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Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


GDP up, mostly government spending, per capital gdp and productivity is down. Would this affect a BoC rate decrease?

Oh literally building wealth as a community:

Community land trusts, housing co-operatives, worker ownership, living wage programs, and other flagship initiatives of the community wealth building (CWB) movement are all finding their way into government policy, with each promising to keep the wealth created by a community circulating in that community.

We’re compensating and getting creative about getting by.

And then bell asks us why we’re depressed.

Where do I start? Any recommendations that are easy and low maintenance and I can’t kill? I just planted a lawn of clover and some wildflowers but not sure how it’ll turn out.

The Leger poll asked Canadians if they support or oppose the upcoming MP pay raise. Results of the poll show (totals may be slightly off due to rounding):

62 per cent strongly oppose 18 per cent somewhat oppose 12 per cent somewhat support 2 per cent strongly support 7 per cent don’t know

Yes. Agreed. Except schitts creek and baroness von sketch. And working moms. But still agreed.

Well this is all… concerning and sad. I always wonder… what can we do about it? Is this soemthing that can be addressed or changed? Because I don’t like it happening here. I would like to help before we get to “chanting with tiki torches” type thing.

I very much miss Rick Mercer. Does anyone know of any other Canadian satire or funny commentary options filling that gap these days?

I just learned about Beavertons conservative leaving and was a bit disappointed as it was the only kinda funny Canadian related thing that felt like it was goin on.

Aww. Good on Premium Meats:

The cash, with $100,000 paid annually over the next 10 years, will come from Premium Meats.

“They’ve been a supplier to us for six years, and, after a fundraising event, they asked what they could do and we chatted,” Wilson said Friday. “It all happened in a manner of days. It’s such a meaningful gift. And it’s over 10 years, which means we can count on it.”

I’m now less pessimistic. This is a good thing.


I’m always skeptical of pledges. But I’m happy for them. Also I have to admit I didn’t read the article. I’ll go do that now.

My entire approach and personality at work changed when I over leveraged myself on my mortgage. It’s like I can feel the physical weight of it day to day. Horrible.

I feel like jobs like these are passion jobs. Or employers feel like if it’s something you’re passionate about and care about, then you should be willing to do it for less.

For example, had a few friends work for the Canucks. I’m pretty sure the family who owns Canuck’s are billionaires, but because the people who work there are passionate about the sport and the team, they get away with below living wages for the privilege of just being around.

Obviously not the same, but… yeh. We under pay people who care and feel indebted to their clients and the work they love.

Canada is a too big and diverse a place to be throwing around national averages like that. I think I’d like to see the increase and average/median split by city, suburban, and rural. Preferably provincially. When we look it in all those categories are they all increasing 11% or are some increasing more and others less?

The article is from the Egyptian Times. It talks about the visa changes to, is it inferring that the government is only putting Egypt as high risk because Egypt changed the visa requirements for Canadians?

I’ve now seen a couple posts on the .ca about the rally in articles from January and February. Why is that?

In its ruling, the board ordered the company to pay the tenant $2,515 in costs to cover hotel bills from when they had to leave the apartment the pesticide treatments, medical treatment for their daughter, moving and legal costs. The tenant still hasn’t been paid, although, in an email Friday afternoon, the company said the payment was being processed and would be delivered this month.

Paying $2500 does not seem proportional to what they had to go through and having a young kiddo involved too. For the owner of a high rise that’s not a deterrent for them to not do it again. Two and a half years just for that. Yikes. Bed bugs can fuck right off.