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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


You need to trigger the initial fetch of your community first. You can do so by searching for it from the desired instance’s search bar as !yourcommunity@youtinstance. After a few minutes the posts from this newly federated community should appear in the instance’s feed.

Note this is different than just downloading music from YouTube

No, it isn’t. Just remove the music. subdomain and download the music aa you wpuld normally from YouTube.

Same. I thought about setting up a mirror on Github, just so I wouldn’t run into a situation like that.

Get theory from somewhere on the Internet (videos, tutorials etc.), then do exercises on platforms like Exercism. Once you feel like you are getting good at it, start replacing the time for exercises on time with real projects

Is it a blunder? Tell that to Apple, Jetbrains, or Microsoft, each of whom have proprietary code editors that net billions of dollars of revenue.

I expected you to say that! The only mentioned company that has a proprietary code editor is Jetbrains with their Fleet. Visual Studio, XCode, most jetbrains products are IDEs.

IDEs are big, bloated products that don’t need hackability because they already come prepackaged with everything. Code editors are different. Developers also like stuff being open source so they can put their trust into it — if everything goes to hell, somebody could fork it, which would save you from the need to find another properietary editor and change your workflow.

Ultimately, who develops OSS doesn’t matter anymore. Even the Linux kernel, the thing that comes to mind to most people when they think of “open source”, is developed by a lot of people working for corporations, on paid positions specifically to develop the kernel.

Instead, consider that making something open source is often just a marketing strategy — or a soft way to sunset a project.

I can’t disagree with that, but my point is that if being an open source code editor is so important, then there is a bigger probability that the team behind Zed are fixing the mistake, rather then sunsetting the software.

I am a little concerned that they started off commercial and then went open source. Open source is great! But this path sometimes means that the original developers no longer have the time/money/interest to keep developing it. I hope that’s not the case here because they’ve got the start of something good.

Developing a proprietary code editor is a blunder. The big players in the space are Vim, Emacs and VSCode, all of which are open source, so you can’t outcompete those unless you go open source yourself. Being customisable and source-hackable is the key in making your product being liked by developers, obviously.

My bet is they simply realised the mistake and decided to fix it.

Zed, a code editors from the creators of Atom, has gone open source and seems to have a bright future awaiting.

Excuse me, did you even read what you have linked? The first link literally explains the privacy policy of “the NewPipe’s” website.

Also, what the fuck is even newpipe.app? https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe The GH repo as well as the F-Droid release all link to newpipe.net and I couldn’t find any reference to the .app website there.

I’ve been using Youtube Music with a custom front end (Innertune app) lately and it’s a decent compromise between piracy and paying for a good streaming service — everything is free, it is streamed, I have an access to a huge library of music and the only downside is that the songs might have poorer quality

It’s pretty much the only way they enforce stuff here in Ukraine. Back in 2015 when the government blocked social media websites tied to Russian companies and in 2022 when .ru domains were blocked, changing your DNS provider didn’t help. I’m not sure about piracy sites, though, because everyone kinda doesn’t care about this stuff here, but I don’t think they would invent other mechanisms when they have a working one that doesn’t rely on DNS.

For example, when your country could monitor your Internet connections to see if you access resources from a hostile country.

I mean the binary, y’know, the game one. They can’t be seriously allowed to distribute this on Github, can they?

Since it is hosted on GitHub, I assume I should search for the binary elsewhere. Or does it automatically download it from somewhere?..

Yeah, of course. I just wanted to know if this one has any killer features or is just an alternative

How is this different from Forgejo (Gitea)? Or any other git platform?

The problem is that there is no valid alternative at the moment, so I wouldn’t call that Stockholm sybdrome. Hosting that much content for free costs ungodly amounts of money to Google

uBlock Origin has filters to block cookie pop-ups. I consider the extension a must anyway, no need to download another one like IDCAC or Consent-o-matic

No, but you can upload the file to some external storage and open it instead, as the previous commenter suggested

Yep, it’s just a synchronised browser session anything you can open on the clearnet works

Surprised people didn’t mention Hyperbeam (former Tutturu) https://watch.hyperbeam.com/ You can’t upload your own stuff but you can just go to a streaming site and open any show you want

It’s self-hosted Twitch. A very pleasant platform, tbh

This is the easiest method that just clicks for me. No installing any other launchers, no running some scripts. Perfect in the case you don’t pirate games that much

I second innertune, worked fine for 8 months. Last update (a week ago) introduced some annoying bugs though :(

I haven’t seen it because I haven’t used the default front-end in years :D

It has everything I need and nothing I don’t. Maybe the UI isn’t as nice as other solutions, but it’s fine for me. Also, it comes preinstalled with Plasma, so I didn’t have the need to install anything else

Telegram is a shitty messenger apart from having a big file upload limit, which makes it good for piracy. Anyway, those bots just scrape song titles, go to youtube and download songs from there, no magic involved

It all depends on what kind of malware did you download. If I were you, I’d make a back-up of important files ASAP in case it’s some kind of an encryptor, put 2FA on my online accounts where possible and additionally change passwords where 2FA is not an option. You can also monitor traffic from time to time to see if your computer connects to some shady servers, but you most likely won’t notice anything wrong and that’s OK. Oh and remember to have another USB around with your OS installer so in case things go bad after some time you would be quickly able to set things up and running