It appears after the controversy they removed the parts

But when I read the tos, it was pretty clear it was not limited.

You also had to agree without an opt out which was scammy. There are better providers out there.

I had customer data as well as some personal stuff on a couple of servers. It was low hanging fruit so I just started self hosting. It’s silly how much rights they suddenly wanted. Not worth the hassle, they just provide basic boxes to begin with.

They also would not let you login without accepting those new rights now were you able to opt out. So I just threw my infa on some local systems, deleted everything and then had to say yes to their TOS. Again silly and great way to lose business. " You hereby grant to Vultr a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide license (including the right to sublicense through multiple tiers) to use, reproduce, process, adapt, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, prepare derivative works, publish, transmit and distribute each of your User Content, or any portion thereof, in any form, medium or distribution method now known or hereafter existing, known or developed, and otherwise use and commercialize the User Content in any way that Vultr deems appropriate, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or to any third parties, for purposes of providing the Services to you."

And you could not opt out. You had to click agree in order to login. That’s the biggest one.

It was later removed after the fact but there were other changes that sucked.

I just moved everything from vultr to self host because of their latest changes.

If your not being paid for on call, dont be on call.

I like that I don’t have to fiddle with it so much. I’ve maintained AWS for my day job, I just want something that does everything. I’m tired when I get home.

I use it all the time. Works pretty good.

Funkwhale is pretty cool.

If it was the pi 4, I would agree, but the Pi 5 would probably handle less than 20 people. I have a 4 that uses Yunohost that covers a LOT of services. I played around with matrix but it required too much out of the system. But that’s with a lot of other services running. Give it a shot and let the rest of us know.

BTW I had a lemmy/irc/bookwyrm/mastodon all running on the pi4 without any real issues. Mastodon is probably the beefiest/slowest app, and its been getting better as time goes on. So a PI can definitely work with fediverse apps.

Loved that video back when I was contracting. I paid a lawyer to draft up a standard contract and that was the best thing I ever did. Great value for the $$s. Saved my butt a couple of times.

I got stardew working on a local network and playing on the miyoo mini. It was cool for the novelty, but had terrible performance outside a local network. After only a couple of hops it’s unplayable and will disconnect.

Yep just ping time and latency make this a no go for a vast majority of us.

My pi costs probably around 20 a year lol.

Yeah yunohost is pretty great for less than 10 users. Perhaps more depending on the service. Its very easy to get setup in a weekend with a plethora of services. And its pretty stable.

Are you planning on self hosting this article? Perhaps on writefreely?

How far away are we from full federation on gitea?

Yeah, I just installed it a month ago and the subscribing of communities was not working. Everything else worked even if it was an old version. Its unfortunate as its almost there.

Most of yunohosts self hosting services are fantastic and dont require me to do a ton of work getting apps up and running (as well as maintenance).

Most of the COBOL material never made it into the internet. Like the actual instruction manuals for the languages. Also a vast majority that do have it on the internet have it under paywall. I notice that anything that is under paywall, the LLMs suddenly dont do as well. I think its because they only train them on the “open” internet.

Yeah the only reason someone should learn COBOL is job security and potentially making a living moving things over. No reason to start a project in the lang. You can make flat files into ODBCs nowadays.

I suppose the ability to be left alone because everyone is afraid the COBOL person leaves and the company goes under is a good reason :)

COBOL is actually not that bad. It can work with SQL, it can have unit testing/integration testing. It can even go on the web (LOL).

But in all seriousness, the bad part about COBOL is lack of context. Most code that is in COBOL has not been touched in decades. And no one is willing to modify because of serous consequences (AKA job ruining errors) that can occur.

I worked with it in insurance and transportation. In both cases, the COBOL was actually pretty solid…but we didnt know WHY we were doing the operations.

It’s not kuberneties, but I run a family sized yunohost. It’s great at installing and updating webapps. They have an awesome selection of federation apps like mastodon, writefreely, misskey, bookwyrm, and more.

For less than 5 users, I personally don’t need kub, but it f I were to scale I would probably go that direction.

I have the same issue. I have a very small instance and seems to not work no matter what I do. I can get lemmy ml no issues and done if the others but for done reason world just won’t work with and communities, like everything is blacklisted or something.

I always just use git commit -m foo.

But thanks, never heard of citool, thats a new one.

Yep all my public repos have it on a ci job. When you have a library that is used on many different projects, I want to be able to read the prs.

Linters make these kind of things easier. Then you get mad at the tool rather than your coworker.

Any recommendations? I think a collection of tools like this would make for a hilarious local meetup.

Good GitHub alternatives?
Im probably not going to switch anytime soon (ive been on GH for over 10 years now), but I wonder if there is something like a Github Alternative? With all the takedowns (open source or otherwise) occurring lately, I would rather like my code to be somewhere safe-ish.