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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 22, 2024


Save a slap for the leap seconds creator.

Or, we could collectively realize time is but an illusion and transcend this silly problem.

I think this is going to be the solution. Holding this information needs to be a significant liability for companies.

are you suggesting that the roughly 1.4 million landlords in Canada (source) are all effectively colluding?

I don’t know about Canada, but in the U.S., yes, that’s happening

I totally want to learn to weld, it seems incredibly useful, like knowing how to work with wood or a 3d printer.

Right, organization does not require authority, it requires coordination. Authority’s only purpose is to coerce other’s behavior, this is what is to be avoided in an anarchist society.

Anarchism can still have leaders, but they would lead voluntary teams because they are respected and capable of coordination, not because they are powerful.