Neotecha (She/her)
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


“‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.”

I personally disagree that the original is best. It’s high up there, but I think some of the later titles have improvements that eek out the #1 spot.

I’m a fan of the “piece swap” feature, and later games have polished the piece lock over the original. Tetris 99 was the sweet spot for games that I’ve played.

Neovim is a rewrite of the vim project. From a high level (or from the perspective of a beginner to both), there’s not much difference between the two. That is, basic usage will be the same regardless of which ones you choose. Like, the model philosophy and default key bindings are basically identical.

You start seeing major differences with more advanced usage and under the hood.

  • Neovim is built to support async processing, while Vim is entirely synchronous

  • Neovim offers native Language Server support while Vim requires plugins to do so. (Language Server Protocol is part of what makes VSCode so powerful)

  • Vim plugins are written with a custom script called “vimscript” while Neovim plugins are written in Lua but also supports vimscript.

There are more differences, but this should cover the basic differences. I haven’t used neovim in an age, so I’m up for any corrections if anyone has any

A TV Show (or cartoon) based around Among Us, feels like they missed the boat on Among Us popularity.

Then again, I loved Infinity Train, wish the show wasn’t cut short by Zaslav’s budget cuts. I could see Among Us being similar to The Thing (one of my favorite horror movies), i think there’s a chance it’s a good show

Fugitive is a common git plugin for Vim. If you’re not using vim, not much to check out. If you are, highly recommend it!

Thank you. I’ve found one of the communities with the search functionality.

You’re awesome tho!

Action games and adventure games used to be two separate genres, deleted

You have :vim: in your user’s “tags” (flair? desc? Idk). I haven’t found a good vim community on Lemmy, so I’m interested if you have a recommendation.

I guess that would make “community discovery” as a particular thing I’m having some difficulty with. Getting better as I’m getting more familiar with everything, but it is a pain point