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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I found the solution, we’re running debug builds in prod from now on

I empathize completely, sounds like me several years ago :) i hope you find something that works for you.

:/ im a bit jaded, so maybe this perspective isnt for everyone. I have abandoned several long term software projects from changing jobs and now try not to invest emotionally in my work projects. To compensate and keep enjoying software development I have a personal project that I am invested in but approach as a long term goal to avoid pressuring myself into completing it quickly and burning out.

Bbbblenderrrrr for sure. Dont know much about the community, but making software that people want to use and is relatovely easy to contribute to is of course fundamental to the rest.

Maybe dont take the offer and actively search for a bettrr engineering role? Heck it may get you a pay raise too.

Lol piracy intentions :P

now we need a follow up study comparing gender differences between who gets caught more.

Lmao here i was thinking i was about to read an article about dark color schemes

I feel like the word “partitions” used in this article should be “window functions”

Smh… Lol this is how you end up with widespread vulnerabilities in everything.

Despite all my rage I’m still just some bytes in a page

When are they going to add sudont? You know, the NT version of sudo 😹

The most important part of part of programming is learning to understand software

Hmmm… If I can ssh… I’m gonna use SCP

If I can’t SCP but can port forward, I’m gonna use netcat

Maybe I’m missing something, but this seems unnecessary.

The meme will be completely different after writing a few lines of rust for a week 😹

Ya I had to bail on hosting email, getting off of block lists and verifying that people even get your outbound email is near impossible at this point.

Don’t panic. You’ve come to the right place. Spread out your towel and lay on it for a nice nap while you wait for lemmings to reply.

Try moving draw(n-1) after the for loop and see how that changes the output.

I keep them in my head, with about 70% accuracy 😹

🙃 compression algorithms hate this one simple trick!!

Unzip the apk and look through the filesystem. Some malware will be obvious.

Install the APK on an android development vm and use it for a bit. Maybe give it a week to start showing ads and stuff. Maybe try capturing network traffic and try to determine if it’s legit.

If you don’t need network access use netguard or some other local firewall to disable network traffic for the app and just use it normally

Back up your important stuff and be ready to wipe your device if you notice any bad behavior. Of course some malware doesn’t show itself at all, so you may never know.

Exactly how I plan to deploy LLMs on my desktop 😹

But wait it has to be double secure, it has two s’s in its name!!

Because JavaScript isn’t a programming language, it’s a compilation target 😅

Cool! I’m using fail2ban for cloud VMs, seems to keep the log chatter down