I’m Henry

I do some stuff sometimes

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 01, 2023


Oh that’s such BS. They let him self report.

Now those who oppose trump must spread it everywhere to humiliate him and not let his fans use it to “own the libs”.

Beat me to it :). His weight and height should be out soon if anyone wants to make bets.

I highly doubt anyone but Biden will win either but I’m going to toss her a vote, if even as a protest. (Only in the primaries though)

These candidates are really the only challengers to Biden in the primaries. All of their campaigns are extremely long shots (but not impossible in my opinion- if we decided we liked them more than Biden they *could* win). Let's all have a civilized discussion/debate over them. Let's try to not focus too heavy on their perceived inability to beat Biden but focus on them as actual candidates. ::: spoiler my take MW: I recently watched an interview with Marianne Williamson who I'd never heard of before (I'm sure there's a reason media doesn't cover her). She really impressed me with her views, especially on neoliberalism. She heavily reminds me of Bernie and isn't running just for the sake of it or as a protest like some other long shot candidates do. In my opinion she deserves everyone's vote in the primaries, at least. She is also very talented at oration. CW: I'll be honest, I know very little about him and need to do more research. RFK JR: He's literally a clown. He's a nepo baby and all his views are inconsistent, harmful, and crackpot. He has no shot at winning. :::

As a fellow young person the only thing that keeps me motivated for change is the hope that when these guys all die (sorry this is so morbid) we can take some power and create some change.

The reason that those two countries are now under “authoritarian” rule is the fact that the anarchist communities that were functioning were shutdown by neighboring states. It would take a truly global revolution for anarchism to work. However, I could see that happening in my lifetime due to the state of the planet. Once there’s nothing left for us to extract and nothing left to fight over nations will have very little power.

Why make a new government when it will inevitably end up as an oppressive regime, just like every other nation and government. (don’t @ me, even NZ, Denmark and other “perfect” countries are still oppressive) Why not go all anarchist? It’s worked for a time Ukraine and Spain and I believe it could work here.

I’m a diehard firewatch fan if you’d like a slightly spooky, heart full, storytelling masterpiece about the Wyoming forest. Everyone should play this game at some point.

“The choice is between two terrible people. One is actively trying to kill me and the other doesn’t care if I die.” --A old post I’m unable to find but truly sums up american politics.

This is a point I’ve not seen brought up. Anyone who wants to is already able to (and maybe are) using my data for all sorts of things, including training LLMs.

Every time I see this reposted I smile. It’s so well written and perfectly sums up my feelings on the internet.

This title is a little misleading. No, Trump has not been arrested but he did appear in court. He is not in any form of jail (yet).

Of course we would have to fix that major issue with all of America. Car centric cities are simply terrible.

Kind of like the Japanese vending machines. I think those kind of thing are awesome (and practical if you need a fast bite) and would love to see them in America more.